Creativity is often only used when describing someone who is artistically inclined. I used to believe this too…until I had my awakening experience.
When I speak of creativity from a spiritual perspective I am referring to it as an attribute of the Divine. In this week’s post/video I will explain why it is SO vitally important that we all tap into this attribute.
Ready? (If you usually read these posts I highly recommend you also watch the video)
If we look around our planet the creativity of the Divine is exemplied everywhere. The variety of flowers, the variety of scents, the fish, the plants, the insects, ovulation, procreation, birth, neurones, hormones…the creativity is even beyond comprehension when you really stop to think of it.
Now, the Divine also used it’s creativity to create Y.O.U. It intended that you be created and so you were! Yes, once you were not here and then…you were!
Out of nothingness you appeared.
And because you were intended from the Source of everything you are part of that Source (just as I mentioned in last week’s video on abundance)
So, in your essence you are Divine Energy. Yet…at the same time, you were created to have certain personality traits, physical characteristics, natural talents and abilities etc. This was the Divine being extremely creative! There is no one on this whole planet exactly like you! Isn’t that gorgeous???
Since you were specifically created to be you there must be a reason you were created the way you were, right?
As our souls live this human life we have two ways to be creative:
Express all your unique talents, personality traits, interests & natural abilities via your Calling. (To learn more about how to find your Calling you can go back and watch this video)
Use our Free Will (also given to us by the Divine) to co-create whatever life we want. I’m often heard saying that our lives are our own blank canvas and we have the ability to create an exquisite masterpiece! In the video above at minute 8:00 I share with you the next experience I am intending to create..mmmm)
Now, by using creativity in these two ways, what are we doing?
YES! We are helping Divine Consciousness expand. How perfectly set up. How beautifully orchestrated – a true win-win.
When you express yourself creatively you feel in Elegant Flow. Things manifest elegantly, you feel totally fulfilled inside and you experience what true inner peace and confidence is.
We as women can often put off expressing ourselves out of the belief that we must satisfy everyone else’s desires and needs first. Then and only then will we gift ourselves the TIME to create the life WE truly desire.
Well, I’m giving you permission. I’m tapping you on the shoulder to remind you that you were purposefully created by the Divine and that life WILL go on if you begin focusing on yourself more.
Trust me on this one!
And, as a benefit, all of your relationships will improve because you will be walking around as the Divine, Creative, Happy Energy that you are.
If you enjoyed this post please share it with a woman you love. We need more women living authentically in this world. Now more than ever. Thank you.
See you next week with the next attribute of the Divine!
Abundance is often spoken about in Spiritual circles however in today’s post I want to talk about it in a completely unique way; how to get into harmony with abundance so that you elegantly tune into God/Divine Consciousness.
Once we are vibrating harmoniously with Divine Consciousness we are able to elegantly manifest anything we desire.
Are you ready to learn about this from an Elegant Life perspective?
Today I felt a bit under the weather, so to honour myself I have recorded a video for you, but not written a matching post. Thank you for understanding. The video is only 11 minutes but it’s a good one. Someone told me they had shivers up their spine while watching it so that’s always a good sign;)
Please let me know in the comments if you’ve ever felt the vibration of abundance. It doesn’t just have to relate to an abundance of money, it could be of love, nature, anything!
Enjoy the rest of your week and I’ll see you back here next week for another attribute of Divine Consciousness that you can tune into!
P.S. If you missed last week’s video I HIGHLY recommend you read or watch it as it speaks to the POWER of being in harmony with Divine Consciousness. Click here to take you there.
“I would do that if_____________.” Have you ever said this?
I would do that if I felt better.
I would do that if I didn’t have to look after my kids.
I would do that if I lost 20 pounds.
I would do that if my boss wasn’t so…
I would do that if I knew how to……
How many times do we as women turn away from our Calling? Loads. How do I know this? I’ve been coaching women from around the world for 10 years AND I used to be a woman who consistently rejected her soul’s true Calling.
For those of you who have followed me you may be thinking, “What? Look what you’ve done over your lifetime? You’ve taught around the world, lived in France, written a book, created multiple online businesses? How can you say this?”
Underneath everything I have done in my life, there was always, always a yearning to really connect with the Universe and have a huge impact on people’s lives. I am not sure I even knew WHY, I just had this strong, innate desire to! (aka “my Calling”, but I didn’t know this back then)
Throughout my life I accomplished things that consistently allowed me to do my Calling to a certain level yet deep down there always felt like more. I got side tracked the odd time due to my incessant need to prove myself; that I was good enough & worthy enough.
