There isn’t a week that goes by without someone asking me how I achieve such youthful, glowing skin, so today I thought I would share the top five things I do daily to look and feel my best.

In the past, I wondered if it was even an appropriate topic for me, as a Spiritual Teacher, to speak about. As time has passed, beauty is a topic that I have made a conscious choice to speak on.


Well, firstly I am a Spiritual teacher to women, and beauty is always at the top of our minds in some form or another. Am I right?

 And secondly, my constant message of how important it is for us to remember that we are both energy AND human lends itself to the topic of beauty.

So, today’s video focuses on the human side of us. If we weren’t meant to be in human form we simply wouldn’t have been created that way.

And, taking this a bit further, we who were created as females, were given feminine energies which inspire beauty in this world.

Beauty can be created and shared in many different ways, but when we feel our best we are surely feeling like a beautiful representation of our authentic selves. And from this empowered confidence we can have the impact on the world that our Soul truly desires to have.

The five tricks I’ll be sharing with you today on how to have youthful, glowing skin are all things I do each and every day to feel like the most beautiful, authentic version of who I was created to be.

May they do the same for you.

Let’s get into the video! Oh! If you have any other youthful, glowing tricks you can share with our elegant life community please do share in the comments below!

With SO Much Love,