Have you ever thought, “If I could JUST ___________(lose this weight, find my soul mate, make 6 figures…)” then everything would be grand and you’d never have issues with anything else in life? If you could JUST?

I did!

I used to think, “If I could just win a million dollars then I could do what I want, hire who I needed, live like I wanted and everything in life would be amazing!”

How far do you think THAT thinking took me? LOL! Not very far. In fact it caused me in-credible suffering. Daily suffering!

I know you’ve heard me talk about my desperation before so I won’t go into that here, but I really feel that this week’s video needed to be made. It’s message will have your mindset shift from a very unhelpful one to an extremely empowering one!

In this video you will learn:

  • The reason you have the issue in your life that you do
  • The Law of Impermanence – understanding this is KEY to having your dreams come true
  • The #1 question to ask yourself to experience Elegant Flow instead of emotional peaks & valleys

Remember, our mind creates our emotion, our emotion creates our behaviours and our behaviours create our reality, so if you feel empowered after this video, your behaviours will immediately be different and so will your reality.

Step by step you’ll be led, guided and given exactly what you require to one day look around at your life and say, “Oh my Goodness. It’s HERE! I’m living it! How did this happen?”

Enjoy getting empowered!

P.S. Here is the link to the video series I mention in the video.

With so much love,

summer holidays

SUMMER HOLIDAYS, An Elegant Assignment For YOU & A Very Important Question!

Whoo Hoo! The summer holidays are here! Well, I have a few more days until we board the airplane but I’m feeling the excitement already!

I’m going to make this really short and sweet as I have a lot of loose ends to tie up before leaving. Can you relate? Life gets super busy just before a holiday!

In this week’s Summer Holidays video:

  1. I share my blissful summer holiday plans – I’m checking a MAJOR thing off my bucket list!
  2. I give you a truly life transforming Elegant Assignment to do over the summer holidays.
  3. I ask you an extremely important question.

I’ll be back in September, however if you’d like to follow my summer holidays escapades please follow me on Instagram or Facebook!

The Manifesting video mentioned:


What are YOU up to this summer? Travelling anywhere intriguing or new for you? Visiting friends or relatives? Have a favourite destination I definitely need to visit in this lifetime? Please share!

Until September,


How to Elegantly Upgrade Your Life! (Feel More Joy, Pleasure & Beauty)

So, I’m back from my holidays and ready to upgrade my life and business even more. Do you feel this way too?

My hubby and I were really feeling the desire to upgrade certain things that we use on a daily basis so when we were in Turkey at our Summer House we purchased new towels and cutlery- their specialties! I don’t think anyone makes towels as soft as Turkey!

I also upgraded my handbag, which I still really like but the lack of sections was driving me crazy! Always rummaging around for my keys at the bottom of my bag was no longer acceptable to me.

I purchased two new bags (see below the video) I LOVE them!

Last month I really focused on showing you how to declutter your life and vibration. Well THIS month my focus will be on showing you how to install more JOY, BEAUTY & PLEASURE into your life…in other words, how to upgrade your life!

Ready to learn the Elegant Method for doing this?

My Upgraded Handbags!



















Links Mentioned in the “Upgrade Your Life” Video

1) VIDEO: Spring Clean Your LIFE! 3 Ways to Magnetically Attract What you DO Want

2) VIDEO: The Making of a Spiritual Woman: A Pilgrimage That Began in Paris

3) Favourite Luxury Loungewear/ Luxury pyjamas:









Please forward this post/video to any woman you feel could benefit from it. Thank you!

With so much love,



How to Elegantly Attract/ Have a Fulfilling Relationship – Part 3 (Human Needs)

Ever feel like your needs aren’t being met by your partner? Well, normally when WE don’t feel our needs are being met, we can pretty much guarantee that our partner or spouse feels the same.

In this week’s final video on how to elegantly attract or have a fulfilling relationship I cover the 6 core human needs and how to commit to meeting them for yourself AND your partner.

When we commit to a partnership or marriage we are committing to using our time and energy to love and nurture our spouse.

Once you understand the 6 human needs you will be empowered to have a fulfilling relationship.

Important Message About Human Needs

I always, always work with my private couture clients to become the best version of themselves first. Thus, the reason I spent video 1 & video 2 of this series on that very topic.

What I know for sure is that our vibration attracts situations, experiences and people of the same vibration. So, if we are insecure, judgemental, full of low vibrational emotions such as guilt, shame, anger, etc.then it will be almost impossible to truly have or attract a partner who is happy, passionate, generous, non-judgemental etc.

So the first place to begin is with ourselves. Become happy, passionate, generous and non-judgmental, clear those low vibrational emotions within you (my Clearing Package and Couture Coaching packages are designed for this), and do things on a daily basis to keep your frequency high and aligned with your Divine Self.

Relationships are a 2-Way Street

Let me state very clearly though that a marriage is a two way street. In order to have a fulfilling relationship your partner must be just as invested and commited to meeting your most valued human needs.

So, if you are feeling unfulfilled in your marriage or relationship right now and you are questioning whether to stay or leave, start with getting YOU vibrationally high first. 

Then commit to meeting your partner’s top 1 or 2 human needs (the ones THEY value the most) and if after this you still feel unfulfilled and like something is just not right, you are in a very empowered and awakened state to make a choice about whether to stay or leave.

Enjoy this final video and please do let me know if you have further questions, okay?

With so much love,