I used to feel such comparison with my sister who was the natural achiever. She didn’t have to try, she was just naturally gifted at school, piano, poetry, speaking. You name it, she won an award for it. And as a result I felt less than. Not special enough. Not appreciated enough.
So as many women do, we go on with our lives living with a certain amount of negative energy and limiting beliefs within us.
And this holds us back from acknowledging & knowing our Calling as well as feeling worthy enough to accept our Calling…
And therefore, we move through our lives feeling:
held back
exhausted & overwhelmed
You name it! And the reason why is because we KNOW we are meant for more in our life.
Our soul feels it. Craves it. Desires it. Yearns for it!
But…we come up with fantastic, very logical reasons why we can’t, and these very logical reasons keep those yearning feelings pushed down for a while, but…
They’ll always come back again, because a Calling is a Calling, and you were created to fulfil it, so the feeling will never leave you.
You may never DO your calling, but it will always BE there, yearning to be fulfilled. (That’s the definition of a tragedy in my opinion)
How to Move Forward When Negative Energy is Blocking You
The FIRST question to answer is…How did I go from feeling completely happy, fulfilled, blissful, whole and connected to the Divine after my life changing year in France
to feeling hopeless, totally disconnected, profoundly depressed and completely lost 14 years later?
How is that even possible? Well…I had reached a level of evolution and was required to evolve some more. In fact little did I know, this evolution was to be THE most profound spiritual experience I could have ever believed or wished for.
What happened?
Well, I’ll save that story for another time, but the short version was that a friend of mine asked if I would allow her to practise a clearing technique on me. She was training in it and needed some practise hours.
In the middle of our session she found an area that had some negative energy blocked so told me to “tone”. It’s like saying , “Ahhhhhhhhh”. The problem was that I couldn’t. I literally could not get a sound out! Watch the video above at minute 3:00 to see me demonstrate this bizarre experience.
After multiple tries my friend said, “Erin, when you finally release this you’ll be free”. I’ll never forget those words because at that moment that is really what I wanted – to be free from all the horrible unhappiness and depression I was feeling inside.
The BIG Clearing that Occurred!
After the session I went home to England and felt better, more open, but still felt that yearning to clear what I hadn’t been able to. So, when my friend emailed me a couple of months later saying that there was going to be a 6 Day Retreat where we would be doing A LOT of clearing my hubby and I said, “YES!”
This too is a long story that will be told (definitely at The Elegant Life Retreat I’ll be hosting in late May) but for now I’ll give you the short version.
One day during the beginning of the retreat I felt extremely down. I felt like I was so far from ever being able to feel the way I desired, that I didn’t “get” how this Universe worked and that the connection with my Divinity was almost non-existent.
The negative energy inside of me was huge. So much so that I went up to my room and wrote in my Journal all the frustrations I was feeling. I really didn’t want to go back down for the afternoon session but my husband came to get me and persuaded me to finish what we started.
We did another clearing and while I lay there afterwards I had THE most profound experience of my life. My physical body dissolved and I was at one with Consciousness – the energy of me was in union with the All energy- Divine Consciousness. I struggle to share what I felt because it is indescribable, but I sometimes say, “I had a near death experience without dying.”
I remember feeling like, “I never want to leave here” and I could hear my physical self saying, “Wooooowww”.
Right after this I went up to my room and had downloaded to me Universal truths of how this Universe works, why we’re here, what we’re supposed to be doing and HOW to do it, how to manifest the life we want, how to experience this feeling of bliss consistently and more.
I had a KNOWING that:
a) We are part of this all encompassing Divine energy
b) We all have a Calling and when we clear the clutter and negative energy that exists in us we are able to live out that Calling and live Heaven on Earth.
When You Clear Negative Energy Your World Opens Up
Since that time 6 or 7 years ago, I have opened up even more and fully accepted who I was created to BE in this lifetime- A Spiritual Teacher of Divine Truths.
Last year I was told by Consciousness that The Elegant Life needed to expand even more.It needed to help women awaken and come back HOME to their Divinity, to assist them in reconnecting with Consciousness but also to fully accept and LOVE who they’ve been made to be and what their Calling is in this lifetime.
I’ll be sharing more about this in the coming weeks. (Squeal!)
A Gorgeous Sign That I am Truly Fulfilling my Calling
This summer, I travelled to the location I had been guided to host The Elegant Life Retreat in order to test it out and see if it really was the right location.
All I can say is….WOW! I will share this most exquisite story with you another time but if you watch the video above from minute 10:00-14:00 you’ll see a video I took in this location that gave me shivers,warmth, & utter surety that yes, Erin, this is it. This is it. And you are on the right path of fulfilling your Calling.
