HOW We Manifested a Move to Dubai…and How YOU Can Manifest too!

How to Manifest

Want to learn how to Elegantly Manifest something in your life?  Keep reading because that is the topic of this week’s post!

I am going to share with you the story of how I manifest experiences and desires in my life.

Since we just finished manifesting a truly elegant move to Dubai, I’ll share the process of how everything unfolded…with little effort.

How Our Manifestation Began

About 3 years ago I came across a book called, “The Wealthy Chef” by Ann Wilson.  It was a money book written in a way that a woman like myself would even consider reading.

In this book, Ann Wilson asked some great questions, but one very impressive one was…

“What is your life vision?”

Creating a Life Vision

My hubby and I had gotten very clear about our top values, but never had we come up with a specific “vision” for our life.

So one Sunday afternoon we sat down to discuss exactly what we wanted our life to be in the future, by about age 55.

In about 10 years time, we desired to live 6 months at our summer house by the sea and 6 months in Central London or other places around the world.  Our dream was to travel around the world, staying a month or two in luxury apartments and basically just do what we knew we already loved to do…eat, be of service and have exquisite experiences.

Perfect!  Now what?

What to Do Next

Soon after my hubby and I came up with our life vision some friends of ours, who had moved to Abu Dhabi, came back for a visit.  They shared amazing stories and said that life felt like a continuous holiday. We were so happy for them and at the same time our wheels started churning.

At night, we said to each other, “We should go visit them.  I wonder if we could work there? That would REALLY get us to our Life Vision!”

Soon after, we booked our tickets to Abu Dhabi and Dubai for Spring Break with the intention of learning how we would feel there AND for my husband to set up a meeting with a head hunter.
How to Manifest

Well, let’s just say we LOVED Abu Dhabi and Dubai! The lifestyle completely suited us and we just had a magical holiday to say the least.

Camel rides, driving and eating under the stars in the desert, luxury restaurants and hotels, sun, mingling with expats…

However, my husband’s meeting with the head hunter was a bit awkward. He left not having any major leads or hopes of finding anything.  The head hunter said that it would take at least a year if not more for something to come up.

What to Do When You Don’t Know the HOW

We then went to get breakfast at Paul restaurant on the Marina, feeling a bit deflated and unsure of how we were going to manifest this experience for ourselves.

At the restaurant I looked around, picturing what my life would be like if I lived in the area. I also made a definite intention of “putting my energy there”. (we’ll talk about that process another time;)

For the next 2 years we kept “moving to Dubai” as our warmest desire and my hubby continued to take inspired action of contacting head hunters (I can work anywhere so the ball was in his court to get us there).

Last summer we got a call from a head hunter saying a lady from Germany was interested in speaking with him.  Germany??? She also said that she simply wanted to talk as she didn’t have anything right now, but may have in the future.

What to Do While You Wait for Your Desire to Manifest

Now, my hubby could have declined, not wanting to waste his time, but his motto is, “Talking never hurts”.  So, talk he did and they really hit it off.  Still no offer though.

Four months passed and then we got a call saying the lady from Germany wanted to talk again about a job that had come up.

We were totally thrown off.  That wasn’t in our plan.  Did we want that?  We were happy in London.

My hubby spoke with her and it was a pretty interesting offer, but was it worth it to move our happy family?

We continued doing our Elegant Clearing Process™ (stay tuned for a training in this!!) and in October of 2015 we got a call from the head hunter saying the lady from Germany wanted to talk about something.

In that talk the lady from Germany asked my husband if by any chance he would be interested in moving to Dubai… as they’ve just started up a company and they think he’d be perfect.

Ta Da!  

We were beyond excited, thankful and totally giddy as our dream had finally manifested via our patience, clearing and elegant surrender to the HOW.

So, as we speak, we are now living in Dubai! This move means that our “living vision” is going to work out perfectly. 

Oh, and how gorgeous is it that while my hubby and I were patiently surrendering, the land by the sea that we had dreamed of for 8 years finally opened up for sale! We spent the next year designing and building our dream home overlooking the sea! How lovely that we had the time to do this.  Ahhhh….the universe is great.

Click HERE to read that gorgeous story, as it’s a doozy!  I want to share it with you because it involves the very essence of what an elegant life is all about and how elegant FLOW works.

It exemplifies exactly how YOU can start elegantly living and manifesting your desired life, and speaks of the “Clearing Process” I use every single day of my life.

I’m off to Provence now with two of my closest girlfriends.

Loads of love from me to you, Beautiful!

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If you would like to learn the The Art of Living Elegantly where I share EXACTLY how to set an Elegant Intention™ and make it elegantly manifest, just like I have time and time again, then I invite you to CLICK HERE. You’ll be SO glad you did!
