judging people

How to Elegantly Stop Judging People AND Yourself

Have you ever felt judged by someone?

Perhaps you said something to your partner and they got really upset with you and you were completely taken aback because you totally didn’t mean it the way they took it?

Or, has someone ever told you that you just don’t have what it takes to _________. (You fill in the blank)

Or, that you are “short”, “overweight”, “stupid”, “shy”, “overbearing”…?

Judgement hurts. It can make us feel misunderstood, less than, embarrassed, angry, guilty and ashamed.

So…here’s a question for you, if feeling judged causes such hurt, why do we continue judging people ourselves?

And! Here’s the even bigger question, why do we continue judging OURSELVES?

In this week’s video I break judgement down and gift you a beautiful, loving & very simple way to stop judging people as well as yourself.

In this video you will learn:

  • When you are being judged, how to think about it so it can be a positive experience for everyone
  • EXACTLY what to do (and say) if you have been judged by others or by yourself
  • What it really means when you are judging people and yourself.

With SO much love,