Now it’s YOUR turn! If you’ve been feeling a deep desire to BE more, DO more, or EXPERIENCE more in your lifethis is the time to Find Your Calling and Clear any Negative Energy that is blocking you from doing that.
Forget Finding Your Purpose! You Need to Learn How to Find Your Calling.
Do you ever wonder whether or not you’re living your PURPOSE? Or whether you even have a purpose?
I have spoken to SO many women who either feel lost and confused about what their purpose is or simply depressed that they still haven’t found it.
The simple, elegant truth is that it’s not your purpose you should be focusing on, it’s your Calling.
You see I too used to focus on discovering my exact purpose in life. It felt finite – a place to find and then achieve. (Former Type A Personality for ya!)
When I finally had the Spiritual Truths downloaded to me, after attending a Spiritual Retreat, I understood that the only purpose any of us have is to expand Consciousness.
The Universe itself is continuously expanding. In fact, current research by cosmologists indicates that the universe may expand to eternity!
Now, since we come from this Source, this Consciousness, we too innately have within us the inclination to expand.
So, our Purpose is to expand Consciousness, but the way in which we help this Consciousness expand is through our Calling.
Each of us has our own unique Calling that is signature to us.
What IS a Calling?
The dictionary definition is: a strong urge towards a particular way of life or career; a vocation.
A more Spiritual definition is: The signature programming of your soul by which you help Consciousness expand itself.
An Elegant description would be: Something that you innately share with others that causes them to Experience, Be or Realise something.
2 Steps to Find Your Calling
Step 1:
Look back over your life and remember the happiest moments of you sharing something.
Notice how without you consciously “doing” anything, people experienced things like beauty, love, freedom, wholeness… just by interacting with you.
Can you remember feeling lit up, fulfilled, joyous and totally present? This will give you clues into your calling.
Has anyone ever complimented you on something that felt easy for you?
Has anyone ever said something to you that stuck in your head for years?
For me, I was raised in the Catholic faith. I didn’t connect with all the rules and protocol but I did connect with Jesus. He seemed to embody the characteristics of a kind, loving human and I looked to him as a role model as to how I wanted to be.
Then my mind was expanded by a powerful experience involving my puppy.
While my family was visiting some friends, my puppy ran off after being put outside by my father for peeing on the friend’s sofa. When we went to let him back in the house we couldn’t find him. We looked for DAYS, in a forest that surrounded this friend’s secluded home.
I was devastated.
Out of desperation, the mother of the family said, “Gosh, too bad we don’t know a physic.”
My mother instantly remembered one that she had heard about back where we lived. They called this physic and she described exactly where he was (on top of a hill in a field that used to be where a crop of hemp had grown, in a clearing like a small animal would rest in.)
Our friend knew exactly where this was so we drove the long distance to get there, decided to created a straight line and all walk forward.
I walked straight then all of a sudden heard a whimpering sound.
“Lucky?” “Lucky?” I cried out.
More whimpering came until I peeked around a tree and there, in a clearing, on a little patch of flattened out grass was my precious puppy.
I ran to him and called loudly to the others. We were beyond overjoyed! I really could not believe that he was exactlywhere that lady said he was.
From that pivotal moment, I began investigating how people could know things when they were in a completely different place.
What did this lady tap into in order to know this? I wondered.
And so my Spiritual understandings evolved.
As I evolved I found that I adored helping people. Every time I helped a classmate with something they struggled with I felt so whole, so fulfilled, so overcome with JOY & happiness.
When I was a teenager, a meditation teacher who could read people’s energies and auras, pointed to me and said,
“You. You my dear are going to do some beautiful things in this world.”
“I am?” I thought. I knew I wanted to be a school teacher, but what was going to be so special about me?
I ended up becoming a a high profile teacher who could turn around troubled children, help extremely shy children become unbelievably confident and help the average child become their best, most confident self.
Now, during my life I experienced quite a bit of trauma; abuse of all kinds, divorce, grief…and through all of that, the feeling that grew was DEEP empathy for people.
My constant statement was:
“You can never judge someone as you don’t know what they’ve been through.”
Later, I found myself in France, yearning for happiness. That’s all I wanted, but after going through one of the most difficult years of my life, I didn’t know HOW to be happy.
This is when my yoga teacher “friend”, Guy, introduced me to Buddhism. It was here that I learned how to embody the attributes of abundance, compassion, peace, health etc. Embodying these attributes gifts you an inner fulfilment so great that you begin to glow from the inside out.
I was finally able to walk around BEING these attributes instead of just wishing for them.
