life lessons

The Top 5 Life Lessons I Learned in France – The Elegant Life

Life Lessons (From France)

So, now you know why my year in France is a year that I will never forget and will always hold so dear to my heart.

In 1997 I left Canada a broken, insecure, unfulfilled person and in 1998 I returned a peaceful, confident, and spiritual woman.

It is my greatest honour to pass along some of the wisdom I gained. The life lessons I learned that year have served me every day since then.

I’ve had ups and I’ve had downs, but whenever I come back to these lessons, I feel peaceful, aligned, and confident in who I am and why I’m here.

Are you ready to learn them?


Here are 5 of the Top Life Lessons I learned in France:

(Psst…for full explanations of the lessons, watch the video above)

  1. How to live a life filled with Peace, Pleasure, Prosperity, JOY and Beauty.
  2. How to connect with one’s own Divine Nature and how to allow that essence to be so fully YOU that you GLOW and touch other people’s lives with that glow. Shortly after returning from France I was walking in a Health Food Store and a woman stopped abruptly in front of me and said loudly, “WHOAH! YOU ARE GLOWING! You are actually GLOWING!” I just smile when I hear this now because I know it’s not me they’re seeing and feeling, it’s the Divine/Source Energy. This was a wish I had while living in France. I wanted to GLOW like the Buddhist Masters did. And, voila! With time and doing my special daily practise (the one you can find in The 6 Phase Visioning Meditation) I was able to fulfil my wish! And it just keeps getting stronger and stronger as I practise.
  3. How to LIVE your spirituality, not just talk or read about it.
  4. How to know and LOVE yourself intimately, so you never compare yourself with others again.
  5. How to know what your soul desires and how to elegantly manifest it.

Again, these are just SOME of the gorgeous life lessons that France gifted me. The beautiful thing is that much of what I learned has deepened even more since then.

For one, my connection and alignment with Source is something that has deepened to such a level that I consistently receive Divine Downloads for myself and the people I mentor.

I giggle every time I receive an email or comment during a session like this,

“Oh my God, are you psychic? It’s like you know me perfectly and we’ve only just met! 


“Oh my God, are you psychic?  I asked to hear these exact words as a sign today!”

This post is the very last post of “The Making of a Spiritual Woman: A Pilgrimage That Began in Paris” series, but it’s just the beginning of what the Divine has guided me to share with you.

Please know that if you have found your way here, it’s not an accident.  It shows you are ready to receive all of the Elegant Processes and wisdom that I have been guided to share.

If you weren’t ready to receive it you wouldn’t have been guided here.  So congratulations for being ready!!!

It is my wish and intention, that today is the beginning of your OWN personal pilgrimage. One that takes you on a beautiful journey back HOME, to your Divine Nature – the place where Inner Peace, JOY, Abundance and Beauty resides.

Living from this space allows you to live in Elegant Flow where everything you desire (or something even better) flows elegantly to you, without hard work or huge effort.

So, let’s get this journey started, shall we?

Each week I will be sharing wisdom with you on how to be a Spiritual Woman who lives The Elegant Life, so make sure you put a note in your calendar to come back here every Wednesday.

Also, I LOVE connecting with you by reading and responding to your comments and questions, so please do write to me in the comments, okay?

Since I will only be posting once a week now, I invite you to follow me on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram for even more inspiration and wisdom.

See you next week!



visioning meditation



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The Elegant Formula for Manifesting Your Dreams


Ahhh…Manifesting one’s dreams….Are you always thinking about the future, what you desire for the future, and lamenting where you are right now in your life?

Oh, do I know this well!!!

I used to live in a constant state of dissatisfaction.  Yes, of course I had good times, love and happy moments in my life, don’t get me wrong…

But in my thoughts, in those quiet moments with myself, in my heart, I always wished for something I didn’t yet have.

Can you relate?

The Mistake Women Make When Manifesting

When I was struggling with my prosperity, I was almost obsessed with reading books, watching “The Secret” and other videos, buying products, and practising techniques. Little did I know,  I was actually promoting and attracting what I didn’t have!!!

I was focusing on the LACK of prosperity I had in my life.  Oops!

It’s crazy, isn’t it?  We think the harder we work at something the better and quicker it’ll appear in our life, but whoa is that ever the wrong way to approach things.

The Elegant Life is what I discovered when I learned how to set an Elegant Intention™, how to Elegantly clear what was blocking or inhibiting the things I desired from coming into my life and then Surrendering the outcome to the Divine.

You’ve heard me say this before so I won’t go too much into that right now.  However, what I promised last week was that I would share what you SHOULD do after you’ve set your intention, cleared and surrendered.

What to Do Once You’ve Surrendered


What do you do while waiting for your desired life to be your reality?

You LIVE…elegantly.

What does this mean?

Most people are trying to DO more to BE more, but it’s completely the opposite.

When you focus on BEING and ENJOYING, you will notice how life just starts to flow and the “doing” will be more graceful, elegant and full of ease.

I’ve mentioned this before as well, but one of the best questions you can ask yourself is:

“Who do I desire to BE in my life?”

