
WHY YOU AREN’T MANIFESTING? Here’s Your Answer & Solution

*** Let Manifesting Be Elegant & Easy! ***

Hello! I’m back from an incredible summer holiday and am absolutely energized to be back here on the blog talking about manifesting!

Why am I so passionate when I speak about manifesting? Because for SO LONG I didn’t get it.

I felt like so many women who write to me or come to me as a client who feel like they are truly doing everything they can to manifest and nothing is working.

They have read The Secret (as I had).

They have read all about the Law of Attraction and Visualising (as I had).

They have even meticulously done every step found in those books and movies and still…nothing. No extra money. Health is unchanged. No soulmate walking through that door…resonating a bit with all this?

I truly wish I could sit down with you and read you my past diary entries just to show how desperate and hopeless I once felt.

Being a former Type A perfectionist, it was really tough to feel like I was doing EVERYTHING and still my everything was not enough.

Today I want to share with you one of the most important things I can teach you when it comes to manifesting. This is a game-changer.

Really take it in. Really HEAR me, okay?

Don’t just listen and say, “Okay, got it.” then move on to another video about how to manifest. Let this deeply sink in. Journal with your subconscious & soul.

Because whatever you desire is just on the other side of you really “getting” this.

Enjoy! And please share with your mother, sister, friend or client!

It’s time women move past the “struggle reality” and step into their full power so they can begin living an abundant life – on every level.

I love you!