It was at this time that an internationally renowned Buddhist Lama honoured me by giving me the Spiritual name “Karma Changchun Paldra”, meaning “Radiant Light of Enlightenment Mind”.
I later became a parenting coach, helping stressed, overwhelmed, & exasperated parents to be the parent (and person) they desired to be.
The one comment I received from all my coaching clients and friends was always, “You are SO easy to talk to!” or, “I haven’t shared this with anyone, you are the first.”
And so on and so on and so on…can you see a pattern?
I LOVED helping people.
People have always, always opened up to me on a deep level after being in my presence for only a couple of minutes.
I experienced great trauma which gifted me the ability to understand people in a completely compassionate way.
I was gifted teachings that allowed me to understand how to be happy and feel fulfilled.
The Universe provided opportunities for me to learn & understand Divine Truths
I was given the natural ability to teach & inspire
Now, let’s move on to exactly how to state what your calling is.
Step 2:
Write in a brief statement what people naturally experience as a result of being in your presence or when they interact with you.
Complete this statement:
People Experiencing _________.
Other forms of this are:
People Realising _____________.
People Being _____________.
Word that might fill in the blank are:
unity within family
everything is possible
oneness with God/Source/the Divine
For me, I would write:
People experiencing unity & oneness with their Divinity.
In a retreat I’ll be hosting in May I’ll be going more deeply into how to find your Calling and how to weave it into your entire life and career, but for now, go through these two simple steps.
It will give you the ability to consciously come to every relationship or person you encounter and KNOW & FEEL that you are fulfilling your purpose AND your calling.
Ladies!!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am to be back blogging, vlogging and supporting you.
I had an absolutely wonderful 2 month holiday, but there were some challenges that appeared, and I want to share them with you so that you can see how a Spiritual, Elegant woman chooses to move through them.
My kiddies and I first flew to London. I had the opportunity to stay with one of my best friends and visit with my other two besties as well.
How wonderful it was to be openly welcomed, hugged, and cared for. Having close girlfriends was once only a dream. After spiritually evolving so quickly, people I called friends suddenly dropped out of my life. So to meet up with these three beautiful women again meant the absolute world to me.
My kiddies and I swiftly left to travel from London to Calgary. However, due to an unknown Canadian government rule for dual citizens and some extremely unhelpful Air Canada employees, except for one angel, we missed our flight.
The saga that took place is a story I’ve told so many times over the summer, so I won’t go into it all, however we ended up flying to Toronto, only to be held up in security, and then another set of security only to have to run like cheetahs to the terminal which was literally just closing.
We finally landed in Calgary and soon after, my daughter got the flu and a chest infection.
When my hubby arrived he and I went for a special Reconnective Healing session. My intention was “for anything and everything that was still within me, blocking my Divine light, to transmute and be cleared.”
I had been given the clear message before I left for holidays that The Elegant Life would expand even more this year and I needed to ready for it, so when this Reconnective Healing Session entered the picture I said, “Yes”.
While receiving the healing, I heard messages in my awareness like this:
It’s over, Erin. Done. It’s finished now.
“Hmmm, don’t know what that means but… okay”, I thought.
Overcoming Challenges of Health
Later that week I began coughing and feeling unwell. I ended up having to go on antibiotics but still didn’t get better. I was coughing so much that I was bringing up some pretty nasty looking stuff (releasing, clearing, yep!)
I still enjoyed some special moments while my hubby was in Canada with us, but on the final day, when just my kiddies and I were to board a flight from Calgary to London, London to Istanbul then Istanbul to Bodrum…I broke. I asked my sister to please take me to the doctor.
Turns out that this pneumonia was in the exact spot as that pneumonia. That year I had A LOT to clear (oh, just a bit to get over…abuse, grief, restraining order, divorce…) It seems there was a bit left to clear:)
I was prescribed two different antibiotics, got a strong IV to give me energy, and off I set for our flights.
After my pneumonia was fully gone I felt renewed & so much lighter. And what I will share with you next week is what transpired the following month in August.
Stunning is not even the word to describe it….You see, when we clear old programs, old beliefs & old stories within our energetic system we allow more space for all of the intentions we have asked for to elegantly float on in…feeling like we’ve just been touched by magic. Mark your calendar and be sure to join me next week for that post!
Overcoming Challenges: How YOU Can Elegantly do this!
This summer has been a doozy for many people. People are going through major obstacles & challenges and I wanted to share wisdom on how you can see your way through anything. And how after you’ve moved through it, you will see and experience the miracles you were meant to.
As Spiritual women we have TWO choices:
We can experience obstacles and challenges and feel like a victim.
