The #1 question I get asked is, “Erin, what was the one thing that really made the difference in you being able to finally manifest?”
So, I decided to create a series, where I open up my journals and take you through the actual story, in my own words, of how I went from living in lack, desperation and struggle to living The Elegant Life I have now; a life of purpose, fulfillment, inner peace and yes, beautiful abundance and prosperity.
I’m doing it yet again, getting VERY vulnerable by reading my private journal entries so that you can see that when you begin living, thinking, being and doing things in a more elegant, Spiritual way, knowing how to manifest is not even an issue.
You become a master at manifesting!
There are a few concepts I need to explain first so that when you hear my story you will know what to look for… to be able to SEE and HEAR what actually made the difference to me being able to manifest with ease & elegance.
Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel too so that you are immediately notified as soon as a new video in the Series is released, okay?
Now, sit back, and enjoy learning how you too can go from where you are now to exactly where your Soul desires.
The Collective Consciousness has had a BIG shakeup with regards to health over the past 7 months.
It was needed.
We had to completely experience the opposite, the contrast, of what we all say we want, to be able to wake up and know how to move forward with our new reality.
As Buddha said, “Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.”
Not enough care was being taken, yet now?
Now, we know more than EVER how important it is to do certain things to stay well. And, the reason for being well is what matters to the Divine more than anything…
That we are full of energy & vitality to go out and enjoy life and share our gifts because when we do, we expand the energy of bliss, joy, peace, and love within ourselves AND in others.
And this is the whole purpose of life.
Watch this week’s video to hear the Elegant Life perspective on:
Your Health and Wellness
Why this strange virus manifested in the first place
The future is so very bright yet the media and other sources will have you believe otherwise.
I always say that we create our future in the NOW, so feeling fear, worry and anxiety is only going to create a reality where that exists.
Instead, I choose, and I’m sure you do too, to create the future I desire right here and right now.
In this week’s video, I share exactly how to use the recent negativity to your benefit… as well as the benefit of others! It’s all so exciting!
Remember, two parallel universes can co-exist at the exact same time…and it’s up to YOU to choose which of those universes you live in.
So, grab a paper and pen or your favourite journal because I want you to drop onto paper, right away, any downloads, ideas or new perspectives you receive after watching the video, okay?
Let’s start creating our next best Elegant Life today!
Have you ever eaten a meal and felt bloated or like you want to go to sleep afterwards? How about a bit depressed or “low” and you have no idea why?
I used to have all of those experiences. I couldn’t figure out why I would eat a healthy meal and soon after feel bloated, sleepy, a bit grumpy or even depressed. What was wrong with me?
It was certainly not my intention to eat and feel this way! So what was going on? Of course, you know the pattern. Search the internet, find a book, purchase it, follow it and not really feel or see the fantastic results it promised. Yep, I had a mini library of these!
Until I threw all the books away and proclaimed that I would never diet again. The diets never brought me joy or peace, sooooo….what was my plan?
I had been having success with manifesting wealth, experiences, opportunities, etc. so I wondered, could my Elegant principles be used for this as well? I tried and it worked!
How I Started to Lose Weight & Have Energy
The first thing I always teach is to set an intention for what you desire. So, I desired to have energy and vitality and to be toned and slim. (Of course I went into more detail, but in general that’s what I wanted).
Then, as I teach my clients, I surrendered and waited for Divine Inspiration to guide me on how to have more vitality, energy and a slim, toned body.
Once I felt Divinely guided I listened. I listened about what to eat at each meal (see video#2in this series), and I listened to what my body did NOT want anymore and stopped eating that.
I began finding information about “high vibration foods” everywhere! So I ate more of them.
I asked myself a question every day, which I will share with you next week.
What Foods Give You Energy & Vitality
Now, I wanted to feel energetic and full of vitality.
How do YOU want to feel?
What words come to you? Happy? Energetic? Fully of Vitality? Clear? Light?
What if I told you that the choices you make in terms of food have a direct effect on how you feel?
From what I have learned from my mother, a holistic nutritionist, my sister, a naturopathic doctor, and my friend/client Dr. Simone Laubscher (creator of the Super Elixir), is that if you desire to feel high vibe you need to feed your body high vibe foods.
As you know from my previous videos, everything in this universe, us included, is energy. And that energy can be measured.
