cultivate self love

CULTIVATE SELF – LOVE: How to Fall in Love With Yourself

I have such a passionate goal in life…do you know what it is?

To help millions of women, all around the world, to experience true self-love; to fall in love with what they are and who they are.

Does that sound a bit too Pollyanna? Well, if so, so what! Because… I LOVE MYSELF! Ha Ha! And I know deep within my energy that this is why I was created.

It’s also why I have had the life experiences I have had. They ALL prepared me to be the kind of Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach who deeply and profoundly changes women’s relationship with themselves.

Having self-love, for the Spiritual, energetic you as well as the Physical, human you is the absolute ticket to experiencing inner peace, success, pure joy, fulfilment, bliss, and abundance in all aspects of life.

Come take a walk with me  – from where you are now to where you desire to be with self love.

In this video, you will learn:

  • How to build self-trust
  • My Secret Acronym that will help you elegantly cultivate self-love
  • 5 Ways to feel safe enough to cultivate self-love (without feeling safe, you will stop yourself from doing anything that would bring you joy, success, a relationship…)
  • And More!

With so much love,

high vibration foods


Ever thought to yourself, “I just want to feel better & have more energy”? I did too.

From the age of about 25 onwards all I heard myself saying was, “I’m SO tired!”

Then, after each child I gave birth to, I felt even MORE tired! I had the extra weight on me which really made me feel weighed down.

I yearned to feel light, high vibe & full of vitality.

Then, about 4 years ago, after spiritually elevating quite rapidly, a strong desire arose within me to feel aligned physically with the way I felt spiritually. So, I set an intention.

Consciousness began working immediately to create this reality for me and one day…I can see myself vividly in my kitchen, thinking about what I was going to cook for dinner, I felt extreme nausea. I actually even shuddered – Chicken was on the menu that night.

I couldn’t even fathom eating chicken so I searched through the recipes from my teenage vegetarian days. And voila! From that moment on I have been, mostly, a plant-based eater.

I want to share with you ALL I know about the energy, frequency & vibration of plant-based eating; not all in this particular video but over time, in a NEW Series I’ll be creating. I’m SO excited!

Why? Because my biggest desire is to help you upgrade into the happiest, most evolved & fulfilled version of yourself – and plant-based eating can help you do just that.

Of course you can have other foods – in fact, I teach you exactly how to do that in The Elegant Guide to Your Best Body!

But, if you truly desire to upgrade your life & consciousness in a BIG way this year, food is a fantastic place to start. Remember, everything is energy so what you put into you BECOMES you.

In this video, you will learn:

  • The TOP 5 high vibration foods to eat so you easily raise your vibration & well being
  • The “Holy Four” – these foods were gifted to us by Source, the Divine to use & benefit from
  • Specific ways to add these high vibe foods to your diet
  • Why eating high vibe is so important & oh so elegant:)

With so much love,

what i know for sure

WHAT I KNOW FOR SURE | 5 Lessons I’ve Learned Over my 47 Years

On Sunday I celebrated my 47th birthday! While doing my morning ritual & writing down 5 things I’m grateful for I realized that I have the EXACT life I dreamed about 18 years ago. Literally, every – single – area – of – my – life is the way I envisioned it to be.

After this realization, my heart swelled with gratitude and awe, and I KNEW I had to share What I Know For Sure after learning some very important lessons over my 47 years.

My intention is that by watching and hearing all of my learnings, YOU experience an internal, energetic shift so that you are easily able to integrate these lessons into your energy too and thus receive YOUR desires with more ease and elegance.

Ready? This video is about 21 minutes, so I advise you to watch it when you have time to really enjoy it and take it in.

Have a paper and pen or even your personal Journal in hand, a lovely cup of tea (or whatever beverage your Soul desires) and then get into a receiving mode.

If you consciously make the intention to receive & integrate these learnings into your energetic system and & unconscious mind… they WILL.

In this video, you will learn:

  • 5 truths & perspectives that completely & utterly changed my reality.
  • the #1 reason your desires are NOT manifesting…and what to do to change this.
  • why getting really specific about your desire can sometimes actually slow DOWN the manifestation of it!
  • What you need to be doing while you WAIT for your desire to manifest.
  • Why we were REALLY created…this one will make you sit for a moment and think.

With so much love,

how to stop worrying

Tea Time With Erin: Answering Your Questions on How to Stop Worrying!

Happy 2019!

I’m thrilled to be back here on the blog and on YouTube! I have been having a lot of fun reviewing what worked in 2018 and what my Soul feels it needs in 2019.

Oooooh, am I excited about some of the additions I’ll be making to The Elegant Life! I will slowly unveil them but this week is the beginning of one of them!

Drum roll….. I am starting a new Series called Tea Time with Erin! If you have been following me for a while you know very well that I am a tea drinker. I’ll take it over coffee any day (although I do fully enjoy a gorgeous cup of coffee when my Soul asks for it!)

Tea Time with Erin

I am going to flow with this series. For now, I see it as being a weekly or bi-weekly occurrence. During Tea Time with Erin, I will be answering questions that you and other beautiful Spiritual women have sent in as well as discussing and offering my Spiritual perspective on current events or topics. In essence, we will be chatting! (Another favourite pastime of mine)

And who knows, I may do a LIVE Tea Time with Erin one day. Would you like that? Please let me know in the comments. I can do this very easily on YouTube or on my FaceBook FanPage. Wouldn’t that be fun?

When I looked at all of the questions women sent in, a common theme from many of them was “How to Stop Worrying”.

So, if you worry about loved ones, people in your life etc. definitely watch this episode. And, if YOU have a question that you’d like to have answered by me, simply write it in the comments below and I’ll be sure to add it to my list.

In this video, you will learn:

  • The #1 thing you need to do to help the person you are worried about
  • 3 simple, quick ways to get back into your most peaceful, Divine state
  • How The Law of Entrainment scientifically helps you help whoever you are worried about

With so much love,

holiday stress

HOLIDAY STRESS NO MORE | How to Elegantly Flow Through the Holidays

The month of December can be filled with a lot of holiday stress. It can really be exhausting, overwhelming and triggering, can’t it?

So many parties and gatherings to attend as well as “Interesting”, okay…” triggering” people around.

Not to mention the 50 additional items on your To Do list!

So, what’s a Spiritual Woman who chooses to live elegantly do? You got it! Watch Erin’s video on how to AVOID all the holiday stress!

Pour yourself a lovely glass of Kir Royale, my party drink of choice, and empower yourself to fully enjoy the holidays.

Psst… below the video is how to make a beautiful, very French, Kir Royale;)


In this video, you will learn:

  • 4 specific ways you can AVOID holiday stress
  • how to decide which events to attend and which to decline (elegantly of course)
  • how to manage events when triggering people will be present
  • how to maintain your energy & vitality throughout this busy holiday season


How to Make a Kir Royale

Kir Royale is a French cocktail. It consists of crème de cassis topped with champagne. This apéritif is typically served in a flute glass. I prefer Prosecco instead of champagne, but that’s just me:) And I add a cranberry or raspberry instead of the maraschino cherry that is shown in the video below. ENJOY!


With so much love,