Are you feeling stuck in your life? Many women are deeply feeling stuck and stagnant right now and it’s all because the Universe is calling you towards your next elevation.

You see, we are wired, as is everything else in the Universe, to expand. In fact one of our core human needs is growth. If we don’t feel like we are growing, we begin to feel down, dull, flat or even depressed.

I could go deeply into a teaching on what energies are present right now in the Universe that is pulling human consciousness out of a LONG rut of stagnation, but I won’t.

All I will say is that if you choose to stay stuck and stagnant, life is going to feel very difficult because you are choosing to go against the direction of Universal Flow.

My Life 10 Years Ago: Feeling Stuck in ALL Areas of My Life

About 10 years ago I felt stuck. Nothing seemed to be going the way I wanted it to.

I was labelled obese by my doctor, yet I just couldn’t get back to the authentic Erin I once knew before having children.

My marriage had become very strained, due to many reasons, and we ended up having the “divorce” talk.

My business was highly popular yet wasn’t bringing in enough money to warrant the huge amount of time, money and effort I was putting into it.

Furthermore,  I didn’t have any true, close friendships in England, even after having lived there for 4 years. I was sad, lonely, overweight, financially strained & extremely depressed. 

How I Moved Past Feeling Stuck

In this week’s video I share with you exactly what I did to move out of feeling stuck and into the exquisite life I live now…which keeps getting better by the way. Yes, that’s what happens when you commit to doing what I teach in today’s video.

May you CHOOSE to find the learning and then CHOOSE to take that learning and move forward. No situation will stay in your reality once you’ve received the gift and taken action on that learning.

This I know for sure.

See you next week!


Here are some of my previous posts that might be of value to you:






HOW TO LIVE SO YOU ARE HAPPY: How to Truly Experience Happiness

If there’s one thing most people agree upon after living through 2020 it’s that living a life of joy and fulfillment is the way to really experience long-lasting happiness.

So many people gave up the notion that life is only about achieving, accomplishments and acquiring things.

Now, don’t get me wrong, those CAN bring some level of happiness but it’s not long-lasting happiness. Long-lasting happiness comes from what I teach in this week’s video.


With SO Much Love,


WANT MORE JOY? Here’s a Formula For Ascending Into It!

Did you know that the frequency of JOY is even higher than LOVE?

Being in the state of JOY gives you the energy, motivation & clarity to BE, DO & ENJOY everything your Soul desires!

Think about it…

When you are in complete JOY you:

  1. Have more energy
  2. Easily do movement activities
  3. More quickly/efficiently perform tasks
  4. Feel fulfillment
  5. Are more care-free about things (flexible mindset)
  6. Are more open to trying new things
  7. Are inspired to love yourself & others – it feels natural to you

I could go on and on, but can you see the difference in what JOY gifts you (and others)?

So, the BIG question then is HOW to ascend into this state, right?

Well, I share the Elegant HOW in this week’s video!

On Monday, January 20th, it’s my 48th birthday! So, in honour of this, I’d like to gift you a 48% off coupon code to use towards The Joy Formula that I mention in the video- YAY!

I only do this kind of SALE once a year on my birthday so be sure to take advantage!!! The coupon code is only valid until 12 Midnight EST on January 20th so act now and begin feeling JOY… today!

The Coupon code is: JOY2020 (Feel free to share this with any friends, family or even on your social media accounts!) The more the better! We want to spread JOY everywhere this year!!!

With SO Much Love,

argentine tango


Well, I did it! I actually learned the Argentine Tango and filmed it so I could live out my dream of having my own “Strictly Come Dancing” or Dancing With the Stars” experience!

I have SO much to share about this experience; many lessons were learned.

My Story

I have been sharing my experience from Day 1 over on my Instagram account. (If you don’t follow me on Instagram click here as I am on there almost daily sharing different parts of my life & teachings).

The first day was just thrilling. I was SO excited and couldn’t stop smiling, squealing and jumping around. My husband said he hadn’t seen me this happy…ever!

Around the 3rd week, I arrived at the studio, excited to take the routine further, when I was told that my teacher had left the studio. The instructor replacing him was almost double my height.

