overcoming challenges

Overcoming Challenges: How to Do it The Elegant Way

Ladies!!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am to be back blogging, vlogging and supporting you.

I had an absolutely wonderful 2 month holiday, but there were some challenges that appeared, and I want to share them with you so that you can see how a Spiritual, Elegant woman chooses to move through them.

My kiddies and I first flew to London. I had the opportunity to stay with one of my best friends and visit with my other two besties as well.

How wonderful it was to be openly welcomed, hugged, and cared for. Having close girlfriends was once only a dream. After spiritually evolving so quickly, people I  called friends suddenly dropped out of my life. So to meet up with these three beautiful women again meant the absolute world to me.

To read how I manifested these 3 beautiful friends read, “How to Elegantly Attract Quality Friends”

Overcoming Challenges at the Airport

My kiddies and I swiftly left to travel from London to Calgary. However, due to an unknown Canadian government rule for dual citizens and some extremely unhelpful Air Canada employees, except for one angel, we missed our flight.

The saga that took place is a story I’ve told so many times over the summer, so I won’t go into it all, however we ended up flying to Toronto, only to be held up in security, and then another set of security only to have to run like cheetahs to the terminal which was literally just closing.

We finally landed in Calgary and soon after, my daughter got the flu and a chest infection.

When my hubby arrived he and I went for a special Reconnective Healing session. My intention was “for anything and everything that was still within me, blocking my Divine light, to transmute and be cleared.”

I had been given the clear message before I left for holidays that The Elegant Life would expand even more this year and I needed to ready for it, so when this Reconnective Healing Session entered the picture I said, “Yes”.

While receiving the healing, I heard messages in my awareness like this:

It’s over, Erin. Done. It’s finished now.

“Hmmm, don’t know what that means but… okay”, I thought.

Overcoming Challenges of Health

Later that week I began coughing and feeling unwell. I ended up having to go on antibiotics but still didn’t get better. I was coughing so much that I was bringing up some pretty nasty looking stuff (releasing, clearing, yep!)

I still enjoyed some special moments while my hubby was in Canada with us, but on the final day, when just my kiddies and I were to board a flight from Calgary to London, London to Istanbul then Istanbul to Bodrum…I broke. I asked my sister to please take me to the doctor.

Well… turns out I had pneumonia.

Now, those of you ladies who have read or watched the Series I did on, “The Making of a Spiritual Woman: A Pilgrimage that Began in Paris” know that I had pneumonia at that time as well.

Turns out that this pneumonia was in the exact spot as that pneumonia. That year I had A LOT to clear (oh, just a bit to get over…abuse, grief, restraining order, divorce…) It seems there was a bit left to clear:)

I was prescribed two different antibiotics, got a strong IV to give me energy, and off I set for our flights.

overcoming challenges

After my pneumonia was fully gone I felt renewed & so much lighter. And what I will share with you next week is what transpired the following month in August.

Stunning is not even the word to describe it….You see, when we clear old programs, old beliefs & old stories within our energetic system we allow more space for all of the intentions we have asked for to elegantly float on in…feeling like we’ve just been touched by magic. Mark your calendar and be sure to join me next week for that post!

Overcoming Challenges: How YOU Can Elegantly do this!

This summer has been a doozy for many people. People are going through major obstacles & challenges and I wanted to share wisdom on how you can see your way through anything. And how after you’ve moved through it, you will see and experience the miracles you were meant to.

As Spiritual women we have TWO choices:

  1. We can experience obstacles and challenges and feel like a victim.
  2. We can say, “Ah, I see there is something to CLEAR within me.” Then, as we clear, we really listen to Divine Inspiration about what we require to do to help us move through this with ease.  And, along the way, we energetically become a match to that which we desire.”

When we incessantly talk about our challenges & complain about every thing and every one we simply create more blocks to our light as well as the miracles waiting to manifest.

We don’t learn. We don’t grow. We don’t evolve.

No, we stay stuck, all the while ensuring that more drama will occur.

Because remember: like attracts like. So if you are being negative, more negativity will be brought to you.

