Erin Kurt

Erin Kurt

I LOVE giving special gifts to people, so what better way to celebrate my birthday than to gift you 45% off everything in my shop! Use code: happy45

Why 45% you ask?  Well, today I turn 45!

I can barely believe it!  I definitely feel I have the wisdom of a 45 year old woman, but I can remember being little and thinking that 45 was quite old!  I feel the farthest thing from that!

In fact, in many ways, I feel the best I’ve ever felt! Both inside and out.

I have in my life right now  Elegant Processes that I use that gift me the feelings of inner peace, JOY & fulfilment, and let me tell you, it took a LONG time to get here. 

My wish is that your journey doesn’t have to be as tumultuous  and long as mine in order for you to experience what I do now – a life full of abundance, LOVE, pleasure, JOY, inner peace, balance & beauty.  

My wish is that prosperity & abundance is elegantly brought to you.

My wish is that inner peace is consistently felt by you.

My wish is that you experience JOY & pleasure each and every day.

And my wish is that you feel & experience beauty always.

The best way I can serve you on your journey is to offer you the processes and principles that made all the difference to me and that I still use to this day.

They are for YOU, and today, they are all going to be 45% off!

If I had to recommend just one I would suggest investing in The Art of Living Elegantly because it is the foundation of everything.  Your life will change, without a doubt.

And! When you invest in The Art of Living Elegantly, you are gifted The Elegant Flow Daily Ritual AND the 6 Phase Visioning Meditation, so it’s a fantastic offer, especially at this price!

This sale will only last for 24 hours so if you have been wanting to purchase it, been humming and hawing about it, just do what Elegant Women do. (Use code: happy45)

They COMMIT to their evolution as a woman and invest in what can genuinely help them receive the life they desire.

Whoops! I’ve got to go pack a bag because I’m off to enjoy a day at the SPA with my hubby!  I’ll share pics on Instagram and Facebook!


erin kurt



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