The #1 Way to Experience Life Fulfillment PLUS a Secret Reveal!

It was a moment I’ll never forget… I felt complete bliss and fulfillment of every kind.

I was lying on the floor, covered in a warm blanket, listening to some peaceful music at a Spiritual Retreat when IT happened.

A Moment of PURE Fulfillment

Indigo and purple lights began swirling rapidly in my mind’s eye, faster and faster they swirled until  I was no longer in my body, I was an energy, in union with Source Energy.

It felt like everythingness and nothingness all at the same time, and it was pure BLISS.

I’ve never really known how to fully express what happened to me but just recently I read in a book by Osho, that the Buddha describes “Nirvana” as meaning:

You have ceased to be; you are just an infinite emptiness like the sky. And the moment you are that infinity, you become full of stars, and a totally new life begins. You are reborn.”

Osho goes on to say,

Bliss is not something that you invent but something that you discover. Bliss is your innermost nature.”

Are You Craving Fulfillment, Bliss & Joy in Your Life?

The most popular question I receive from women is this…

“Erin, how do you find pleasure and personal fulfillment when you’re dealing with everything else going on in your life?”

Some of the “things” women mention are:

  • a parent recently passing
  • children getting ready or already having flew the nest
  • juggling the demands of raising children and work or running a business
  • health issues

Here’s what I always answer:

“Your level of fulfillment, success, health & bliss is directly related to the distance of where you are now to where you are in terms of knowing and embodying the fact that you are Divine Energy. That you are part of the the Source of All Energy – God.”

(Watch me fully explain this at minute 1:35 in the video above)


If the distance is wide between these two then your manifestations will take longer and your experience of life will be one of multiple growth opportunities so that you finally KNOW and EMBODY the truth of what you really are.

How do I know this? My gap used to be HUGE! Yet I felt I was a spiritual woman and a seeker of truth.

How to Close the Gap Between Where You Are Now & True Fulfillment

Six years ago I was in quite a state.

I was the mother of a newborn, after having a horrific birth experience (watch the video at minute 4:05 where I describe what made this such a medieval type birth!) with a 4 year old just starting school and an international online Parenting Business to run.

During the pregnancy of my daughter I was struggling with a few personal issues that made me fall into a depression, but after that birth experience I fell DEEP into depression.

Why? Because I felt completely abandoned by God. I had spent 3 months preparing myself to have a stunning, spiritual hypnobirthing experience and the fact that it went completely and utterly opposite from what I visualised made me…well…I’ll be brutally honest here…I gave God the finger.

I was done.

My world, my marriage, my body started crumbling down and I nearly lost everything after certain things took place.

Then a friend of mine told my husband and I about a Spiritual Retreat that was focusing on clearing our energy system.

It was at this spiritual retreat, after one particularly intense clearing session that I experienced what I described at the beginning of this post – nirvana and self-realization.

I walked out of this Spiritual Retreat reborn – literally. And life has never been the same…it’s been better than I ever dreamed – all of my desires, dreams, wishes have come true or are coming true as we speak…with elegance and ease.

The Elegant Life Experience for YOU!

What if I told you that I have created a Spiritual Retreat just for YOU that has never existed before?

For 3-4 months now I have been putting together the most beautiful, luxurious, elegant and sacred Spiritual Retreat that has never existed.

At this Retreat you will be doing the EXACT clearing sessions that I went through, with the SAME facilitator and oh, so much more!

I won’t go into all the specifics here, you can find them over at The Elegant Life Experience Registration Page HERE.

I talk about it in more detail in the video above at minute 9:30.

luxury spiritual retreat for women

If what you read on the Registration page resonates with you, creates a feeling of excitement or desire, please know that this is a sign from the Divine that you need to be there.

Because you are a follower of The Elegant Life I am giving you “priority registration”. Please don’t spend time “thinking” about whether or not to go as I am only accepting 20 women for this Experience and there are ladies here in Dubai just waiting for the page to be open.

I am also doing many speaking engagements in the next few months and that will most definitely lead ladies to register.