This is where free will comes in. It’s not the Divine trying to “punish you” or “test you”.  It is simply the Divine allowing you the free will to choose how you desire to live.

Either way, in the end, whether it takes 1 month or 10 years of experiencing the SAME issues over and over again, you will one day get fed up and turn towards LOVE & JOY – and that is the only thing Divine Energy is interested in. Not the time limit.

YOU decide how swiftly and consistently you experience peace and happiness in your life.

I know that is a tough one to swallow, but as I mentioned to my hubby this summer as we were walking,

“Have you ever noticed that whenever you have a problem you’re there?”

overcoming challenges

So, if overcoming challenges (the Elegant Way) has been on your mind lately, please hear this…

The Universe/God/Source is responding to YOU.

  • Do you feel emotionally chaotic inside?
  • Have you always struggled with setting boundaries?
  • Is there one issue that continues to come up in your life? What is it?
  • If that issue were not an issue anymore, what would your life be like? How would you feel? What would you be doing? What would you be enjoying?
  • Do you find it difficult believing in yourself? Your worth? Your capabilities?
  • Do you find it difficult to give yourself permission to slow down, relax, pamper yourself, go on a retreat, go on a girly holiday, get a spa treatment?
  • Do you have health problems that keep you from doing work you love? Do you worry that if you get healthy you’ll have to work too hard?
  • Do you struggle with your weight, feeling beautiful or loving yourself?
  • Do you struggle financially?

ALL of these issues have a certain frequency and vibration. So because that frequency is being sent out to the Universe from you, unconsciously, what gets sent back is similar experiences or feelings because that is how the law works.

Now, what’s the reason behind the law being set up this way? It’s to provide you with free will. No judgement, just support towards you evolving.

What? How is giving me all this grief supporting me, you ask?

Each experience will come into your life so that you have the OPPORTUNITY to choose a different way and finally become who you require to become in order to begin experiencing the life you TRULY desire.

I love this poem from a buddhist book I received in France….

“Autobiography in Five Chapters”

1) I walk down the street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I fall in.

I am lost…I am hopeless.

It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.


2) I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I pretend I don’t see it.

I fall in again.

I can’t believe I’m in the same place.

Bit it isn’t my fault.

It still takes a long time to get out.


3) I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I see it is there.

I still fall in…it’s a habit

My eyes are open.

I know where I am.

It is my fault.

I get out immediately.


4) I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I walk around it.


5) I walk down another street.

-Portia Nelson


This Buddhist book then goes on to say:

The purpose of reflecting on this is to make a real change in the depths of your heart, and to come to learn how to avoid the “hole in the sidewalk,” and how to “walk down another street”. Often this will require a period of retreat and deep contemplation, because only that can truly open our eyes to what we are doing with our lives.

Yes going on a retreat as I did 7 years ago can completely transform your life, however, it is also in the daily practise of what I call, “Coming back HOME & Aligning with Elegant Flow” that you will begin to experience life differently.

Simple Ways of Aligning With Elegant Flow

Every time you see and hear yourself reacting to life in a certain way (and experiencing a certain outcome) become CONSCIOUS of it.

Then, make a CONSCIOUS choice to change your reaction.

Apologise or make it right somehow.

Repeat, “I love you, __________.” (Insert your name here)

Do something to raise your vibration. You can learn 14 of my favourite ways HERE.

Or, do The Elegant Clearing Process™, which can be learned after you’ve gone through The Art of Living Elegantly™.

Spiritual, Elegant Women CHOOSE to live elegantly, and yes, it is a daily process. But the more and more you choose to live this way, the more life becomes elegant.

The Elegant Life is:

  1. When life flows.
  2. Elegantly moving through challenges.
  3. Desires manifest almost effortlessly.
  4. Your heart is almost consistently in a state of Peace & Exquisite Joy & Bliss.
  5. You feel you have beauty and purpose in your life; your Calling is absolutely clear.
  6. You have a deep connection with who and what you really are.