            “Is this even going to work?” I asked him.

Secretly, I was upset as I really liked my former instructor and couldn’t see HOW in the world I was going to be able to dance the Tango with this tall guy!

I made the choice to flow with the lesson and actually, in the end, I quite liked him. I didn’t feel as intimidated as I had with the previous teacher and we laughed a lot so…all was well in my world.

Especially when I found out that he was from Serbia and had actually been on the Serbian Dancing With the Stars as a professional dancer!

We had to create a totally new routine since no notes were left from my previous instructor, but it didn’t bother me much…this time. (hint… hint)

As each week progressed my new instructor began teaching me the intricate details of each move. Posture of the back, neck, arm, finger, foot…oh my goodness, who knew dancing was this complicated?

I began leaving my lessons feeling down, sometimes very down.

Down on myself as I wasn’t able to hold my neck and back the way he was expecting me to and down on the experience, as it wasn’t fun anymore.

One day he literally shifted my back and neck 20 times trying to teach me how to get it right. All I wanted to do was cry and run out of there.

When I returned home I talked to myself and said,

“Why are you letting HIM create this experience for you? YOU get to have the experience you desire. If you don’t care if your back and neck are 100% correct then you tell him to relax and just allow you to dance for JOY.”

I made up my mind to speak to him at the beginning of next class.

My speech was planned, I entered the studio and…my instructor wasn’t there. Instead a NEW instructor was waiting for me!

4th Time’s a Charm

Whaaaaat? This isn’t how things were supposed to go! I don’t WANT another teacher I was thinking!

I was told that my instructor had left to pursue other career opportunities. Well, I couldn’t blame him for moving forward in his life, but…

I COULD be angry with him because he didn’t leave any notes about our routine, which was 3/4 choreographed! I would have to start all over again.

Maxim, my 3rd instructor was very sweet, kind and close to my height, which I really, really appreciated. When I danced with him I didn’t feel like a little girl, I felt like Erin, the woman again.Thank you for this gift, Universe.”

Throughout the whole lesson I was thanking the Universe because I felt the JOY of dancing again.

Maxim was patient and an excellent teacher. He was able to give me little tips that made me go,

            “Ooooooooh, THAT’S how you do it! Thank you!”

Three weeks passed and Maxim had choreographed an Argentine Tango routine that I absolutely loved, yes, even better than my former instructor’s routine.

The Lessons I Learned

1)When you flow with the way things are you receive unexpected gifts.

2) YOU create your reality. Never let anyone write your story. Know what you desire to do & feel and speak up.

3) Continue to check things off your bucket list because the joy you receive from doing so is pure BLISS.

So, without further ado, here it is!

Side note: the skirt I’m wearing is not very flattering. I had bought such a nice slim skirt which showed off my figure beautifully, but due to the new routine Maxim created the leg lift and dip at the end would have put my skirt up & under my armpits! LOL! So I had to borrow this one. When I watched the video I caught myself thinking, “That is SO not flattering! It’s true the camera adds 10 pounds! I don’t look like that!”

I wasn’t even going to mention this but…I guess I still have a bit of ego in me- LOL!)

Enjoy! And thank you for being a part of my journey.

In this video you will learn:

  • The life lessons I learned while learning the Argentine Tango
  • What I still (apparently) have to work on! LOL!

With SO much love,

rekindle a marriage


How to Rekindle a Marriage, How to be an Elegant Parent with a toddler, How to begin the process of feeling happy and joyful again… inquiring minds want to know!

I just love this new series of Tea Time With Erin. I hope you do too!

I’m very much a “people person” and when I receive an email from you or one of my other followers I feel so happy and genuinely connected to you. So keep those questions coming!

Also, please feel free to pass this blog post/video along to any woman you feel could benefit from it. Sometimes just hearing one phrase can change someone’s perspective and therefore life.

So without further ado, make yourself a cup of tea and ENJOY!

In this video, you will learn:

  • 2 ways my husband and I connect & consistently rekindle our marriage
  • The simplest & easiest way to live elegantly with a toddler underfoot
  • 3 things to do EVERYDAY to feel happy

With so much love,