I went shopping for new clothes this week and it was fun! Why?
Because I know what clothes are my style and which colours are ME.
In my early 20’s I had no clue what my signature style was. I admired women who did though.
I remember sitting on a friend’s balcony one afternoon (she was about 10 years older than me) and asking her, “How do you know what your style is?”
Her answer? “I don’t know, I just do.”
Oh how I wished she had a better answer as I wanted to have an air about me like she did.
I wanted to feel confident, like a woman with presence. But instead I felt completely out of touch with who I was and consequently never attracted anything into my life that I truly wanted.
When I lived in France all that changed. I found my style. I OWNED my style, and consequently I had tremendous confidence and finally felt like a woman who had that je ne sais quoi.
And you know what? Even though I had horrendous acne and weighed 20 extra pounds I was sought after by so many incredible men!
Now, it wasn’t just my style. I had really embraced my love of France, the French language and the culture. It was simply a part of me. I was a Francophile through and through.
I also deepened my Spiritual practice and accepted so many other things about myself.
This whole month of February I’ve been focusing on self love, self confidence & self worth and one thing I know for SURE is that it is imperative that we rediscover what makes us unique and special. Because when we do we allow ourselves to be exactly who we were created to be and we start to glow from the inside out.
We also have effortless confidence and are empowered to go out into the world and express who we are in everything we do. And with this we experience elegant success in many areas of our life.
I’d like to share with you some things you may not know about me; some things that make me unique and things I love & accept about myself. And I’ll show you how to discover your uniqueness too!
In this video you will learn:
4 unique things about me (Surprise!)
how to get in touch with what makes YOU unique
why knowing how you are unique is so important (without this you’ll simply blend in, unable to attract the partner, body, job, clients & success you desire)
It’s that time again! Time to thrill you with my December Favourites! Or as I like to call them, Mes Petits Plaisirs;)
This month I have TWO favourites. The first will gift you absolute relaxation and pleasure (and romance!) and the second? Well, you will be the talk of any party or celebration with this one! Let’s dive in, shall we?
My December Favourites
Novel – Seven Letters From Paris by Samantha Verant
I discovered this novel about 2 years ago. I’m always on the look out for a great francophile novel and when I read the synopsis for this book I KNEW I had to read it.
At age 40, Samantha Verant’s life is falling apart-she’s jobless, in debt, and feeling stuck… until she stumbles upon seven old love letters from Jean-Luc, the sexy Frenchman she’d met in Paris when she was 19. With a quick Google search, she finds him, and both are quick to realize that the passion they felt 20 years prior hasn’t faded with time and distance.
Samantha knows that jetting off to France to reconnect with a man that she only knew for one sun-drenched, passion-filled day is crazy-but it’s the kind of crazy she’s been waiting for her whole life.
After reading this book (in about 1 day) I just had to find the author and tell her how much I loved it (Facebook is a wonderful thing!) I told her how much her story reminded me of my own personal love story in France and she encouraged me to write about it. So I did! Samantha Verant is the inspiration behind my blog series: The Making of a Spiritual Woman: A Pilgrimage That Began in Paris.
This blog series has been THE most watched series here on The Elegant Life. So many women tell me they see themselves in different parts of my story. ENJOY discovering yourself!
This cake has such a lovely, soft flavour and a very moist texture. Best of all, it takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare. Okay, even better than that, it looks absolutely elegant and will be the showstopper of any party or celebration. Ready to learn the recipe? (Watch how in the video above at minute 4:50)
160 g/5 1/4 oz. caster sugar
250 ml/8 fl oz. vegetable oil
225 ml/ 8 fl oz. natural yoghurt
2 eggs
225 g/ 8 oz. plain flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
250ml/8 fl oz. double cream (whipping cream)
25 g/ 1 oz. icing sugar
100 g/4 oz. fresh raspberries plus 8 same sized raspberries for the garnish
Grease 2 round bakings pans.
Preheat oven to 160°C/325°F.
In a blender or food processor, mix the sugar, oil, yoghurt, eggs, flour, baking powder, and vanilla until just mixed. Be sure not to overmix.
Evenly pour batter into the cake pans and bake in oven for approx. 30 minutes (until lightly browned and top springs up when touched).
When ready, flip both cakes onto a cooling rack. Leave until cool.
Pour cream into a medium bowl. Add icing sugar and whip until stiff peaks form.
Fold in the 100 g raspberries.
Place 1 cooled cake on a cake pedestal. Spread the raspberry cream mixture on top. Place second cooled cake on top of the cream.
Sift icing sugar on top to lightly garnish the surface. Finally, place the 8 raspberries on top to decorate.
Voila! Un beau gateau!
See you in 2018!!!
SHOP THIS POST – December Favourites
I LOVE this scale! You can place one bowl on it and add all of your ingredients into that bowl, whether it be liquid or dry, metric or imperial! You just press the “zero” button after each ingredient and voila! No clean up (except the one bowl)! CLICK IMAGE TO PURCHASE
J’adore this vanilla extract! It is a full bodied vanilla that really takes your baking to a whole new level. The difference is truly distinguishable. CLICK IMAGE TO PURCHASE.
If your Soul desires to have a life changing 2018, where life feels both peaceful AND blissful then purchase this luxury spiritual retreat now. Let go of your limiting beliefs & negative emotions that are holding you back, not allowing the abundance to flow in, not allowing the partner you desire to elegantly appear in your life, not allowing you to have the body & health you so desire and start living an elegant, exquisite life forever more.