I promise you this… once you become the woman you are required to be by consistently making different choices than you habitually do, whatever your soul has been desiring will come into your life SO easily & elegantly you’ll be absolutely shocked and amazed.

I experience this personally over and over again and so do my clients.

Do we still have challenges in life? Yes, of course, because we are all constantly evolving, it’s never finished.  But the process is smoother and quicker, which is really nice, trust me on this one!

If you feel ready to go deeper with this learning and begin the pilgrimage of coming back HOME to elegance, beauty, love, abundance and joy go HERE to learn The Art of Living Elegantly.

With Love,



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elegant living


Why Being Happy is a REQUIREMENT For Spiritual Women Now

“Hello! Hi! How are you?” Great thanks, you?” 

“Oh, my God! She’s a little odd, isn’t she?”

“Yes! And what was she wearing?”

This is a conversation that goes on all over the world between women.  Good women, nice women, women who want to be happy, who want their children to be happy & who have a strong desire for peace… and yet…

Where is OUR happiness? Our peace? Our kindness? Our love?

Yes, we can do big, public things like volunteer, raise money for charities, be a Foster parent, etc. but in our every day words and actions, are we really resonating what we wish for in the world?

Last week we all heard about the horrendous tragedy in Manchester. I felt broken inside. But what added to my sadness was that when I scrolled through my Facebook feed most of what I read was people:

  • complaining
  • using extremely negative words (that I choose not to reprint here) against other women
  • judging

And I thought…

And people wonder why we are experiencing this reality right now?

As we all know, everything is energy. Words have an energetic frequency, actions, feelings, posts we share, comments we make, food, plants, desks, chairs…everything has a measurable energy.

So, if we are using negative words, in whatever circumstance, we are resonating that energy. And the more we resonate this negativity, the more negative energy is collected in our collective consciousness (the world’s consciousness). And, what we have resonated is what we will receive back.  It’s the Law.

It’s Time to BE Happy

I was really called to write this post… for it to be a reminder, to all of us women who are truly beautiful souls, that if we want to live in a peaceful, loving world, we must make our main choice every day to BE peace & love. That goes for everything we say and do.

Can we be perfect? Should we get down on ourselves if we mess up? No.

But we CAN inwardly or outwardly say, “I’m sorry” and then make a different choice in the next moment.

And, what we can also do is to make our other main focus, JOY & PLEASURE.

Did you know that the emotion of JOY is only 160 Hz from that of Enlightenment? (Enlightenment resonates at 700 Hz and JOY at 540 Hz)

This is the reason why we focus so much on PLEASURE here at The Elegant Life, because when you are doing something that gives you pleasure, you radiate JOY and when you radiate JOY you change the world’s consciousness.

And when the world’s consciousness is uplevelled by all the beautiful souls around the world committing to JOY, the world’s reality will change. It’s already changing!

How BEING Happy is Changing the World

More people are open to Spirituality than ever before. More people are meditating than ever before. So a shift IS happening, but we need to continue moving towards JOY, ladies.

If you hear yourself complaining, shift to …”But I am so grateful for _________”

If you feel yourself being pulled into gossip, remove yourself from the situation or change the topic.

If you hear yourself judging someone else, say inwardly or outwardly, “I’m sorry, that’s a judgement.” And send that person love instead.

Here is a video to reinforce this concept of how frequency affects reality.

Watching it will change you, trust me.

So ladies, who is up for committing to LOVE, JOY, PEACE & GRATITUDE?

More than ever before the signs could not be more clear as to what our focus needs to be right now.

We women can literally change the reality of our world…but remember…it starts with us and every single thing we consciously or unconsciously do, say, write, or be.

Sending you SO much love, peace, beauty and JOY,



For those of you who would like to commit even further to becoming the BEST version of yourself, I invite you to begin The Art of Living Elegantly. It’s your beautiful guide back to the REAL you.

elegant living

finding happiness

Finding Happiness – How to Find it & Sustain it the Elegant Way

Did you know that there are over 62,000 books written on “finding happiness”?

This shows that there millions of people searching for fulfilment and happiness.

