setting intentions

SETTING INTENTIONS: How to Manifest Your Intentions

It’s Tea Time with Erin again! A SUPER question came through so I dedicated a whole video to it!

Due to the NEW profound energy in town, I want to show you how to master setting intentions so that you can most effectively allow this powerful energy to support you rather than hinder you.

Are you up for learning the way I manifest everything in my life?

From moving to the countries I desire to live in, to finding the perfect home, to attracting the perfect friends into my life, to receiving the most ideal number of clients, etc, etc?

Okay then! Make yourself a lovely cup of tea and let’s get started!

With SO Much Love,

your intentions


Your Intentions

I was sitting on my bed, writing all of my current wishes and dreams in my beautiful flower covered journal (yet again).

Everyone I had ever watched or read stated that the best way to make your intentions come true was to write them down.

So write I did! I was always a good student. Tell me to do something and I’d do it.

What I believed deep down was that if I did what people told me to do, I would get results! Why would someone ever tell me to do something that wouldn’t work?

In other words, I had expectations.

What do you think the manifestation rate of my intentions was?

About 30%.

And the 30% that came true was when I didn’t have any expectations! I just kind of “put them out there.”

Real Life Example

After high school graduation, I missed getting into the Education Department by 2%. I was completely blindsided by this. What???

I have been preparing to be a teacher since I was 8 years old! I KNOW I ‘m meant to be a teacher! How is this even possible God? I thought.

I was so dumbfounded that I went to see a psychic. He told me there would be a last minute announcement from the University that they were lowering the percentage to get into Education by 2%, and I would get in.

I SO wanted to believe him, but I kind of thought he was just telling me what I wanted to hear.

I went home and for the rest of the summer, I slowly got used to the fact that I would just have to rewrite a test or two. Hey, maybe I could work and save up some money while preparing for the exams.

It certainly wasn’t what I’d intended. And, the feeling of “not being good enough” was definitely there, but I just KNEW I was meant to be a teacher . For some odd reason it just didn’t work out this year.

In other words, I surrendered. And I got on with my summer..still being a bit confused as to WHY it didn’t work out.

Wouldn’t you know it, one morning an announcement in the newspaper stated that the Education Department was lowering the percentage to get in. Anyone with my percentage would be offered a letter of acceptance.

At that time in my life, I just felt blessed, but since my Spiritual Awakening 7 years ago I have seen a pattern between all the times my intentions came true and didn’t.

There are things I do that pretty much guarantee that my intentions and dreams come true…unless there is a greater plan for me that I’m not currently aware of.

I’d LOVE to share them with you in this week’s video!

Last week’s video on How to Set Intentions:

Video on how to be in a neutral state:

do Terra Essential Oils:

In this video, you will learn:

  • 3 Steps for Ensuring the Universe can easily make your intentions a reality
  • What YOU can do to create the space for your intentions to manifest
  • How to create a strong magnetic field to elegantly bring your desires to you.

With SO much love,

self worth


When I sat down to write this intro on self-worth I had a feeling I should go back into my diaries; that I would be led to what needs to be shared with you. Well, voila! I found three entries from the same week that fit perfectly.

Each of these entries ended with an intention as I always set intentions for my day.

Here are 3 of them:

  • My intention is that I elegantly & easily release any beliefs I have about my self worth and ability to have an impact.
  • My intention is that I gracefully & easily release & transmute all programs relating to my worth and my ability to RECEIVE money.
  • My intention is that I easily & quickly release all beliefs and programs around me thinking my value & worth are connected to money.

Coming to know and OWN my self worth has been a life long process. Do you feel the same way?

What I have learned is that self-love precedes self-worth, so last week I showed you how to cultivate self-love and this week I am gifting you 2 exquisite ways to own who you already ARE as well as a Quantum technique that is SO effective in you actually embodying your worth.

When I re-read my diary entries I was filled with such gratitude that I no longer need to set intentions like these. I have new intentions now…always have to evolve!

Today, I have a strong level of self-worth and self-confidence and I’ll tell you something… it’s incredibly empowering.

My wish is that YOU experience this feeling too.

In this video about self worth, you will learn:

  • How to build self-esteem, confidence, and worthiness
  • A Quantum Technique that will allow you to fully EMBODY the highest version of yourself
  • A simple but profound question to ask yourself (this can create a tremendous energetic shift)

With so much love,

judging people

How to Elegantly Stop Judging People AND Yourself

Have you ever felt judged by someone?

Perhaps you said something to your partner and they got really upset with you and you were completely taken aback because you totally didn’t mean it the way they took it?

Or, has someone ever told you that you just don’t have what it takes to _________. (You fill in the blank)

Or, that you are “short”, “overweight”, “stupid”, “shy”, “overbearing”…?

Judgement hurts. It can make us feel misunderstood, less than, embarrassed, angry, guilty and ashamed.

So…here’s a question for you, if feeling judged causes such hurt, why do we continue judging people ourselves?

And! Here’s the even bigger question, why do we continue judging OURSELVES?

In this week’s video I break judgement down and gift you a beautiful, loving & very simple way to stop judging people as well as yourself.

In this video you will learn:

  • When you are being judged, how to think about it so it can be a positive experience for everyone
  • EXACTLY what to do (and say) if you have been judged by others or by yourself
  • What it really means when you are judging people and yourself.

With SO much love,


Mes Petits Plaisirs | My February Favourites | White Roses, Water Retention & Women’s Supplements

Okay, I’m a little late with the February favourites video, but I’m extremely excited to share mes petits plaisirs for this month with you!

This month my February favourites include:

  1. A fabulous, life shifting book.
  2. Two powerful, life changing supplements for women (the elegant solution for water retention and stress, ladies!)
  3. A simple and inexpensive way to create a beautiful, elegant rose arrangement.

And along the way, you know I always insert some spiritual teachings;)

So, “Allons-y!”

Links mentioned are:

1)  Click HERE to purchase.

supplements for women

Click HERE to purchase. International shipping available!






3)                                                                             Click HERE to purchase. International shipping available!supplements for women