how to make money

Q&A: How to Make Money From Your Hobbies, Talents & Interests

Wanting to make money, other than working at a 9-5 job, was at the forefront of my mind in 2007. I was a new mom (mum) and didn’t want to go back to work as a school teacher.

I wanted the freedom to be with my son, to be the kind of mother I had always dreamed of being and yet…I am the type of person who desperately needs my own “thing” outside of being a mother.

Can you relate?

Through chance, luck and a lot of reading and studying on the internet I managed to create a hobby for myself. I say “hobby” because a business makes money, a hobby is something that you do for enjoyment, but you don’t make sustainable money from it.

After becoming frustrated that my hobby was draining our family finances I began educating myself via coaches, group programs and self-study courses… $80,000 later I had myself a business!

I finally got to use my talents, natural abilities and interests to serve women worldwide and earn a very liberating income – one where I could send money to family members, pay for underprivileged girls to attend University, and feel the financial freedom I had yearned for for YEARS!

How about you? Has the thought ever crossed your mind:

            “If I could just earn an extra $2,000/month I could…..

Example: Have enough money to take a yearly vacation to some exquisite location!

Well, in this week’s video I give you specific examples and websites that will help you make money using your hobbies, talents & interests.

After watching I just KNOW the wheels in your head will be turning:) (Be sure to write all of your ideas in the comment section, okay?  I will be checking in to guide you and make further suggestions and recommendations specifically for YOUR situation!)

In this video you will learn:

  • 10 + ways you can earn more money by doing something you enjoy!
  • Specific websites that make earning more money simple.
  • Where to spend your money to help you be successful a whole lot sooner than I was.

With SO much love,

rekindle a marriage


How to Rekindle a Marriage, How to be an Elegant Parent with a toddler, How to begin the process of feeling happy and joyful again… inquiring minds want to know!

I just love this new series of Tea Time With Erin. I hope you do too!

I’m very much a “people person” and when I receive an email from you or one of my other followers I feel so happy and genuinely connected to you. So keep those questions coming!

Also, please feel free to pass this blog post/video along to any woman you feel could benefit from it. Sometimes just hearing one phrase can change someone’s perspective and therefore life.

So without further ado, make yourself a cup of tea and ENJOY!

In this video, you will learn:

  • 2 ways my husband and I connect & consistently rekindle our marriage
  • The simplest & easiest way to live elegantly with a toddler underfoot
  • 3 things to do EVERYDAY to feel happy

With so much love,

how to stop worrying

Tea Time With Erin: Answering Your Questions on How to Stop Worrying!

Happy 2019!

I’m thrilled to be back here on the blog and on YouTube! I have been having a lot of fun reviewing what worked in 2018 and what my Soul feels it needs in 2019.

Oooooh, am I excited about some of the additions I’ll be making to The Elegant Life! I will slowly unveil them but this week is the beginning of one of them!

Drum roll….. I am starting a new Series called Tea Time with Erin! If you have been following me for a while you know very well that I am a tea drinker. I’ll take it over coffee any day (although I do fully enjoy a gorgeous cup of coffee when my Soul asks for it!)

Tea Time with Erin

I am going to flow with this series. For now, I see it as being a weekly or bi-weekly occurrence. During Tea Time with Erin, I will be answering questions that you and other beautiful Spiritual women have sent in as well as discussing and offering my Spiritual perspective on current events or topics. In essence, we will be chatting! (Another favourite pastime of mine)

And who knows, I may do a LIVE Tea Time with Erin one day. Would you like that? Please let me know in the comments. I can do this very easily on YouTube or on my FaceBook FanPage. Wouldn’t that be fun?

When I looked at all of the questions women sent in, a common theme from many of them was “How to Stop Worrying”.

So, if you worry about loved ones, people in your life etc. definitely watch this episode. And, if YOU have a question that you’d like to have answered by me, simply write it in the comments below and I’ll be sure to add it to my list.

In this video, you will learn:

  • The #1 thing you need to do to help the person you are worried about
  • 3 simple, quick ways to get back into your most peaceful, Divine state
  • How The Law of Entrainment scientifically helps you help whoever you are worried about

With so much love,