In fact, did you know that Dubai has created a Minister of Happiness position?

Yes! Finding happiness is a major focus right now and I LOVE this!  However, I want you to know what Women Who Live Elegantly know.

I want you to know how Women Who Live Elegantly define and experience happiness, as well as sustain it.

Curious?  Read on and/or watch the video above.

Finding Happiness & Sustaining Happiness

The dictionary defines happiness as:

 a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

A Woman Who Lives Elegantly’s definition of happiness is:

 the state of contentment, fulfilment & joy that I experience as a result of doing, being and enjoying what my soul desires.

Notice that happiness from a Woman Who Live Elegantly’s point of view is a state that she is directly capable of creating in her life.

Now, in order to create this state, she must do three things…

Step 1:

Spend time getting to know herself.

Step 2: 

Spend time listening to her soul.

Step 3:

Give herself permission to do, be and enjoy what her soul says it desires.

Let’s look at each of these in more depth now.

Spend Time Getting to Know Yourself

I can remember many times in my life that I have admired a woman because she seemed to really KNOW herself.

She really knew her style, she really knew what she loved to do for enjoyment, she knew her taste in music and home decor, she had some signature dishes she loved to cook…she just had that “Je ne sais quoi”.

Now, when I say that I admired the women, I actually meant that I envied them.  I didn’t know what they knew and it made me so depressed and was left feeling empty, plain, boring, uninteresting, lost…you get the picture.

One day, in my early 20’s I asked an older friend, who definitely KNEW her style and likes, etc. (she oozed “Je ne sais quoi”!), “How did you find your style?  How do you KNOW what you like in life?  Her answer was, “I don’t know, I just do.”

Ugh, that was a depressing answer.  I wanted so much to have an air about me, an essence, a knowingness of who I was, but no one could guide me!

If you feel this way right now…maybe not as desperately as my 20 year old self, but subtly enough that your soul is resonating with what I’m saying here, then I would invite you to purchase the book,Style Statement” by Danielle LaPorte and Carrie McCarthy.  

It was such a beautiful experience to explore myself the way in which this book guides you to!  I really cannot recommend it enough.

  It takes you into every crevice of who you are. Watch the video above to see inside MY book!

Spend Time Listening to Your Soul

You will hear me saying this over and over again and I will never stop because it is the KEY to your happiness…Ask your soul what it desires and listen! 

“What do you feel like eating for breakfast this morning, soul?”

“How do you feel like moving today, soul?”

“What do you want to wear today, soul?”

When a woman listens to her soul she receives the most intimate guidance on how to be happy & fulfilled each and every day.

There will be no pushing to be happy, no “trying” to be happy, no effort in “finding happiness”, it will simply be her state, and a sustainable one.

Give Yourself Permission to Do, Be & Enjoy What Your Soul Desires

So, you know yourself intimately and you listen to your soul, but…you don’t ALLOW yourself to DO, BE or ENJOY what your soul desires.

THIS is an epidemic with women.

We women can always come up with a reason why we shouldn’t do, have, be or enjoy something.

There can ALWAYS be a reason, however, the moment we give ourselves permission to go ahead with whatever our soul has said it desires, we will feel exquisite happiness and joy!

finding happiness


Let’s say your soul really desires a molten dark chocolate dessert. Will you give yourself permission to eat it with pleasure or will you think about the calories it has and how much exercise you’ll “have to do” to burn it off?

Let’s say your hubby comes to you to make love and you say out of stress, “I don’t have time”. Did you ask your SOUL what it desires?  Sometimes it may say that a tidy house or a completed task is what it desires, but sometimes it will say, “How wonderful it would feel to connect with him like this!”  What will you do?

Let’s say you look in the closet and see nothing that inspires you.  Will you schedule in a day where you go shopping at your favourite shop or will you say, “Oh, but the kids need things more than I do”?

Let’s say your soul desires to enjoy dinner at a certain restaurant and your husband never wants to go out. Will you stay in night after night after night, with sadness and resentment building, or will you figure out a way to go on your own by booking a table for one or inviting a friend along?

