Want to know the 6 secrets to living elegantly so you can upgrade your life to the next best level? Amazing!
In today’s video I lay out the path to living (and therefore manifesting) with elegance and confidence, so get your pen and paper ready!
The reason I adore teaching how to manifest with elegance is because I tried for YEARS to manifest and rarely did anything I desire come into my reality.
About 11 years ago, when I took a closer look at what I was doing differently when I actually did manifest a few incredible things, I recognised a few patterns. Then I tried doing those things over and over… and voilá!
I realised that I had found the secret sauce to living with ease & flow and finally manifesting every desire with faith, trust & feminine confidence.
I’ll go through all 6 ingredients, yet one of the most important things you need to be able to do is to surrender and let life guide you as to the actions to take.
I know how difficult it is to know how to “Let Go and Let God” as they say, yet in today’s video I’ll explain exactly how to do it and what to do in the meantime, while you wait for inspiration.
Please Understand This About Living Elegantly
The Art of Living Elegantly is all about intentional living. YOU must practise conscious living because your life is yours to createand no one can do it for you.
I can teach you the path and I can be your BIGGEST cheerleader, yet I can’t do it for you.
The good news is that because it’s all up to you, you can create any kind of life you want and no one can stop you! Cheers to that!
So, if you desire to feel confidence while you learn how to live in flow, how to live with more ease, and elegantly manifest your dreams, then sit back and really take this information in.
I recommend watching this video over and over again, perhaps once a week for the first while, just so you fully receive every nugget of wisdom.
Here’s to you levelling up and upgrading into Your NEW Elegant Life!
Getting Unstuck…if I pressed a rewind button on my life I would see so many snippets of me having a battle with my mind, the Universe &my husband! I felt stuck at so many points in my life.
Example: Because I had a strong belief that I needed to aggressively protect myself I used to lash out at my husband when he did or didn’t do something.
Now, he being the Mediterranean, would blow up just as fast and voila! We had a full out argument on our hands. I have to give him credit though, he was usually the one who calmed down quickly and wanted to talk about things.
Me? I needed time to cool down. I had to FEEL the injustice for a while. And then, after he pestered me to talk, I would open up and we would fully reveal our feelings.
The understandings (and misunderstandings) would become apparent and…ahhhhh…peace was restored once again.
Then there were the times I was arguing with myself! I used to desire something but that dang inner voice was constantly giving me all the reasons I shouldn’t or couldn’t do something. Worthiness issues, anyone?
The strategy I share with you in this week’s video is one I began using on myself many years ago, and then just recently with my husband. When I taught it to him, he was silent and then said: “That’s goooooood!”
So, get ready! As you’ll see in the video, you can use this amazing strategy in your relationships, with your own issues…any time you need some help getting unstuck.
ENJOY! And let me know if you’ve ever used this strategy or in which situation you’re excited to try it!
In this video, you will learn:
Five words to speak when you are “stuck”
How to use this in your relationships
How to use it with yourself & your subconscious mind
The month of December can be filled with a lot of holiday stress. It can really be exhausting, overwhelming and triggering, can’t it?
So many parties and gatherings to attend as well as “Interesting”, okay…” triggering” people around.
Not to mention the 50 additional items on your To Do list!
So, what’s a Spiritual Woman who chooses to live elegantly do? You got it! Watch Erin’s video on how to AVOID all the holiday stress!
Pour yourself a lovely glass of Kir Royale, my party drink of choice, and empower yourself to fully enjoy the holidays.
Psst… below the video is how to make a beautiful, very French, Kir Royale;)
In this video, you will learn:
4 specific ways you can AVOID holiday stress
how to decide which events to attend and which to decline (elegantly of course)
how to manage events when triggering people will be present
how to maintain your energy & vitality throughout this busy holiday season
How to Make a Kir Royale
Kir Royale is a French cocktail. It consists of crème de cassis topped with champagne. This apéritif is typically served in a flute glass. I prefer Prosecco instead of champagne, but that’s just me:) And I add a cranberry or raspberry instead of the maraschino cherry that is shown in the video below. ENJOY!
Have you ever eaten a meal and felt bloated or like you want to go to sleep afterwards? How about a bit depressed or “low” and you have no idea why?
I used to have all of those experiences. I couldn’t figure out why I would eat a healthy meal and soon after feel bloated, sleepy, a bit grumpy or even depressed. What was wrong with me?
