what i know for sure

On Sunday I celebrated my 47th birthday! While doing my morning ritual & writing down 5 things I’m grateful for I realized that I have the EXACT life I dreamed about 18 years ago. Literally, every – single – area – of – my – life is the way I envisioned it to be.

After this realization, my heart swelled with gratitude and awe, and I KNEW I had to share What I Know For Sure after learning some very important lessons over my 47 years.

My intention is that by watching and hearing all of my learnings, YOU experience an internal, energetic shift so that you are easily able to integrate these lessons into your energy too and thus receive YOUR desires with more ease and elegance.

Ready? This video is about 21 minutes, so I advise you to watch it when you have time to really enjoy it and take it in.

Have a paper and pen or even your personal Journal in hand, a lovely cup of tea (or whatever beverage your Soul desires) and then get into a receiving mode.

If you consciously make the intention to receive & integrate these learnings into your energetic system and & unconscious mind… they WILL.

In this video, you will learn:

  • 5 truths & perspectives that completely & utterly changed my reality.
  • the #1 reason your desires are NOT manifesting…and what to do to change this.
  • why getting really specific about your desire can sometimes actually slow DOWN the manifestation of it!
  • What you need to be doing while you WAIT for your desire to manifest.
  • Why we were REALLY created…this one will make you sit for a moment and think.

With so much love,

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