increase your feminine energy

Increase Your Feminine Energy: How France, Brazil & Dubai Healed My Feminine Energy

If someone would have told me that learning how to increase your feminine energy is the KEY to living an exquisite life I probably would have dismissed them.

I mean, it sounds a bit abstract, or like something you’d hear at an alternative event in the desert, right?

However, when taught in an elegant way, learning how to increase your feminine energy and actually EMBODY it is truly life changing.

Today I want to share with you my own personal journey with feminine energy. There are three times in my life that helped heal my feminine energy, and those were when I was living in France, Brazil and Dubai.

Healing my feminine energy  and learning how to increase my feminine energy allowed me to to love being a woman again. It made me understand what it really means to be a woman. And, it allowed me to FINALLY feel feminine confidence & live the life of my dreams.

Feminine Confidence is the term I coined for when a woman is innately confident due to fully embodying her femininity and divine feminine energy.

You no longer “try” to be confident, you just are.

This is a liberating & empowering feeling!

With Feminine Confidence you are able to take risks with ease, try things without being attached to the outcome, put yourself forward for opportunities, attract & enjoy ideal friendships and partners, ask for what you deserve and more! The list is endless!

Basically, life opens up to you & you experience it FULLY.

You Can Increase Your Feminine Energy by:

  • learning how to be more feminine
  • having the divine feminine energies activated within you
  • owning & revering your femininity
  • living and interacting from your feminine energies (this is SO helpful when in difficult, stressful or awkward situations)
  • expressing the authentic you via clothes, hair, makeup & jewellery
  • expressing the authentic you via your work
  • setting boundaries

Watch today’s video to see how this played out for me in my life.

If you love diving into spirituality and are committed to both spiritual growth and personal growth then I highly recommend giving yourself the biggest gift of your life with The Elegant Art of Feminine Confidence. (Details below)


With SO much love,