Let’s say your soul desires to work with a particular coach or mentor or to purchase a course, but your ego comes in with, “You can’t do that, you don’t have enough money or time for that!” Will you listen to your soul or your ego?

Which would bring you more happiness & fulfilment do you think?

finding happiness

I could go on and on as the number of times in a day that women hear the whispers of their soul but quickly shut it down, is countless.

And THIS is where unhappiness and unfulfillment come from.

There is no joy.

There is no pleasure.

There is no fulfilment of the soul.

We carry on living our life in “responsibility” and resentment and then buy 62,000 books on, “How to be Happy.”

The answers are within us…specific answers for us alone!  We just have to listen and give ourselves permission to Do, Be, and Enjoy what it asks us to.

Are you ready to experience sustainable happiness? Remember what Women Who Live Elegantly do…they make a choice.  What’s your choice?

I’d love to know if you resonate with anything I’ve written here.  Do you consistently resist allowing yourself to do something you know your soul keeps asking you to do?

Do you have a feeling like perhaps you don’t deserve to be happy?

With so much love,





self love challenge

The 28 Day Self-Love Challenge! (*With Giveaway*)


Ladies! Are you up for a Beautiful Challenge?

About 2 weeks ago, the Divine told me that I was to focus on Self-Love in February.

Normally in February the world focuses on “relationship” love, but I know (and you know) that the only way to attract or experience the type of love you desire in your life is to be in complete & total love with your SELF.

Self-Love changes everything. How?

The Top 5 Benefits of Self-Love:

1. You don’t “need” anyone to make you happy.

2. You effortlessly become or maintain your ideal weight.

3. You attract friends and lovers who truly love you & bring you joy.

4. You attract & manifest what you desire with ease and elegance.

5. You are able to make a real impact as you serve your purpose on earth.

Of course there are many, many more benefits of self-love, but these are at the top!

Now, the word “self-love” has never really resonated with me.  I don’t know why but I felt no connection to it.  It didn’t stir up a desire for me to change or work on myself.

Can you relate?

I’d see a headline on the front cover of a magazine about Self-Love and either roll my eyes, thinking, “Not again” or “Boring!”.  The words just didn’t resonate with me.

But… what I realised is that I REALLY resonate with the word LOVE.

That one word feels FULL to me.  It feels warm and all encompassing.  I even love the way the word LOVE looks!

Most importantly though, I love the way love feels; when I give it and when I receive it.

By “give it” I also mean that I love the feeling when I “give love” to myself and fully “receive love” from myself.

Now THIS resonates with me. THIS has meaning for me and stirs up the desire to actually commit to doing it because I have felt the benefits and seen the benefits.

There are so many ways I have learned to give myself love.  Here are just a few that have strongly impacted my life…

5 Ways to Give Yourself Love

1. Have a “Red Velvet Rope Policy” for your life. Bless and let go of anyone or anything that makes you feel anything less than loved or joyful.

2. Gift yourself things or experiences that your soul desires.

3. Make yourself a priority.

4. Have a daily ritual that honours who you ARE, as well as the woman you desire to BE.

5. Gift your body high vibrational foods in order to honour her.


Every day tell yourself 1 thing that you LOVE about yourself.

Each week in February I am going to elaborate on one of the ideas above.  My intention is to share with you simple and pleasurable ways you can give LOVE to yourself so that you feel JOYFUL  & PEACEFUL inside, and that your outer reality aligns with these feelings and therefore attracts all good things that are a vibrational match.

The other thing I was divinely guided to do was to create a 28 Day Self-Love Challenge! I’m SO excited! J’adore GIFTING!!!

