The Elegant Life is a life of ease and flow. Whenever your life feels difficult or stuck you know you’re out of flow.

There are Multiple Things That Can Pull You Out of the Elegant Life.


1. People.

2. Your Environment.

3. Lifestyle Choices.

4. Life Circumstances.


Today I want to share with you the area that was pulling me out of flow, more consistently than I liked; my environment.

For months there were areas of my home that bothered me, irritated me and totally frustrated the you-know-what out of me!

Don’t get me wrong, I adore my home, but it was meant to be a summer home, so it was designed with a unique purpose in mind. Being a full-time home was not that purpose:)

We’ve adapted extremely well to this being our full-time home for the past year, however, a few things were triggering me on a daily basis.

One day, after a package fell out of the cupboard onto my head for the hundredth time, I stopped and asked myself,

“Why are you putting up with this, Erin? THIS is not The Elegant Life!”

Have you noticed that you just put up with things? Things trigger you yet you turn your attention to “more important things” after swearing or complaining about how much this or that bothers you?

Yes, this is what I was doing. Therefore, in this week’s video, I take you into my home and show you all the areas that I was putting up with. These areas pulled me out of flow every single day, but no more!!!

Let me show you how I committed to living The Elegant Life. And prioritizing my happiness and well-being. (My family is pretty happy about it too:)


Please share with me in the comments which areas of your life you are putting up with and are committed to transforming.

Furthermore, if you enjoyed this video I think you’d really find THIS VIDEO helpful.

Much love,

how to manifest

THE MAKING OF A SPIRITUAL, WEALTHY WOMAN: How to Manifest with Elegance & Ease: Episode 1

The #1 question I get asked is, “Erin, what was the one thing that really made the difference in you being able to finally manifest?”


So, I decided to create a series, where I open up my journals and take you through the actual story, in my own words, of how I went from living in lack, desperation and struggle to living The Elegant Life I have now; a life of purpose, fulfillment, inner peace and yes, beautiful abundance and prosperity.


I’m doing it yet again, getting VERY vulnerable by reading my private journal entries so that you can see that when you begin living, thinking, being and doing things in a more elegant, Spiritual way, knowing how to manifest is not even an issue.


You become a master at manifesting!


There are a few concepts I need to explain first so that when you hear my story you will know what to look for… to be able to SEE and HEAR what actually made the difference to me being able to manifest with ease & elegance.


Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel too so that you are immediately notified as soon as a new video in the Series is released, okay?


Now, sit back, and enjoy learning how you too can go from where you are now to exactly where your Soul desires.



With SO Much Love,