It was certainly not my intention to eat and feel this way! So what was going on? Of course, you know the pattern. Search the internet, find a book, purchase it, follow it and not really feel or see the fantastic results it promised. Yep, I had a mini library of these!
Until I threw all the books away and proclaimed that I would never diet again. The diets never brought me joy or peace, sooooo….what was my plan?
I had been having success with manifesting wealth, experiences, opportunities, etc. so I wondered, could my Elegant principles be used for this as well? I tried and it worked!
How I Started to Lose Weight & Have Energy
The first thing I always teach is to set an intention for what you desire. So, I desired to have energy and vitality and to be toned and slim. (Of course I went into more detail, but in general that’s what I wanted).
Then, as I teach my clients, I surrendered and waited for Divine Inspiration to guide me on how to have more vitality, energy and a slim, toned body.
Once I felt Divinely guided I listened. I listened about what to eat at each meal (see video#2in this series), and I listened to what my body did NOT want anymore and stopped eating that.
I began finding information about “high vibration foods” everywhere! So I ate more of them.
I asked myself a question every day, which I will share with you next week.
What Foods Give You Energy & Vitality
Now, I wanted to feel energetic and full of vitality.
How do YOU want to feel?
What words come to you? Happy? Energetic? Fully of Vitality? Clear? Light?
What if I told you that the choices you make in terms of food have a direct effect on how you feel?
From what I have learned from my mother, a holistic nutritionist, my sister, a naturopathic doctor, and my friend/client Dr. Simone Laubscher (creator of the Super Elixir), is that if you desire to feel high vibe you need to feed your body high vibe foods.
As you know from my previous videos, everything in this universe, us included, is energy. And that energy can be measured.
You unknowingly measure someone’s energy when you immediately feel down or joyful in someone’s presence.
Well, food is no exception. You can measure the vitality a food has. When we eat high vibe foods we take on that energy!
So, if you desire to feel full of energy and vitality all you need to do is eat a lot of foods that measure a high frequency. Simple right?
Well, unless you’ve been immersed in this, like I have, you wouldn’t know what is high frequency or not.
To put it simply, high frequency foods are foods that come in their natural state. (See some of my favourite high vibration foods and how I prepare them in the video above at minute 6:00)
High Frequency Foods
Here are just some of my favourite high frequency foods:
fresh, organic fruit
fresh, organic vegetables (particularly anything that is green)
whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice
beans & lentils
nuts & seeds
Now, before you say, “Oh, Erin, this doesn’t sound very “pleasurable” or “French” to me! I thought you said Spiritual Women can eat anything they want and be slim.”
Oui, oui, they can, come see how!
How to Eat Non-High Vibe Foods
On videos 1, 2 & 3 I told you that you need to let the Divine be your guide on what you eat and how much. You’ve practised that, right????
I also shared with you that when you beautify and frenchify your food you tend to eat slower, eat less, and ENJOY the food so much more. You’ve brought out those gorgeous plates and silverware or even bought new ones, right?
Okay, so now, I’ve just told you that if you want to feel light, clear and full of energy and vitality you need to choose foods that can be measured at high frequencies. Are you confused?
A croissant or chocolate éclair wasn’t on that list! Here’s how this all works…
Image from Alrifai: The Irresistible magazine
Spiritual women know how they want to feel and consciously, intentionally choose foods that will gift them the frequency of this feeling.
However, a Spiritual woman also asks her soul what it desires to eat and if her soul says it would LOVE to savour a piece of dark chocolate cake then she does. (after asking how much of that chocolate cake it desires to eat).
If you berate yourself for eating that cake you will be creating negative energy and therefore ingesting negative, low energy. If you ENJOY that cake slowly and fully with pleasure then you will be raising the energy of that food.
There’s also a little secret that I use to boost the vibration even more which I share in my program “The Elegant Guide to Your Best Body” (I taught it to my hubby this weekend and his reply?
“Man, that shit works!”
Okay, not so Elegant, but I’ll forgive him:)
Keep applying all three Elegant Principles you’ve learned so far throughout this week and then meet me back here next week for the final post which will explain EXACTLY how I slimmed down without “exercising”.
Here are links to the past videos just in case you’ve missed them.
P.S. If you are feeling in alignment with this way of attaining and maintaining your best body then I suggest heading straight HERE. You can get get started today and within a week you will feel more peaceful, confident and full of vitality than you have in a very long time.
Manifest your desire into reality. Download this free meditation
Congratulations on taking your first step into The Elegant Life!