How to Lose Weight & Keep it Off…The Elegant Way!

It’s a brand new year with a sense of wanting to restart, renew, or even re-invent ourselves. Am I right, Ladies?

Well, I suggest a slightly different perspective…I suggest clearing everything within us to get us back to what we REALLY are…an extension of Divine Consciousness/Source/God.

Why? Well, everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING that doesn’t have the feeling of Joy, Love, Peace or Abundance is out of alignment with what we are…yes, even extra weight.

Extra weight simply means there is energetic congestion in our body that requires clearing. Past experiences, memories, etc. have made us act in ways that sabotage us from having the body that feels best to our Soul – you know the one – the body you feel represents the REAL you.

So, are you ready to lose weight and energetic congestion?


Here at The Elegant Life, we have a beautiful, elegant process to help you lose any excess weight you may be carrying so that you can attain your best body and easily maintain it.

The Biggest Mistake Women Make in Order to Lose Weight

One of the biggest mistakes women make (I did it myself, so I totally “get” this!) is to collect diet books.

I know, I hear you saying, “But Erin, these books are showing people how to lose the excess weight which you say we need to release!”

Wellllll, most diet books stem from one concept…you’re not good enough the way you are.

And, the very reason you buy these books is because of the thought running through your mind, which is, “I’m not good enough the way I am, so I need to lose weight.”

So, by the Law of Attraction, the energy we send out to the Universe is, “I’m not good enough, so I need to lose weight!”

The problem here is the focus.

If you come at this issue of “needing” to lose weight because you’re not good enough, you will attract circumstances into your life that will perpetuate you “needing” to lose weight.

Here at The Elegant Life, our sole desire is to release any energetic congestion that may be blocking our alignment with Divine Consciousness. THIS is our focus.

It seems similar to the one above, but the energy between the two is completely different, and thus creates completely different results.

Ready to hear more? Watch this week’s video where I share WHY diets, programs and exercise regimes just don’t work longterm and how YOU can finally, once and for all, lose weight and maintain your best, most authentic body.

Or, if you feel ready to dive in right now, and learn The Elegant Guide to Your Best Body, just click the button below to gain instant access!

So much love to you,

best body

The Elegant Guide to Your Best Body: How to Manifest & Maintain a Confident, Healthy, Energetic YOU!

Diets, Exercise, Deprivation…No more! It’s time to elegantly step into your BEST BODY today!

Let’s chant this, ladies! How liberating to never ever have to diet again.  In fact, go throw out every diet book you’ve ever purchased. I’ll wait. Whoo Hoo!

Over the past 4 weeks I’ve gone through some of the steps I took (and still do to this day) to elegantly melt 50 pounds off my body.

I review them really quickly at the start of the video above, so have a quick watch!

However…there were things I didn’t have time to share. And, I wasn’t able to gift you the kind of support I know will be SO helpful if you really want to have this work for you like it did for me.

Based on my experience and conversations with women who are wanting to live this way too, I created a simple 6 week program that will elegantly guide you into your best body.

I highly encourage you to watch the video above to hear me explain all the juicy details (you can start at minute 3:52 if you are short on time)

In a nutshell though, here is what I KNOW will allow you to attain & maintain your best body.

In this 6 week Elegant Guide you will receive: 

1) My Top 6 Elegant & Effective Movements for Women (these are simple, fun & feminine and can be done in 20 minutes or less. Hurray!)

2) My Personal 2-Step Morning Ritual for Incredible Health & Vitality (This sets me up for a speedy metabolism and consistent energy throughout the day – no more 3pm energy slumps, hurray!)

3) 5 High-Vibe Breakfasts, Lunches, Snacks & Dinners for you to choose from each each day so you can make conscious choices that taste amazing and are oh, so pleasurable. The weight will melt away as you savour deliciousness! (You’ll LOVE how I organised this for you!)

4) How to Elegantly Eat Non-High Vibe Foods (I’ll give you 3 words you can say to all of your food so that your body loves it and uses it for only good.)

5) Daily Elegant Reminders for Your Soul. For 6 weeks you will receive a daily message that will inspire & remind you of the Elegant Principles for attaining your Best Body. It’s like having me pop in to give you a hug, smile and little nugget of wisdom for 42 days straight (Oui, even on the weekends)

6) BONUS! My secret to making your daily movements 10X more effective. Whoo hoo! (It’s a manifesting secret)

7) Pre-Order BONUS! If you order before the product actually launches in May you will receive a VIP Ticket to an Online Soiree with me where I will answer any question you have regarding the elegant principles to attaining & maintaining your best body!

If you desire a body you love, total health & vitality and a lifestyle that brings you Inner Peace & JOY then there really is only one thing to do…

Click HERE and begin the Elegant Journey back to the best YOU. “See” you in the program!