Diane Von Furstenberg said, “I didn’t always know what I wanted to do, but I always knew the woman I wanted to BE.”

diane von furstenburg
Photo credit: Buck Ennis

Who do you desire to BE?

Really spend some time journalling about this and even meditating on it.

A fun idea here is to think of a woman you admire and then deduce what it is that you admire about her.  It doesn’t have to be just one woman, it could be many!

Some of mine are:

Amal Clooney – intelligence, elegance, natural beauty, humour, elegant style

Elle MacPherson – elegant style, natural beauty, does movement she enjoys, nourishes her body with alkaline foods, a down to earth, sucessful entrepreneur and mother

Ines de la Fressange – elegant, simple style, REAL, unpretentious, French, simple hair and makeup, lives authentically with her style, her home, her books, her store,  knows who she is and enjoys life.

Can you see the patterns?

 “How can I BE like this TODAY?”

Ask yourself this each and every day!  And soon, you will BE this woman naturally.

People from my past were and still are in awe of how totally different I am compared to 18 years ago.

I never felt comfortable hugging people.  Now, hugging is something I feel compelled to do! Even while living in Europe where it’s all about the “kiss on the cheek”;)

I was VERY self conscious – never wanting to do things for fear I’d fail, for fear of not being good enough or just out of pure insecurity and shyness.

People simply cannot believe that I’ve done what I’ve done and accomplished what I’ve accomplished. I wouldn’t either except for the fact that I feel this is my “normal”, and that the old Erin is just a faded memory. I can’t believe I was ever so insecure!

Let’s get this back to you now…

Questions for you to ask yourself:

If you were that woman who you desire to BE, what would you DO?

♥ What would you ENJOY?

♥ How would you DRESS?

♥ What would your home look and feel like?

♥ What music would you listen to?

♥ What movies or TV would you watch?

♥ What books or magazines would you read?

♥ What kind of friends would you have?

♥ What foods would you eat?

♥ Where and how would you travel?

Your life may look SO different from what you desire, but just move elegantly, step by step through this transformation.

It’s not a race.  You’ve already determined your destination.  Now, just live that way to whatever extent you can each day.

Want true friends? 

Begin to clear your Facebook “friends”.  Move towards clearing people from your life who don’t match the type of people you desire to have in your life.

THIS is elegant manifesting.

Want a soul mate? 

Become clear about who you want your ideal partner to BE.  What would you ENJOY together? Start doing some of those things yourself!  Focus on being the woman who would attract such a partner.

Maybe you desire for your partner to be kind and patient and plan special things for you to do together.  Start being kind and patient with everyone around you, including yourself!  Plan special outings with friends and family and even for yourself! Yes, even for yourself:)

Perhaps you could go to the cosmetics department to discover your signature look.  Enjoy doing feminine things for yourself such as applying body oils, buying the perfect dress or outfit for dates.  Sleep on one side of your bed in order to make space for your partner. Get the picture??

Desire financial freedom?

Spend time visualising you living your ideal day.  How and when would you wake up?  What would you eat for breakfast?  What would your house look like? (My 6 PHASE Visioning Meditation is PERFECT for this! It’s what I do at least once a week)

Go through your whole day focusing on what you are doing and how you are feeling.  Focus on raising your personal frequency (using my Elegant Guide to Prosperity) so that you are a vibrational match to money.

Save up to purchase an expensive item that makes you feel prosperous!

ENJOY tea or coffee in luxury hotels to put your energy there and become a vibrational match to luxury.

In essence, while you wait for your desired life, spend time doing, being and enjoying that which your soul desires!

It may not be exactly as you imagine just yet, but you have to begin to step into that existence. Plus, it’s fun!

The interesting part is that when you ARE actually living the life you desired it will feel so much like your “normal” that you kind of don’t remember when it became your life!

“One day, in a sudden moment, you’ll look at your life and say, “Oh my goodness.  I desired this and now look at me!  It’s my life!”

Along the way, as you practise being who you desire to be, enjoying every aspect of your life and doing things that feed your soul, the Universe will be elegantly orchestrating conditions to make your desired vision a reality, often being even better than you envisioned.

Don’t Fixate on the Outcome

Please don’t fixate on the outcome.  You will just be resonating in a vibration of , “I don’t have __________ yet!”  Which will keep you in conditions where you don’t have ___________!

This is not elegant manifesting.

Your health and emotional wellness will also suffer.

Your relationships will suffer.

You’ll waste so much energy and time worrying instead of experiencing this exquisite thing called LIFE!

Instead, spend your time in pleasure, joy and alignment with Source.

And, keep doing the Elegant Clearing Process™ that I will teach you.

THIS is the secret sauce. Trust me.

I’ll leave you with this… perhaps you can print it off and keep it somewhere visible so that you are consistently reminded that it is a CHOICE to live The Elegant Life and you CHOOSE to live it!

A Woman Who Lives Elegantly isn’t concerned with a to-do list,

she is more concerned with who she’s being

and how her energy

is impacting the world.

A Woman Who Lives Elegantly isn’t necessarily one who wears a Chanel suit;

a woman of elegance has a radiating and glowing inner peace

that is sensed when she walks into a room,

and that energy is chanelled into everything she does,

she knows who she is,

has complete faith in her ability to create what she wants,

and understands that her journey

should be just as beautiful

as the destination.