You unknowingly measure someone’s energy when you immediately feel down or joyful in someone’s presence.
Well, food is no exception. You can measure the vitality a food has. When we eat high vibe foods we take on that energy!
So, if you desire to feel full of energy and vitality all you need to do is eat a lot of foods that measure a high frequency. Simple right?
Well, unless you’ve been immersed in this, like I have, you wouldn’t know what is high frequency or not.
To put it simply, high frequency foods are foods that come in their natural state. (See some of my favourite high vibration foods and how I prepare them in the video above at minute 6:00)
High Frequency Foods
Here are just some of my favourite high frequency foods:
fresh, organic fruit
fresh, organic vegetables (particularly anything that is green)
whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice
beans & lentils
nuts & seeds
Now, before you say, “Oh, Erin, this doesn’t sound very “pleasurable” or “French” to me! I thought you said Spiritual Women can eat anything they want and be slim.”
Oui, oui, they can, come see how!
How to Eat Non-High Vibe Foods
On videos 1, 2 & 3 I told you that you need to let the Divine be your guide on what you eat and how much. You’ve practised that, right????
I also shared with you that when you beautify and frenchify your food you tend to eat slower, eat less, and ENJOY the food so much more. You’ve brought out those gorgeous plates and silverware or even bought new ones, right?
Okay, so now, I’ve just told you that if you want to feel light, clear and full of energy and vitality you need to choose foods that can be measured at high frequencies. Are you confused?
A croissant or chocolate éclair wasn’t on that list! Here’s how this all works…
Image from Alrifai: The Irresistible magazine
Spiritual women know how they want to feel and consciously, intentionally choose foods that will gift them the frequency of this feeling.
However, a Spiritual woman also asks her soul what it desires to eat and if her soul says it would LOVE to savour a piece of dark chocolate cake then she does. (after asking how much of that chocolate cake it desires to eat).
If you berate yourself for eating that cake you will be creating negative energy and therefore ingesting negative, low energy. If you ENJOY that cake slowly and fully with pleasure then you will be raising the energy of that food.
There’s also a little secret that I use to boost the vibration even more which I share in my program “The Elegant Guide to Your Best Body” (I taught it to my hubby this weekend and his reply?
“Man, that shit works!”
Okay, not so Elegant, but I’ll forgive him:)
Keep applying all three Elegant Principles you’ve learned so far throughout this week and then meet me back here next week for the final post which will explain EXACTLY how I slimmed down without “exercising”.
Here are links to the past videos just in case you’ve missed them.
P.S. If you are feeling in alignment with this way of attaining and maintaining your best body then I suggest heading straight HERE. You can get get started today and within a week you will feel more peaceful, confident and full of vitality than you have in a very long time.
Welcome back to the next step in this series: How to Lose Weight Elegantly & Have The Body You Want.
This week I want you to continue asking your soul what it desires to eat, but now I want you eat that food in a way that is very “Français”.
Let me explain.
When I lived with a family in France for a year, I experienced the relationship they had with food first hand.
French people truly focus on the pleasure of food.
And, every meal time is an experience. They don’t rush. They don’t eat at different times from each other, and they certainly don’t eat unconsciously.
Non, they sit down and focus on dining.
There is thought and care taken in the presentation of the food.
Beloved platters are used to serve the food.
Every meal has some sort of ritual.
And because of all this, they eat gorgeous food and rarely worry about how to lose weight.
So, let me share how you can use the French tenets of PLEASURE & BEAUTY to attain & maintain your ideal body.
Le Petit Déjeuner
Morning tea is served in a bowl which they sip slowly while enjoying one tartine (baguette with fresh butter and homemade jam).
You would not normally see a French woman quickly make herself a coffee and then drink it half cold because “the kids” demanded her attention. Non, non!
The children would be a part of this morning ritual, but their drink would be whole (often farm fresh) milk with chocolate powder.
Le Déjeuner
Lunch time is famous in France because everything shuts down so that people can enjoy their meal experience. People often go home for a hot meal and nap or dine with friends, a lover, or close colleagues at a local café.
They would never sit in front of the TV or computer unconsciously eating their lunch.
They also would never eat food out of plastic containers. Mais, non!
They always make sure their food looks beautiful. Garnishing the food, presenting it nicely and eating it with the best dinnerware & silverware is a common French practice.
