I just LOVE this journal entry that I share with you today! It’s full of awakenings, realisations and experiences that make me happy hearing & remembering them.

You can literally FEEL the difference in my energy in today’s video, can’t you?

I’m so committed to showing you what it really takes to manifest with ease and elegance.

There are many manifesting programs out there – I’ve seen a lot.

So many are about DOING things…ahem…very masculine.

I once had someone contact me to enquire about me becoming her manifesting coach. She said that I had manifested her exact dream and she thought that if she was coached by me it would make it easier for her to manifest it too.

She definitely had a point there. If you desire to manifest something it’s best to learn from and surround yourself with people who are already living what you desire. Their vibration almost P-U-L-L-S you into your desire.

Yet, she wanted all the actions to take. She had taken a course on Manifesting and it was very much a do this, then do this, then do that approach. A great way to sell a course, but not so great for profound transformation of the person to one of ease and peace.

I asked her this, “What if you could manifest without needing to do all those actions?

She said, “But I LIKE doing them!”

Right then I knew I wasn’t the right coach for her. Yes, the Elegant Life is about having supportive rituals that prime you for your desires to elegantly manifest yet it’s also about living in harmony with the laws of the Universe.

It’s about living your life in bliss and ease, not just learning to manifest to get a result. That’s very masculine. Good for males, not ideal for females.

Enough chatting for now. Enjoy today’s high vibe energy and I’ll see you very soon for the next one! You get 3 this week! Whoo hoo!



With SO Much Love,

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