DAILY AFFIRMATIONS FOR FEMININE CONFIDENCE | Use Your Divine Feminine Energies to Become Confident

I am so excited to gift you something that will assist you in embodying feminine confidence!

I’ve created a video of affirmations for feminine confidence that you can watch daily to reprogram your brain for feminine energy empowerment.


Now, with affirmations consistency is key. You cannot watch or listen to it once and expect miracles. In fact I recommend watching/listening to these affirmations for at least 60 days in a row.

The best times to watch or listen are:

  • At bedtime
  • Immediately upon rising in the morning
  • While putting on your makeup in the morning

These moments are when your mind is in a relaxed, open state.

You want your mind to be able to willingly receive these affirmations so that resistance to them is low.

Just like learning to drive a car felt awkward at first, some of these affirmations may bring up resistance in your mind. However, just like driving, after about 2 months, everything begins to feel natural.

I bet you drive to places now and upon arrival wonder how you got there! It’s simple! Your brain did it so many times before that it drove you there on autopilot!

This is how affirmations work too.

One day, you’ll reach a tipping point where any resistance in your mind will fall away and your way of being, acting and thinking will come from feminine confidence…on autopilot.

Again, consistency is key.

Please let me know if there are any other affirmation videos you’d like me to create

With SO Much Love,