What would life be like if…. all that holds you back is gone?
I am back from the most amazing trip in Provence with two of my closest female friends. What a beautiful gift to have attracted these friends into my life.
It had been a long, long time since I travelled on my own with just female company and I truly cannot recommend it enough.
We laughed until we cried from take-off to landing 4 days later. You know that high pitch sound you make when trying to tell your funny story but can’t because you’re laughing so hard? That was us – I’m laughing right now just thinking about it!!!!
All three of us connected so deeply with one another, but also with ourselves.
My French girlfriend wrote me yesterday to say how thankful she was that I organized the trip as she hadn’t been away from her kids since having them 5 years ago (yes, 5 years!). She went on to explain how she finally felt reconnected to her old self and described how amazing that was.
My friends and I in Provence!
(Excuse my poor “selfie” taking skills! LOL!)
If you have never booked a short trip away with the girls, set aside some time today or tomorrow to research places and book it. The feminine aspect of your soul will thank you deeply for it.
What if you don’t HAVE any quality friends?
You know the Elegant Clearing Process™ and other Elegant Processes I keep talking about? I used them to manifest these two beautiful girl friends.
You see, as I evolved as a person, I lost many friends and had to let some long time friends go.
I became quite down a few years ago as I didn’t feel like I had any truly close girlfriends who fed my soul, showed true interest in a friendship with me and allowed me to BE exactly who I was.
So…I created an Elegant Intention™ and used the Elegant Clearing Process™ to become very clear about the type of girlfriends I desired… and voila! All three ladies appeared so amazingly, you couldn’t write the script better, honestly.
The 3 Types of Quality Friends I Desired
I desired a French girlfriend so I could speak French with her and bask in my love of the French culture, French attitude and love of all things beautiful & pleasurable.
I desired a bubbly, energetic friend who adored getting together all the time; who would want to get together every week, and would text ME instead of always the other way around.
I desired someone with whom I could speak deeply about spirituality.
First came Sandrine, my French friend. A certain friend of mine would organise weekly get togethers at a Garden Centre play area so our kids could play while we enjoyed a coffee.
About 4 months after I had set my ElegantIntention for the kinds of friends I desired, Sandrine showed up at this gathering. Apparently, she was my other friend’s next door neighbour in an apartment.
My friend invited Sandrine along to the Garden Centre, and VOILA! we hit it off instantly and became close friends. The texts she sends me bring tears to my eyes daily. THANK YOU, UNIVERSE!
Next came Laura. Last year we were moving away from Windsor to a new area just outside of London. The person whose house we were moving into called me and said,
“Erin , you don’t know a Laura _____, do you?”
“I know of her. I’ve never met her, but I helped her get a job a long time ago. Why?”
“Well, I just happened to take the bus into work this morning and sat beside her husband. We got to talking and he’s from Canada. After talking, he said his wife knew you. It turns out they just moved from Houston and are living 2 blocks from the house! So, you’ll be neighbours!”
What are the chances???
Background story here:
10 years ago, I was retiring from teaching at a very prestigious school in Canada and my hubby sent me an email one day saying a collegue of his was asking if I would be able to help out his brother’s fiancé. She was coming from Ireland and needed a teaching job. “Sure,” I said. I emailed with her and helped her get a job at the school, but never met her.
This was Laura. After we moved to the new house, Laura asked to meet. She knew all my old teaching friends so we instantly had that in common, and just completely hit it off. She is bubbly, cheery, so kind and so much fun. And, guess what? She LOVES getting together…and would everyday if we could.
Finally, came Zeynep. Some other Turkish friends of ours invited Zeynep and her family to join a get together; I instantly loved her energy. As time passed, we realised we could speak very openly to each other.
My friend and I at my home:)
As I evolved, she evolved. And, last year, we openly began discussing spirituality. She is on my wave length. I don’t have to filter, and we call eachother “soul sisters”.
Ta Da!!!
Manifestation of all my friends, done!
Now, as always, you know I don’t tell you this because I love talking about myself. I share it with you to offer you visual proof of how the Elegant Processes I speak of work.
I know that if you witness my story, your faith will build so that YOU TOO can elegantly intend and manifest that which you desire in your life.
The Universe does not judge. It does not decide what you can and cannot have. It’s neutral. Absolutely zero point, lovingly, neutral. You simply need to get into that zero point frequency and use the simple processes I speak of.
How do you get into that frequency?
Here’s what I want you to know – and it changed my life forever…
You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are.
Read that again.
You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are.
The amazing news is that it is SO SIMPLE to get into a high frequency…you just have to make it your #1 priority. Each and every day, this needs to be your focus.
Forget everything else, just focus on this for now.
If you haven’t seen my “Elegant Guide to Prosperity”, please click HERE. This will start you on your way, as it shares 14 simple and elegant ways to get and stay in the zero point, loving frequency.
Then, just keep following my posts, because ALL of the Elegant Processes will be revealed. Exciting, right??
Get ready, beautiful lady!
I am giddy with excitement to share all I have learned so that you can finally begin feeling lighter, more peaceful, more fulfilled, more prosperous, more beautiful and happier than ever before.
Here’s to the Elegant Life!!!!
Until next time,
Manifest your desire into reality. Download this free meditation
Congratulations on taking your first step into The Elegant Life!