Le Dîner
Once again, the French create a ritual and an experience around dinner time.
Normally they eat a light dinner then follow it with a plate of different fromages and a basket of sliced baguette.
To finish the meal there is usually something sweet, but not always. They listen to their bodies, just like you are practising to do right now.
Later in this series I’ll be sharing with you some gorgeous options for each meal, but for now, I want you to practice asking your soul what it would like.
Remember, your soul will guide you on what to eatas well as how much. Listen.
There is no need to judge what your soul asks for based on old beliefs, just be sure that it is presented beautifully so that you fully enjoy it.
Tips for Creating an Experience at Each Meal
1. Think of Breakfast as Le Petit Dejeuner.
Ask your soul, “What do you desire to eat this morning?”
Give it what it desires and ENJOY it! How?
Create a morning ritual for yourself!
Could you use a French Tea/Café Bowl to sip your tea or coffee?
Could you light a special candle that you love?
How about turn on some high vibration music that makes you feel happy?
How about having a few “go-to” options that you absolutely adore?
2. Focus on enjoying Lunch & Dinner like Le Déjeuner & Le Dîner.
Ask your soul, “What would you like to eat for lunch/dinner?”
Then think how you could create a ritual around your Déjeuner & Diner.
Also, how could you beautify your Déjeuner & Dîner?
Could you keep a beautiful plate at work to eat your home prepared lunch off of?
Could you use a cloth napkin?
Could you light candles or dim the lights?
Could you use your best silverware?
Could you drink your water with a slice of lemon from a wine glass?
Could you savour a dark chocolate truffle after dinner with a cup of tea?
Ask your soul what it would like to eat for lunch and dinner and then ENJOY it fully.
3. Enjoy “Le Goûter”.
In France, le goûter is a late afternoon snack. It’s direct translation is: to taste, to try, to enjoy.
Children in France have longer school hours so when they arrive home they are ready for a sweet snack.
Workers in France also head to cafés to enjoy something sweet, usually with a hot beverage.
This is a beautiful nationwide ritual that makes the time between meals…well, sorry to repeat myself, a pleasurable experience!
I don’t know about you, but every time a diet book suggested eating carrot sticks and hummus for an afternoon snack I grimaced. It just didn’t feel pleasurable!
Keep following this series as I will definitely share a goûter that is a sweet favourite in my home!
4. Bring out your “good” dishes, cups and silverware.
This may seem trivial, but trust me, it makes a massive difference and has a ripple effect into every experience and relationship you have with food and eating.
When eating off a beautiful plate you might be moved to slow down while eating. You may even be inspired to talk about different topics.
You may choose to eat different foods or serve different portion sizes. Who knows! Flow with this and see where it takes you. (Watch the video above to see some of the plates, silverware, serving dishes and cups that I use every single day!)
If you don’t have any dinnerware that feels beautiful to you, then may I highly suggest that you make a special trip to your favourite department store or kitchen specialty shop this week and purchase even just 1 special plate, bowl, cup and silverware set that you will use from now on.
Really, please do this for yourself.
5. Play la Musique to enhance your dining experience.
Music creates a pleasurable ambience for preparing and enjoying one’s food.
With the French, Jazz is very popular as is new and old french singers. Charles Aznavour anyone?
At my home, Parisian Jazz from my favourite Jazz app is always playing while I cook, tidy up the dishes and enjoy eating with my family.
It makes us SO happy!
My cleaner giggles when she sees me dance around singing to my French songs. One day she said, “Oh Madame, you are so happy in the kitchen!”
Eating is a Spiritual Experience
Stay with me here.
When I had my spiritual experience 6 years ago, I shifted to knowing that my body is just Divine, loving energy condensed into form.
All I wanted to do from that moment on was to help expand this loving energy into the world.
Everything that brings me pleasure expands this energy.
Everything that truly gives my soul JOY expands this energy.
Every time I am in the presence of beauty I expand this energy.
So, use this week to tune into your soul (your Divinity) and continue asking it what it would like to eat for le petit dejéuner, le dejéuner, le goûter et le dîner and then ENJOY it as pleasurably and beautifully as you can.
I’ll see you next week where we will dive more deeply into certain foods and how they can serve your body & soul.
With Love,
Manifest your desire into reality. Download this free meditation
Congratulations on taking your first step into The Elegant Life!