This Experience will be THE BEST GIFT you will ever give to yourself!  Trust me on that one! I cannot WAIT for women of every religion, faith, and belief system to evolve and elevate like they never knew possible!

There is an Early Bird Price as well, so be sure to take advantage of that. And better still, if you decide to come with a friend and share a room, your ticket is even less!

“See” you over on the registration page!

With SO Much Love,






2 Ways to Deeply Connect With the Divine Through: LOVE

Have you ever felt LOVE so strongly that it feels like your body is 100% FULL?

You may look at your child sleeping and feel it, have a beautiful evening with your partner and feel it or meet a new, incredible partner and feel it.

How about Divine love?  Have you felt that? Well, that’s what we’re talking about today – from an Elegant Life perspective of course;)

I’m going to show you two ways that you can elegantly connect with the Divine and in turn elevate your life and the collective consciousness of the planet. Ready?

First, let’s review something about energy.

The Frequency of LOVE

The vibration of Divine Energy is called zero point energy. A famous physicist named Richard Feynman describes it as this:

Zero point energy holds an order of magnitude with greater power than nuclear energy.

One teacup of empty space (zero point energy) contains enough energy to boil all the world’s oceans.

The Frequency of Love is very, very close to this zero point energy, so that is why we feel blissful and full and like nothing else exists when we are in the state of it.

And because we are in that high energy state, we raise the vibration of everything around us due to The Law of Entrainment.

This law states that anything with a low frequency that is in the presence of high energy must rise to match that high energy.

So, I can hear you asking me this now, “Erin, how do I get into that high frequency state of LOVE more often than just every once in a while?”

Two Ways to Get into the Frequency of Love


One of the biggest gifts I received while being a Buddhist student back in the mid 90’s was to meditate on BEING an attribute of an enlightened being.

Every single day I do a specific meditation that I learned back in 1997.  I’ll be teaching the full version to all the ladies who choose to join me at a retreat I’m hosting in May, but here’s the short version.

Part of it includes me saying,

Bless me with the love and compassion of an enlightened being.

Then I visualise the colour red filling my body…so much so that it overflows from me…through every pore and out into the universe.

Another way I BE Love is:

During the day, when I experience frustration, during Dubai traffic for example, I ask myself,

How would Consciousness BE in this situation?

You can substitute any word for Consciousness here: Jesus, Buddha, God…

The point is to consciously make the choice to BE LOVE. It’s one of the fastest ways of coming out of low energy and putting yourself into a higher frequency.


Do what you love. Every day I wake up totally excited and energised to do my work in the world – my Calling.  Do you feel this way?

Have you chosen to be a stay-at-home mom and really LOVE it?

Do you own a business that feeds your heart & soul?

Do you go to a place of work and really LOVE what you do?

If not, it is going to take a lot of energy for you to  get into and stay in the state of LOVE and connection with the Divine.

(If you desire to know what your Calling is, start by viewing these two videos.)

When you are DOING something that uses every natural talent, ability or personality trait that you were given from the Divine you ooze LOVE Energy!

It’s easy to stay in Elegant Flow and feel fulfilled, peaceful and full of bliss in this state.

This week’s Focus:

Spend time contemplating whether or not you are BEING LOVE & DOING LOVE.

Notice the times, situations and people that bring you out of love energy and then make a CHOICE to get back into alignment.

You may need to rearrange things in your life in order to serve you better. What might those things be? Changing companies? Letting people go from your life? Setting clearer boundaries with people? Starting a business?

If you need any personal support in finding your Calling or dealing with dissatisfaction in your life please reach out to me.

You can have a Mentoring Session with me by clicking HERE. My work is very powerful as I am guided by the Divine during our session, and by now you know that any time you directly connect with the Divine, change and enlightenment occurs quickly and elegantly.

Until next week!



P.S. If you know of any woman who is Spiritual and adores beauty and beautiful things, please forward this post to them or Share on your Social Media channels. I desire to serve and support over 20,000 women this year and with your support that goal can become a reality. Thank you.