With SO much Love,

ideal weight

4 Steps to Elegantly Have the Body You Want (FINAL Video #5)

I’ll never forget the moment when my new personal trainer used his caliper to grab the fat around my waist and his tape measure to jot down my inches. Oh – My – God, how totally humiliating.

Then came “The Talk”. Here’s how it went:

Trainer [trying to sound non-chalant]: “Okay, so based on all the results you are considered to be in the Obese Zone.”

Me [trying to look like I’m really interested but really wanting to cry], “Oh wow, okay.”

I used to be the skinny kid. The young adolescent who some described as looking too thin – sickly thin even. They used to tell me I should eat more….until they saw me eat whole bags of cookies after school.

To have gotten to a place in my life where I was tired, worn out, and OBESE was something I couldn’t even wrap my head around.

In order to get me down to my ideal weight, the trainer had me doing short, intense periods of cardio, along with weights, squats and stomach exercises.

I was a sweaty mess after our exercise sessions.

After returning home in order to take care of my daughter and run my business, I would lay down on the sofa and not get up until it was time to collect my son from school. My body was completely spent.

I thought to myself, “Who ARE those people who say exercise gives them energy??? All it does for me is make me want to sleep for 10 years!”

I worked with this trainer for 6 weeks as a lead up to my summer holiday with “the GOAL” being to drop a dress size & look good in a bikini. You know how that goes, right?

And so the saga continued. I would try to do things on my own, do another diet…. and nothing was sustainable, not even exercise. After about 2 weeks I would catch a cold, get the flu or just feel unwell.

How to Attain Your Ideal Weight… Without Exercise

I won’t go into the long story of how I came to practise what I do today, but just know that I got to a point where I was just DONE. Done with the countless diets. Done with the countless exercise promises. Done with feeling crappy and no energy. Just done. And so, I asked the Divine for Guidance and voila! Here it is:

  1. Banish the word EXERCISE from your vocabulary.  There are so many counter-productive beliefs and messages around the word that it is, in my opinion, better to never use it again. Instead, I choose to use the word MOVEMENT.
  2. We are energetic beings and in our energetic system we store beliefs, memories and memes thus causing a congestion in our energetic system. When there is congestion, there is no flow of energy. And without flow of energy our bodies don’t work well.  They put on weight in certain areas related to the belief or memory or they create pain or tension. So, we must move.
  3. Every morning before stepping out of bed, ask your body & soul this question: “How would you like to MOVE today?”
  4. Before beginning your movement make an intention for what you desire the movement to DO for you.  Your intention could sound like this: “My intention is that this movement unblocks any and all energy congestion within me so that energy  flows freely throughout my body and elegantly brings me to my ideal weight.”
  5. Enjoy the movement and Thank your body for supporting you.

Two of my Favourite Elegant Movements

  1. My Morning Movement Ritual. (Watch the video above, specifically at minute 2:00)
  2. Kundalini Legs (Watch the video above, specifically at minute 10:15)

What I Recommend For You Now

Now you have the 4 Steps to Elegantly Attain & Maintain Your Ideal Body! (If this is the first time you’re seeing this series, start back at Video #1 HERE)

If you’re anything like me you won’t want this series to end here. With anything new, I like to be hand held a bit until it becomes a habit or fully integrated into my life.

This is why I created a simple 6 week program that I know you will LOVE!

I plan on sharing all my extra little secrets that I didn’t have time to share with you during this series. Plus, from my teaching days, I know that the best way to learn something is a little at a time, so one doesn’t become overwhelmed and do nothing out of confusion.

No, I want you to say, “Erin, thank you SO MUCH! I cannot believe that getting to my ideal weight could be this easy and elegant!  I am LOVING myself and feeling so incredible!”

So, on Friday, I will be pre-launching a gorgeous program that will hand hold you through this process. Hey, if my mom, who can’t work out hard, can lose 2 dress sizes in 6 weeks then you can too!

Set an alert on your calendar for Friday, April 21st to come back to the blog to see what this is all about.

A quick teaser of just THREE of the gems in the program: 

ONE – My Secret trick to use when eating a non-high vibe food, like chocolate cake or white pasta. Your body will enjoy the food and you won’t gain weight from it! YES!

TWO – My Top 6 Elegant Movements that I have found work best for most women; movements that are simple, short & highly effective (and don’t leave you huffing and puffing!)

THREE – 5 Beautiful, High-Vibe Breakfasts, Lunches, Snacks & Dinners for you to choose from each day so you can make conscious choices that taste amazing and are oh, so pleasurable. The weight will melt away as you savour deliciousness!

See you on Friday with all the other juicy details!!





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your best body