lessons I' ve learned

Have you ever traveled somewhere and felt like you changed, elevated or shifted just from being there?

I most certainly have. Even if it was just a different city!

As a child, I never traveled anywhere other than Saskatchewan…oh yes, and one time Dallas, Texas (when I was 13).  I can SO remember feeling expansive when we returned.

I had never been on an airplane so my mom told me to plug my ears upon take off. I was holding my ears so tightly that the stewardess came over to ask me if I was all right. Ha! Ha! (I always did what I was told to the nth degree!)

While in Dallas I loved hearing the different accent, seeing a different flag, using different money and eating different foods.

Since then I have traveled a lot. Both visiting places and living in some of them. And the lessons I’ve learned, from every single place, is just gorgeous.

The lessons learned made me who I am today and I will be forever grateful.

This week I’d like to take you on a journey around the world and share with you the top lessons I’ve learned from 4 specific countries.

Have you learned these lessons from the same countries, a different country or even a different city? I’d love to hear about YOUR travel experiences and learnings! So please share in the comments below! Ok?

In this video, you will learn:

  • What getting out of your current environment can gift you
  • The specific gifts and learnings 5 countries gave me
  • How to start enriching your life on your next holiday, vacation or weekend getaway!

With so much love,

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