living elegantly

The Art of Living Elegantly For Spiritual Women

Want to know the 6 secrets to living elegantly so you can upgrade your life to the next best level? Amazing!

In today’s video I lay out the path to living (and therefore manifesting) with elegance and confidence, so get your pen and paper ready!

The reason I adore teaching how to manifest with elegance is because I tried for YEARS to manifest and rarely did anything I desire come into my reality.

About 11 years ago, when I took a closer look at what I was doing differently when I actually did manifest a few incredible things, I recognised a few patterns. Then I tried doing those things over and over… and voilá!

I realised that I had found the secret sauce to living with ease & flow and finally manifesting every desire with faith, trust & feminine confidence.

I’ll go through all 6 ingredients, yet one of the most important things you need to be able to do is to surrender and let life guide you as to the actions to take.

I know how difficult it is to know how to “Let Go and Let God” as they say, yet in today’s video I’ll explain exactly how to do it and what to do in the meantime, while you wait for inspiration.

Please Understand This About Living Elegantly

The Art of Living Elegantly is all about intentional living. YOU must practise conscious living because your life is yours to create and no one can do it for you.

I can teach you the path and I can be your BIGGEST cheerleader, yet I can’t do it for you.

The good news is that because it’s all up to you, you can create any kind of life you want and no one can stop you! Cheers to that!

So, if you desire to feel confidence while you learn how to live in flow, how to live with more ease, and elegantly manifest your dreams, then sit back and really take this information in.

I recommend watching this video over and over again, perhaps once a week for the first while, just so you fully receive every nugget of wisdom.

Here’s to you levelling up and upgrading into Your NEW Elegant Life!


1) The Art of Living Elegantly Program HERE.

2) Start Your Day With Elegance & Flow Meditation HERE.

3) Book a Confidence Breakthrough Call With Me HERE.




The Elegant Life is a life of ease and flow. Whenever your life feels difficult or stuck you know you’re out of flow.

There are Multiple Things That Can Pull You Out of the Elegant Life.


1. People.

2. Your Environment.

3. Lifestyle Choices.

4. Life Circumstances.


Today I want to share with you the area that was pulling me out of flow, more consistently than I liked; my environment.

For months there were areas of my home that bothered me, irritated me and totally frustrated the you-know-what out of me!

Don’t get me wrong, I adore my home, but it was meant to be a summer home, so it was designed with a unique purpose in mind. Being a full-time home was not that purpose:)

We’ve adapted extremely well to this being our full-time home for the past year, however, a few things were triggering me on a daily basis.

One day, after a package fell out of the cupboard onto my head for the hundredth time, I stopped and asked myself,

“Why are you putting up with this, Erin? THIS is not The Elegant Life!”

Have you noticed that you just put up with things? Things trigger you yet you turn your attention to “more important things” after swearing or complaining about how much this or that bothers you?

Yes, this is what I was doing. Therefore, in this week’s video, I take you into my home and show you all the areas that I was putting up with. These areas pulled me out of flow every single day, but no more!!!

Let me show you how I committed to living The Elegant Life. And prioritizing my happiness and well-being. (My family is pretty happy about it too:)


Please share with me in the comments which areas of your life you are putting up with and are committed to transforming.

Furthermore, if you enjoyed this video I think you’d really find THIS VIDEO helpful.

Much love,

Erin Kurt

A NEW ELEGANT LIFE Coming This Season

A NEW SEASON OF THE ELEGANT LIFE | All the elegant, exciting changes!


I’m back from my month-long holiday feeling rejuvenated and excited for this NEW season of The Elegant Life.

I always find that I receive a tremendous amount of guidance and inspiration on my holidays. And this time was no exception.

My Soul has been desiring to express itself even more fully AND I have felt an even greater calling to share my teachings on feminine confidence, feminine energy and how to live a spiritual, elegant lifestyle with even more women around the world.


Well, last year it became crystal clear that what women really wanted and needed was more confidence. But not the old type of confidence. You know, the type associated with achieving? I’m speaking about the feminine type of confidence.

So many women have asked me over the years:

“Erin, how do you show up so easily on YouTube and Instagram?”

“How do you have the confidence to do and be who you are now when your first job was as a primary school teacher?”

It was indeed quite the journey, yet it led me to know the path to fully embodying feminine confidence.

In fact last year I took a group of women through my newest program, The Elegant Art of Feminine Confidence, and it changed lives.

This program is and will continue to be my foundational, signature program to help women, like you, to finally, finally have self-love and self-confidence. 

The process

It involves assisting you in actually understanding and LIVING The Elegant Life. Along with this, I take you through activations to reawaken the feminine energies you’ve been disassociated with, forgot, or never even knew you had. It’s truly empowering. 

This summer my Soul guided me to showcase exactly what The Elegant Lifestyle really is, both here on the blog and on my YouTube Channel.

So in today’s video, I show you some of the fun things I did on my holiday. I will also give a and break down what you can expect to see and learn in this NEW, elevated season of The Elegant Life. 

May this season inspire you and most importantly serve you in upgrading into the next best version of yourself.

If there are any topics you’d love me to make a video on, please do share them in the comments below.

And, if you would like to learn more about how to fully embody feminine confidence feel free to watch the Masterclass I ran in July!

MASTERCLASS: Click HERE to watch!


With so much love,

life purpose


So, here’s one of the TOP questions I get asked: “How do I find my Life Purpose?”

Women all over the world are feeling the inner urge for fulfillment.  Life as usual just isn’t cutting it anymore.

They want to feel like they are having an impact. Doing something they love. Experiencing a sense of fulfillment that simply doesn’t come from working for someone or being a mother or wife.

Not that those things are bad or boring or don’t bring a certain sense of fulfillment but women are desiring MORE.

I could do a masterclass on this topic actually, which I am sensing will very soon (Let me know if this would interest you by leaving me a comment below, okay?)

But, the video I filmed this week came to me to share first. It’s the first understanding and perspective that is necessary. PLUS I lead you through a guided meditation.

So, if you are one of the many women who is desiring more from life, this video is for you. Please share it with any woman you know who may benefit from hearing the message, okay?

Thank you!

With SO Much Love,

power of the subconscious mind

How to Use Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to Create Your Desired Life

Ooooh, j’adore having a beautiful relationship with my subconscious mind! We are best friends!

It wasn’t always this way though. At one time, I didn’t even understand the subconscious mind or the power of it for that matter!

Then, after a lot of research and study, I began to understand it, but… I had no idea how to use it to help me create my best life…the one on my vision board, the one my heart yearned for.

Cue the profound spiritual experience I had 7 years ago and voila! All the answers were revealed.  Later, after studying quantum physics, neuroscience, etc. I learned that science actually understood and could prove what I knew. So…

In this week’s video I go into the power of your subconscious mind in great deal and even better… I show you EXACTLY how to use it to create your own exquisite, elegant life!

In this video I cover:

a) 4 beautiful aspects of the subconscious (unconscious) mind & how these are VERY useful to you!

b) how to use the conscious mind to direct the unconscious mind

c) the #1 Rule of how to use the subconscious mind to support your desires – if you don’t follow this rule it will NOT support your desires, in fact if will completely make it it’s mission to STOP them from happening!

d) My “elegant” tweak on positive thinking & affirmations – regular affirmations will take soooooo much longer to work!

What kind of body do you desire? What kind of prosperity do you desire? Partner? Friends? Health?

Use your conscious mind & your subconscious mind the way they were intended by Source. They are there to serve you, but because of your conditioning they have been working in a way that isn’t supporting you.

Enjoy learning my elegant wisdom on this topic and especially enjoying the benefits of it!

With so much love,