Here’s how it’s going to work:

  1. Head on over to either The Elegant Life’s Facebook Page OR Instagram Page  and “Follow” or “Like” the page.
  2. Each day in February, starting February 1st, return to the platform you choose to follow and watch for the post that looks like this:self-love challenge
  3. In the comment section post 1 thing you love about yourself or your life.
  4. If you comment on all 28 days your name will be entered into a luxurious giveaway! To acknowledge all the women who committed to cultivating self-love within themselves I will be adding their names to a draw and then gifting 1 woman from the draw a beautiful & highly luxurious gift that will be sent straight to her door!
Your name will ONLY be entered into the draw if you have “LIKED” or “FOLLOWED” one of the social media platforms listed above AND commented on all 28 days of the challenge. NO exceptions. A draw will be made on March 1st and the winner will be announced and contacted so that the giveaway prize can be promptly shipped. WOMEN ONLY.

ENJOY the process.  ENJOY the feeling. ENJOY the LOVE!

Because, as the French would say… L’amour, c’est magnifique!

Gros Bisous,











How to Elegantly Prosper: No “Hard Work” Required

We all desire to prosper in our lives.

Money makes life easier. It allows us to enjoy things and experiences that feed our soul. And it gifts us freedom. Freedom to make certain life choices that may not be so easy if money were not there.

I know what you’re saying, “Yes, Erin, but HOW? HOW do I prosper?”

This used to be my question.  I asked it every day! You see, each of us comes to the earth with one main issue that exists in order to aid in the evolution of our soul.

Mine happened to be prosperity and money. If you haven’t read my story you’ll find it all in HERE.  Issues for other people may be: love, weight, relationships, confidence, health…

Things I’ve “Tried” in order to Prosper:

  1. I tried getting a job.

    This was good.  I loved being a teacher and was often shocked to find a pay stub in my mailbox every month because I enjoyed it so much. However… my soul desired regular manicures, pedicures and massages and adored staying in luxury hotels, buying high quality clothes and travelling the world.  The issue I had was that on a teacher’s salary, this wasn’t always possible.

  2. I tried saying and writing affirmations. 

    Since I’ve always been into spirituality I used to read countless books on the power of affirmations.  The problem was that my subconscious beliefs were SO geared against these affirmations that I could feel the resistance within myself that it wouldn’t work.

  3. I read books on becoming wealthy

    such as “Think and Grow Rich“and “The Science of Getting Rich”, and did all the things they said to do, but just ended up spending every waking hour thinking about money (from a lack perspective) and nothing changed.  Well, one thing did…I felt even more anxious and desperate about money!

  4. I took courses and went to LIVE trainings.

    Everyone at these events kept talking about action. You’ve got to take action.  Now, since I’m a very self-disciplined person and former “Type A personality” I took action like crazy! At one point, I had written a book, was writing a blog and articles for 3 other top websites, was filming videos for my You Tube Channel, recording interviews for my own Blog Talk Radio Show, and was a parenting expert for a UK counselling site. Oh, did I mention that I was also launching online products and programs and coaching people at all times of the day and night too? Oh, goodness me, I forgot to say that I was being interviewed multiple times a week for US morning radio shows! (Their morning shows were 10pm at night in the UK!) All of this while having a young child at home.

Yes, ladies, I did it ALL! In fact I was so committed to having an abundant life so that I could live life the way my SOUL desired, that I did something that completely dishonoured my soul.

Attending the SHINE Event


You see this picture?  I’m smiling, I’m at a major event called SHINE, the second one put on by Business Guru Ali Brown, and…I’m bleeding profusely.

I had grown my business to a point, but something was blocking the financial growth that I desired.  I couldn’t seem to help more people but also help myself financially too , so I got up the courage to speak to my husband about buying the hefty priced ticket, buying a flight from the UK to Las Vegas and looking after our son while I was gone.

I felt so proud of myself for “taking action”, for going after my dreams, for “doing what it takes”, for “working hard”, even though I was pregnant and feeling exhausted.

So, I flew to Vegas, got to my hotel room and decided to take a nap straight away. When I woke from my nap I went to the toilet and there was blood everywhere.

I had never experienced a miscarriage and had never known anyone who had, so I wasn’t too concerned.  Perhaps I was “spotting”.

I decided to go to bed early. Maybe my body was just tired from the long flight and needed rest.

No such luck.  All throughout the night I was awoken by more and more blood.

