negative emotions


Have you ever yelled at a loved one then felt guilt shortly after?

Have you ever felt depressed or sad?

How about shame?

Bitterness? Jealousy?

Eeek! Are you starting to feel down just reading these words? They’re BAD words, right?

I used to think so. I remember sitting on the park bench with Guy in France and saying,

            “I just want to be happy, Guy. I’m so tired of all these negative emotions! I just     want to feel happy.”

 At this time in my life, I was just BEGINNING to elevate into a new, upleveled spirituality so I viewed negative emotions as bad. Little did I know, my biggest negative emotion, depression, would lead me to my Spiritual Enlightenment moment.

In this week’s video, I share a very unique perspective along with two, 5 second techniques that I use every time I experience a negative emotion. They are SO quick and SO beautiful.

In literally 5 seconds you can go from feeling total frustration, shame, anger, jealousy, you name it, to complete wholeness and blissful inner peace.

J’adore these signature techniques, I created and I cannot wait to hear your feedback in the comments below as to how you feel after using them yourself.

Enjoy the Bliss!

In this video, you will learn:

  • The difference between bad & harmful emotions
  • Why negative emotions can be a Divine GIFT to you!
  • The 2 Signature Techniques I created to change your emotions in 5 seconds.

With so much love,


SAY THIS WORD EVERYDAY & Watch Your Life Change

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” No, this isn’t a post about that scene from When Harry Met Sally – Ha Ha!

It is about using the word YES in your everyday vocabulary because of the incredible way it can change your life.

It certainly has mine!

In this week’s video I share a story of when I was offered the most incredible experience and responded with “Aw, that’s really nice of you, but … I can’t”

Make sure there is something soft beside your chair just in case you fall off in disbelief that I said “No”to THAT offer – seriously, what was I thinking???

We women always talk about wanting more time to do things we would like, but somehow we never get around to DOING them or ALLOWING ourselves to.

Can you relate?

Today’s topic is one I am SO passionate about (as you’ll see in the video!) because I know first hand just how powerful the word “YES” is and how, if you truly want to change your life,  you’ll need to practise what I teach.

I look forward to hearing all your stories of excitement, adventure, JOY, and fun!

I love you all SO much and want you to live an exquisite life, not just one where you feel you are existing.

Here’s to The Elegant Life!
