I’m Erin Kurt, a Spiritual Teacher dedicated to empowering you with the essential wisdom, tools, perspectives, and lifestyle needed to confidently manifest and enjoy the life your Soul came here to actualize. In essence, I empower you to live your very own Elegant Life.

A very French Life
Growing up in Canada, I began learning the French language at an early age. I was immediately enamoured by everything French, from how the language sounded, to the food, the culture and the way of living. After University, I began teaching French as a Second Language and after teaching for a few years, moved to France where I lived with a family and continued my teaching journey. It was at this point that I received a full, 360° view of how the French live and enjoy life. Working was not about just making more money or having more success, it was simply a means to help you enjoy your life.
France was the place where I really came into myself and began my journey to self-love. I saw that differences were celebrated & even encouraged; trying to look and be like everyone else was actually something that was scoffed at! This perspective helped me to embrace my femininity and practice self-acceptance.
My Spiritual Evolution
At the same time, I had met a yoga instructor who’s brother happened to be a Buddhist monk. He introduced me to the principles of Buddhism. Although I had always been spiritual, I began to understand deeper practices of meditation, and how to fully embody positive traits like compassion, inner peace, & love.
To say the least, France was the first stop on my path to Spiritual, Feminine Awakening. When I returned to Canada, everyone was telling me I was glowing, and I could see and feel the difference within myself. I loved myself, I accepted myself, I had a deeper connection with ‘something’ and I attracted my perfect match, who is now my husband.
Erin Kurt is a "Chic" Spiritual Teacher
“She shares Spiritual Truths and processes that show women how to lead deep, spiritually connected lives while enjoying all the beauty that a human life can offer. She elegantly blends the two, giving women permission to experience it all.”
The Laws of Manifestation are real
Fast forward a bit, to my husband and I living and working in Canada. At this time, we really wanted to have a family and had been trying for years, but it just wasn’t happening. We also really wanted to move to Europe, so that we could be closer to Turkey and my in-laws. We decided that London was really the place that we wanted to go, so we started manifesting our way to the UK! One day while at work, a parent helper and I started chatting in the copy room and she happened to ask: ‘What does your husband do anyway?’. Low and behold – her husband was the CEO of a company in the same industry, and their head office was in London. The manifestations continued and within one year, I got pregnant, had my first child, and we moved to London. This was one of the first ‘wows’ I received from the power of manifestation and also one of the reasons that I continue to be a firm believer in the practices that I teach.
The tables turn...
Here’s where the tables start to turn a little bit for me. I had written a book and had turned it into online workshops, which received worldwide attention, but I wasn’t making a lot of money. Instead of reaching my goals and seeing the money flow in, I completely burnt myself out. I had two miscarriages in this process, we moved countries 3 times, and I started getting really, really down on myself. After taking a step back, I was able to get pregnant with my second child, which I was so happy and grateful for, but somehow fell into a deep depression.

My Self Actualization Begins
Due to my depression & a host of other issues, my husband and I were on the brink of divorce. At this point we decided to go on a 6-day spiritual retreat of energy clearing in Turkey. We started the retreat and let me just say – the clearing was PROFOUND. I was releasing all of my baggage and traumas. I had been sexually abused by my grandfather as an early teenager, and I hadn’t realized the amount of healing that still needed to happen.
I was struggling a bit and on one of the last days, the host told me that my issue was in thinking that God/The Divine is outside of me and when I stopped seeing myself as separate the healing will come. Although I had been spiritual for a long time, I had never heard the concept of me being part of God energy.
I always felt like I was either being punished or being taught a lesson, or not good enough to be given what I was asking for. So this was a completely new concept to me and instead of embracing it, I lost it. I went up to my room and started second guessing myself and my level of spirituality. After some probing from my husband, I decided to continue the retreat, and this is where I had the most powerful spiritual experience of my life.
My Spiritual Enlightment
I was laying in peace after a profound clearing session, when all of a sudden I started seeing very fast, swirling violet, indigo lights and then bright white lights. I don’t know how else to explain it, but it was like I died and had an out of body experience. I was one with God energy and I could feel the “everythingness” and “nothingness” of it. I could hear way back in my mind, almost like an echo, my voice saying ‘WOWWWWW’ and an odd interesting feeling of being programmed entered my awareness.
It felt like information was being downloaded into my energy and once I felt myself in my body again, I got up and said ‘I feel like I’m shining, I feel like the sun is in me’. From that moment I started living my life by the laws of the universe, that I somehow just knew, even though I didn’t understand how I knew, and I began to manifest exactly what I wanted. My relationship was back on track and better than it had ever been before, and our abundance grew tenfold.
Where I Am Now
Life took me on a grand journey to prepare me for my life’s calling. Today I run The Elegant Life; a Feminine, Spiritual Empowerment company that teaches women like you how to embody your Divine Feminine Energies as well as spiritual tools, perspective and lifestyle to confidently and elegantly manifest a self-actualized life of joy, abundance, ease & flow.
I currently reside in Bodrum, Turkey & Windsor, England with my husband and two beautiful children.
Thank you for reading my journey…now let’s turn to yours.