(To hear the whole story watch the video at minute 9:00-10:30)

The Moment I Completely Dishonoured My Soul

So there I was, at the event, and every 20-30 minutes racing to the bathroom to pile 3 pads on top of each other, along with a tampon and toilet paper.  Then I would put on my business face again and walk into the event raising my hand to say, “Hello, I’m Erin Kurt from ErinParenting and I’m so excited to be here from the UK”.

I masterminded, I went for lunch with women, I connected with women who were at a higher level in their business in order to ask them for tips and tricks, I did it ALL.

I was so proud of myself for doing “whatever it took” for success because that is what every wealthy person was spouting as the secret to their success.


Sadly, I continued on this road for a few more years, with an incremental increase to my wealth.

The Moment I Surrendered and Began to Prosper

It was only when I became so disheartened, so tired, so hopeless that I would ever get MY big break, that I surrendered.

“I give up the fight, God. I will use my talents to serve, but I won’t push.  I won’t beg you anymore. I can’t, I’m emotionally & physically tired. Maybe I am just not meant to have wealth in this lifetime. I surrender.”

When I began surrendering my body let down. I could literally FEEL the lack of attachment to my desires.  And for the first time in YEARS, I finally felt free.

From that point on, I began feeling into what things I loved to do and what things stressed me.

I began filtering everything through the lens of “Does this bring me JOY?”

Because if I wasn’t going to be wealthy, I might as well feel JOYFUL doing this, right?  That was my thinking process at the time.

I began receiving strong inner guidance on what things I should do, so I did those. Funny enough, I began attracting more opportunities and clients!


I kept following the next step and the next step and the next step as it was shown to me.  I didn’t always understand it and it wasn’t always comfortable, but I just kept surrendering.

Each soul-inspired step I took made my business prosper more and more.

It was a completely different formula than what most people were talking about, but I could see a trend that all of the women who worked so hard for their success were burnt out and desired more balance in their lives.

Hmm, I was on to something! I was growing my business AND enjoying my life at the same time. YES!

Now, I’ll be honest and tell you that I faltered at times.  There were times I saw a Facebook ad for a new strategy and got taken off my path of inner peace and went down the “work hard” route again.

I would see others using certain techniques successfully and once again fall off track.  But, the one thing that always brought me back was the core feeling I desired – JOY.  And if it ever started to feel like I was losing that, then I would realign and shift.

In 2015 my soul told me to STOP. Stop all my businesses and take a sabbatical. Of course my ego went, “WHAT???”  But, by then I had learned to trust and so I surrendered and announced my sabbatical.

Of course I kept listening for Divine guidance and took action on only those things.  

What so elegantly transpired was:

  1. My life’s prosperity grew more that year than ever before!
  2. I wrote a children’s book series with my mother, one that had been our dream for years!
  3. The land that my hubby and I had been dreaming about for 7 years was finally released to a developer and we were able to build our dream summer home by the sea! (see pictures!)

My ability to prosper just keeps growing and growing, SO elegantly.  No “hard work”, no pushing, no desperation, no struggle…

Just alignment, JOY and elegance. Opportunities find me, magnetically come to me. Synchronicities are over the top! Everything just floooows.

So, what is the Secret to Living an Abundant, Prosperous Life full of Inner peace, Pleasure, JOY & Beauty?

You require to:

a) get clear on your ideal Life Vision

b) make an Elegant Intention for exactly what you desire

c) surrender

d) listen to divine guidance and take THAT kind of action.

Do not remain attached to your desires – you will only be resonating the energy of, “I don’t have this yet”.

You want to spend your time and energy units on doing things that truly bring you JOY, and only take action on the things that your soul tells you to do.

How do you know if it’s your soul and not your ego telling you to do things?  That is a bigger conversation, but one that I spend a whole module on in The Art of Living Elegantly program.

If you are interested in learning the full process that I live my life by then I invite you to have a look at The Art of Living Elegantly. You can learn more HERE. 

THIS is what changed everything for me, Ladies. I do THIS.

Here’s to us living life where we ALL prosper!!!




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The Guide to Prosperity