Much love,

Erin Kurt



If you would love to be supported and celebrated for who you are, who you desire to BE, and find a manifesting “soul sister” then I invite you to JOIN The Elegant Society; a first class community of spiritual women committed to living an exquisite,  Divine-inspired life. Simply click the image below to JOIN this free group.



HOW We Manifested a Move to Dubai…and How YOU Can Manifest too!

How to Manifest

Want to learn how to Elegantly Manifest something in your life?  Keep reading because that is the topic of this week’s post!

I am going to share with you the story of how I manifest experiences and desires in my life.

Since we just finished manifesting a truly elegant move to Dubai, I’ll share the process of how everything unfolded…with little effort.

How Our Manifestation Began

About 3 years ago I came across a book called, “The Wealthy Chef” by Ann Wilson.  It was a money book written in a way that a woman like myself would even consider reading.

In this book, Ann Wilson asked some great questions, but one very impressive one was…

“What is your life vision?”

Creating a Life Vision

My hubby and I had gotten very clear about our top values, but never had we come up with a specific “vision” for our life.

So one Sunday afternoon we sat down to discuss exactly what we wanted our life to be in the future, by about age 55.

In about 10 years time, we desired to live 6 months at our summer house by the sea and 6 months in Central London or other places around the world.  Our dream was to travel around the world, staying a month or two in luxury apartments and basically just do what we knew we already loved to do…eat, be of service and have exquisite experiences.

Perfect!  Now what?

What to Do Next

Soon after my hubby and I came up with our life vision some friends of ours, who had moved to Abu Dhabi, came back for a visit.  They shared amazing stories and said that life felt like a continuous holiday. We were so happy for them and at the same time our wheels started churning.

At night, we said to each other, “We should go visit them.  I wonder if we could work there? That would REALLY get us to our Life Vision!”

Soon after, we booked our tickets to Abu Dhabi and Dubai for Spring Break with the intention of learning how we would feel there AND for my husband to set up a meeting with a head hunter.
How to Manifest

Well, let’s just say we LOVED Abu Dhabi and Dubai! The lifestyle completely suited us and we just had a magical holiday to say the least.

Camel rides, driving and eating under the stars in the desert, luxury restaurants and hotels, sun, mingling with expats…

However, my husband’s meeting with the head hunter was a bit awkward. He left not having any major leads or hopes of finding anything.  The head hunter said that it would take at least a year if not more for something to come up.

What to Do When You Don’t Know the HOW

We then went to get breakfast at Paul restaurant on the Marina, feeling a bit deflated and unsure of how we were going to manifest this experience for ourselves.

At the restaurant I looked around, picturing what my life would be like if I lived in the area. I also made a definite intention of “putting my energy there”. (we’ll talk about that process another time;)

For the next 2 years we kept “moving to Dubai” as our warmest desire and my hubby continued to take inspired action of contacting head hunters (I can work anywhere so the ball was in his court to get us there).

Last summer we got a call from a head hunter saying a lady from Germany was interested in speaking with him.  Germany??? She also said that she simply wanted to talk as she didn’t have anything right now, but may have in the future.

What to Do While You Wait for Your Desire to Manifest

Now, my hubby could have declined, not wanting to waste his time, but his motto is, “Talking never hurts”.  So, talk he did and they really hit it off.  Still no offer though.

Four months passed and then we got a call saying the lady from Germany wanted to talk again about a job that had come up.

We were totally thrown off.  That wasn’t in our plan.  Did we want that?  We were happy in London.

My hubby spoke with her and it was a pretty interesting offer, but was it worth it to move our happy family?

We continued doing our Elegant Clearing Process™ (stay tuned for a training in this!!) and in October of 2015 we got a call from the head hunter saying the lady from Germany wanted to talk about something.

In that talk the lady from Germany asked my husband if by any chance he would be interested in moving to Dubai… as they’ve just started up a company and they think he’d be perfect.

Ta Da!  

We were beyond excited, thankful and totally giddy as our dream had finally manifested via our patience, clearing and elegant surrender to the HOW.

So, as we speak, we are now living in Dubai! This move means that our “living vision” is going to work out perfectly. 

Oh, and how gorgeous is it that while my hubby and I were patiently surrendering, the land by the sea that we had dreamed of for 8 years finally opened up for sale! We spent the next year designing and building our dream home overlooking the sea! How lovely that we had the time to do this.  Ahhhh….the universe is great.

Click HERE to read that gorgeous story, as it’s a doozy!  I want to share it with you because it involves the very essence of what an elegant life is all about and how elegant FLOW works.

It exemplifies exactly how YOU can start elegantly living and manifesting your desired life, and speaks of the “Clearing Process” I use every single day of my life.

I’m off to Provence now with two of my closest girlfriends.

Loads of love from me to you, Beautiful!

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If you would like to learn the The Art of Living Elegantly where I share EXACTLY how to set an Elegant Intention™ and make it elegantly manifest, just like I have time and time again, then I invite you to CLICK HERE. You’ll be SO glad you did!
