THE MAKING OF A SPIRITUAL, WEALTHY WOMAN: How to Manifest with Elegance & Ease: Episode

Here we go! Today I open my journals and bare ALL! All of my desperation, all of my frustrations and all of my imbalances of energy with regards to manifesting and life.

Here’s how the next videos on my manifesting journey will flow…

I’ll first read from my journal.

Next, I’ll give a brief Spiritual Teaching, bringing your attention to why exactly I wasn’t able to manifest…even while reading every spiritual book and writing out affirmations 1000 times.

Enjoy! And please do leave a comment or question either here or on my YouTube channel.

I’ll be checking both regularly so that I can answer you right away, before the next video releases.

With SO Much Love,


THE MAKING OF A SPIRITUAL, WEALTHY WOMAN: How to Manifest with Elegance & Ease: Episode 3

So? Is the art of manifesting becoming more clear to you?


Hopefully, you’re beginning to see that it’s less about what you do and more about who you are BEING.


Today’s video gifts you the final spiritual teaching that is necessary to understand before I open my journals to you…in two days!


I just adore sharing this information about manifesting with you, because it’s truly not just about manifesting, it’s about living a beautiful, elegant life. A life that is whole, fulfilling, peaceful, blissful and yes, abundant!


Enjoy today’s spiritual teaching, practise what I teach for the next few days and I’ll see you for Episode 4 where I open up my journals!


With SO Much Love,


THE MAKING OF A SPIRITUAL, WEALTHY WOMAN: How to Manifest with Elegance & Ease: Episode 2

“How come I cannot manifest, Erin?”


“I’ve done everything you’re supposed to and still after all these years, I’m living paycheck to paycheck and the money isn’t flowing in…I’m beginning to lose faith.”


Do you feel the same?


Perhaps it’s not money for you, but your weight or calling in that special someone you wish to share your life with.


Whatever it is, I SO get it. It is extremely frustrating to feel like you are doing every single thing the books and experts tell you and nothing works.


I’ve been there…numerous times. Sometimes I just shake my head in wonderment that I am now a TEACHER of how to manifest with ease and elegance!


As you’ll see from my own story, when I open up my journals (it’s coming!),I was SO very far from living how I was meant to be living in order to manifest.


Yes, you can write the affirmations and feel your vision but if what I share in this week’s video isn’t there, the process of manifestation will take longer and be a whole lot more difficult. Trust me on that one!


This video is experiential so create a quiet space for yourself to be able to follow along with me, okay?


With SO Much Love,

how to manifest

THE MAKING OF A SPIRITUAL, WEALTHY WOMAN: How to Manifest with Elegance & Ease: Episode 1

The #1 question I get asked is, “Erin, what was the one thing that really made the difference in you being able to finally manifest?”


So, I decided to create a series, where I open up my journals and take you through the actual story, in my own words, of how I went from living in lack, desperation and struggle to living The Elegant Life I have now; a life of purpose, fulfillment, inner peace and yes, beautiful abundance and prosperity.


I’m doing it yet again, getting VERY vulnerable by reading my private journal entries so that you can see that when you begin living, thinking, being and doing things in a more elegant, Spiritual way, knowing how to manifest is not even an issue.


You become a master at manifesting!


There are a few concepts I need to explain first so that when you hear my story you will know what to look for… to be able to SEE and HEAR what actually made the difference to me being able to manifest with ease & elegance.


Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel too so that you are immediately notified as soon as a new video in the Series is released, okay?


Now, sit back, and enjoy learning how you too can go from where you are now to exactly where your Soul desires.



With SO Much Love,


WHAT’S HEALTH GOT TO DO WITH IT? How to Create Your NEW Reality

The Collective Consciousness has had a BIG shakeup with regards to health over the past 7 months.


It was needed.


We had to completely experience the opposite, the contrast, of what we all say we want, to be able to wake up and know how to move forward with our new reality.


As Buddha said, “Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.”


Not enough care was being taken, yet now?


Now, we know more than EVER how important it is to do certain things to stay well. And, the reason for being well is what matters to the Divine more than anything…


That we are full of energy & vitality to go out and enjoy life and share our gifts because when we do, we expand the energy of bliss, joy, peace, and love within ourselves AND in others.


And this is the whole purpose of life.


Watch this week’s video to hear the Elegant Life perspective on:

  • Your Health and Wellness
  • Why this strange virus manifested in the first place
  • What this means for your NEW life going forward


With SO Much Love,