
DISCOVER EXACTLY WHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE! *Things I’ve never shared before!*

I went shopping for new clothes this week and it was fun! Why?

Because I know what clothes are my style and which colours are ME.

In my early 20’s I had no clue what my signature style was. I admired women who did though.

I remember sitting on a friend’s balcony one afternoon (she was about 10 years older than me) and asking her, “How do you know what your style is?”

Her answer? “I don’t know, I just do.”

Oh how I wished she had a better answer as I wanted to have an air about me like she did.

I wanted to feel confident, like a woman with presence. But instead I felt completely out of touch with who I was and consequently never attracted anything into my life that I truly wanted.

When I lived in France all that changed. I found my style. I OWNED my style, and consequently I had tremendous confidence and finally felt like a woman who had that je ne sais quoi.

And you know what? Even though I had horrendous acne and weighed 20 extra pounds I was sought after by so many incredible men!

Now, it wasn’t just my style. I had really embraced my love of France, the French language and the culture. It was simply a part of me. I was a Francophile through and through.

I also deepened my Spiritual practice and accepted so many other things about myself.

This whole month of February I’ve been focusing on self love, self confidence & self worth and one thing I know for SURE is that it is imperative that we rediscover what makes us unique and special. Because when we do we allow ourselves to be exactly who we were created to be and we start to glow from the inside out.

We also have effortless confidence and are empowered to go out into the world and express who we are in everything we do. And with this we experience elegant success in many areas of our life.

I’d like to share with you some things you may not know about me; some things that make me unique and things I love & accept about myself. And I’ll show you how to discover your uniqueness too!



In this video you will learn:

  • 4 unique things about me (Surprise!)
  • how to get in touch with what makes YOU unique
  • why knowing how you are unique is so important (without this you’ll simply blend in, unable to attract the partner, body, job, clients & success you desire)


With so much love,

self confidence

3 Easy Ways To BUILD YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE…The Elegant Way!

Please stand up. Yep, right now, stand up. Now, step your legs apart so they are hips distance apart. (No, this isn’t a new “elegant” workout – Ha! Ha!). Are you in that position?

Good. Now put your hands into fists and after I count to three I want you to forcefully shout, “YES!” while moving your arms in any way that makes you feel powerful. Ready?



So? How do you feel right now? Different?

Every time I do that I feel extremely powerful, pumped up & full of self-confidence!

This is because I changed my state. At The Elegant Life we focus a lot on creating the state (emotion) we desire to feel because we know it gives us the ability to literally create our reality…with self confidence and ease.

There are many ways to build your self confidence so in keeping with this month’s theme of “Self Love“, I am sharing 3 easy ways to elegantly build your self confidence so you are able to do, be & enjoy anything your Soul desires.

ENJOY! And please share this with any woman you think could benefit from it.

With so much Love,

self love

HOW TO FINALLY LOVE YOURSELF – The Elegant Solution to Self Love

Ah, self love. I had it when I was a child and then lost it along the way. The first memory I have of becoming self-conscious about  a physical attribute came in junior high.

I can remember the moment vividly. I was 14 years old, walking down the corridor of my school, laughing with some friends when out of no where an ex-boyfriend of mine ran up in front of me and said,

Hey Erin, this is you!”

while walking like a bow-legged cowboy. THAT was the moment I discovered that the shape of my calves were not okay. I even went to a doctor to ask for legs braces I could wear at night to straighten them. (Continued below the video)

There are multiple memories that affected my self love but the moment everything profoundly changed for me was

the year I moved to France .

I witnessed how French Women actually took unique characteristics of themselves and made it into the one thing that made them “unique”.

Gaps in the teeth, small breasts, curly hair…you name it they adored it. And consequently…so did everyone else.

My experience in France started my Pilgrimage inward – not to find out all the things I needed to “fix” about myself…to discover everything I LOVED about myself. And from that place, my self love and self confidence rose steadily.

I began only accepting certain types of friends and partners in my life and I asked for things that I wanted because I knew I deserved them!

The ripple effect of self love is tremendous and that is why I have dedicated the month of May to Self Love and Self Confidence.

I explain the Elegant Solution to Falling in Love with yourself in the video above. Have a watch!

To begin your OWN self love pilgrimage download the beautiful PDF I have created for you.

Click HERE to download this free PDF.
