Last week I visited the ancient marble city of Ephesus and while driving home I realised that all the manifesting I had done had finally brought me another part of my dream reality.

When I was a school teacher I felt fulfilment because of the impact I was having on the children, yet after 17 years my Soul’s desires began to get louder.

The amount of structure and lack of freedom I had in my job (time-wise and money-wise) eventually sucked the life out of me and the impact didn’t even mean that much to me anymore.

“Is this it?” I often thought.

I loved travelling around the world, yet the only free time I had was during the most expensive time of the year…summer. My Soul desires to spontaneously travel, not plan and save for a whole year to take ONE trip!

Now? I live within a few hours of so many countries! My schedule is completely flexible and now that my children are in a British Online school, they too have a flexible schedule!

Flexiblity? Spontaneity? Abundance? Connection? THESE are feminine energies; no wonder I am so happy and fulfilled now!

I went on a very long journey to have the life of freedom I have now. And I want to share the shorter, most effective pathway so YOU can begin living YOUR  dream life… Sooner than you would think possible.

I tried all the masculine advice. It’s great for them, but for us women? It always leaves us feeling deflated and like a failure.

So, in this week’s video I take you along with me to the ancient city of Ephesus and tell you more about the pathway to manifesting as a woman.

Click on the video below to see my incredible journey through Ephesus & learn how YOU can bring your dreams & desires to life.

I would LOVE to see you in my masterclass where I walk you through the pathway! To register click HERE.

Here are the details for our Tour Guide, Deniz:

My spiritual morning routine

MY SPIRITUAL MORNING ROUTINE: The Feminine Way to Start Your Day

Why is a morning routine so important?

You’ve probably heard of books like, “The Miracle Morning“, “The 5 am Club“, “My Morning Routine” and more that rave about how important it is to have a morning routine.

I don’t think I need to list the benefits of having a morning routine as I know you have already heard and read so much on the topic.

What I prefer to focus on is WHAT is beneficial for a WOMAN to have in her daily morning routine.

Ahem…have you noticed that almost all of the books on this subject are written by males?

That’s not a bad thing, it’s just that what men need in order to be their best selves and what women need to be & feel like our best, most empowered selves are different.

We females need connection & alignment to:

  • our physical selves
  • family members/partner
  • our feminine nature & energies
  • the Divine

There are many ways to connect and align with these four components. Since our dynamic souls adore choice, having a selection of options to choose from delights us and makes it easy to stick to a consistent routine!

The routines suggested by men become a bit too rigid for us, so we start out excited and eventually end up letting the routine slide until it totally disappears.

Oh yes… and then we shame ourselves because we aren’t “disciplined enough”.

This is not true. We CAN stick to a routine that is feminine in nature; a routine that flows, that changes, that is guided by our Soul.

It’s not that we don’t need structure, we do! We just simply need a structure that supports our dynamic nature.

In today’s video, I share a version of my own spiritual, feminine & elegant morning routine. The basics of it remain the same, yet I always check-in, listen & adjust depending on what I hear.

So, come along with me!

Do you have a morning routine? If so, what’s your favourite part?

Follow the link to enrol in our free masterclass. HOW TO FULLY EMBODY FEMININE CONFIDENCE MASTERCLASS

Here is another video you may enjoy watching:

7 Simple Ways to Slow Down & Enjoy More Peace