We can say, “Ah, I see there is something to CLEAR within me.” Then, as we clear, we really listen to Divine Inspiration about what we require to do to help us move through this with ease. And, along the way, we energetically become a match to that which we desire.”
When we incessantly talk about our challenges & complain about every thing and every one we simply create more blocks to our light as well as the miracles waiting to manifest.
We don’t learn. We don’t grow. We don’t evolve.
No, we stay stuck, all the while ensuring that more drama will occur.
Because remember: like attracts like. So if you are being negative, more negativity will be brought to you.
This is where free will comes in. It’s not the Divine trying to “punish you” or “test you”. It is simply the Divine allowing you the free will to choose how you desire to live.
Either way, in the end, whether it takes 1 month or 10 years of experiencing the SAME issues over and over again, you will one day get fed up and turn towards LOVE & JOY – and that is the only thing Divine Energy is interested in. Not the time limit.
YOU decide how swiftly and consistently you experience peace and happiness in your life.
I know that is a tough one to swallow, but as I mentioned to my hubby this summer as we were walking,
“Have you ever noticed that whenever you have a problem you’re there?”
So, if overcoming challenges (the Elegant Way) has been on your mind lately, please hear this…
The Universe/God/Source is responding to YOU.
Do you feel emotionally chaotic inside?
Have you always struggled with setting boundaries?
Is there one issue that continues to come up in your life? What is it?
If that issue were not an issue anymore, what would your life be like? How would you feel? What would you be doing? What would you be enjoying?
Do you find it difficult believing in yourself? Your worth? Your capabilities?
Do you find it difficult to give yourself permission to slow down, relax, pamper yourself, go on a retreat, go on a girly holiday, get a spa treatment?
Do you have health problems that keep you from doing work you love? Do you worry that if you get healthy you’ll have to work too hard?
Do you struggle with your weight, feeling beautiful or loving yourself?
Do you struggle financially?
ALL of these issues have a certain frequency and vibration. So because that frequency is being sent out to the Universe from you, unconsciously, what gets sent back is similar experiences or feelings because that is how the law works.
Now, what’s the reason behind the law being set up this way? It’s to provide you with free will. No judgement, just support towards you evolving.
What? How is giving me all this grief supporting me, you ask?
Each experience will come into your life so that you have the OPPORTUNITY to choose a different way and finally become who you require to become in order to begin experiencing the life you TRULY desire.
I love this poem from a buddhist book I received in France….
“Autobiography in Five Chapters”
1) I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost…I am hopeless.
It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.
2) I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I’m in the same place.
Bit it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.
3) I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in…it’s a habit
My eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.
4) I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.
5) I walk down another street.
-Portia Nelson
This Buddhist book then goes on to say:
The purpose of reflecting on this is to make a real change in the depths of your heart, and to come to learn how to avoid the “hole in the sidewalk,” and how to “walk down another street”. Often this will require a period of retreat and deep contemplation, because only that can truly open our eyes to what we are doing with our lives.
Yes going on a retreat as I did 7 years ago can completely transform your life, however, it is also in the daily practise of what I call, “Coming back HOME & Aligning with Elegant Flow” that you will begin to experience life differently.
Simple Ways of Aligning With Elegant Flow
Every time you see and hear yourself reacting to life in a certain way (and experiencing a certain outcome) become CONSCIOUS of it.
Then, make a CONSCIOUS choice to change your reaction.
Apologise or make it right somehow.
Repeat, “I love you, __________.” (Insert your name here)
Do something to raise your vibration. You can learn 14 of my favourite ways HERE.
Or, do The Elegant Clearing Process™, which can be learned after you’ve gone through The Art of Living Elegantly™.
Spiritual, Elegant Women CHOOSE to live elegantly, and yes, it is a daily process. But the more and more you choose to live this way, the more life becomes elegant.
The Elegant Life is:
When life flows.
Elegantly moving through challenges.
Desires manifest almost effortlessly.
Your heart is almost consistently in a state of Peace & Exquisite Joy & Bliss.
You feel you have beauty and purpose in your life; your Calling is absolutely clear.
You have a deep connection with who and what you really are.
I promise you this… once you become the woman you are required to be by consistently making different choices than you habitually do, whatever your soul has been desiring will come into your life SO easily & elegantly you’ll be absolutely shocked and amazed.
I experience this personally over and over again and so do my clients.
Do we still have challenges in life? Yes, of course, because we are all constantly evolving, it’s never finished. But the process is smoother and quicker, which is really nice, trust me on this one!
If you feel ready to go deeper with this learning and begin the pilgrimage of coming back HOME to elegance, beauty, love, abundance and joy go HERE to learn The Art of Living Elegantly.
With Love,
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