Did you know that women are wired to manifest energy differently than men?

And, that when you switch to manifesting with your feminine energy, you actually manifest easier and faster than if you tap into your masculine energy?

I spent many, many years trying to manifest and I was left exhausted, depleted and to be honest, worse off emotionally than before I read all the manifesting books.


Use Your Feminine Energy to Manifest

The reason so many females become disenchanted with manifesting is because they have never learned to do it using their innate feminine wiring and energies.

Our feminine energies are about flowing with nature, being receptive, and connecting deeply with Source energy, which makes us extremely magnetic!

When we try to manifest by doing the things we are taught in books written by men we step outside of our natural feminine energy and begin planning, goal setting, pushing and proving.

These strategies work for men because they are in alignment with masculine energy, which is linear, consistent  & single point focused.

When females use these strategies we are thrusted out of our innate feminine power!

So, if you have been trying to manifest something in your life but have struggled and become frustrated, let this week’s video soothe you.

Let me teach you exactly how to manifest easier and faster, the feminine way. A path that does allow you to use your feminine energy and power.

In today’s video, I will teach you the 4 A’s. We need these 4 A’s to manifest in a feminine, empowered way.

The 4 A’s of Feminine Energy Manifesting

  • Alignment
  • Allowing
  • Action
  • Acceleration

Items mentioned in the Video

  1. Start Your Day With Elegance & Flow Meditation Click HERE


With Love,



Erin Kurt

A NEW ELEGANT LIFE Coming This Season

A NEW SEASON OF THE ELEGANT LIFE | All the elegant, exciting changes!


I’m back from my month-long holiday feeling rejuvenated and excited for this NEW season of The Elegant Life.

I always find that I receive a tremendous amount of guidance and inspiration on my holidays. And this time was no exception.

My Soul has been desiring to express itself even more fully AND I have felt an even greater calling to share my teachings on feminine confidence, feminine energy and how to live a spiritual, elegant lifestyle with even more women around the world.


Well, last year it became crystal clear that what women really wanted and needed was more confidence. But not the old type of confidence. You know, the type associated with achieving? I’m speaking about the feminine type of confidence.

So many women have asked me over the years:

“Erin, how do you show up so easily on YouTube and Instagram?”

“How do you have the confidence to do and be who you are now when your first job was as a primary school teacher?”

It was indeed quite the journey, yet it led me to know the path to fully embodying feminine confidence.

In fact last year I took a group of women through my newest program, The Elegant Art of Feminine Confidence, and it changed lives.

This program is and will continue to be my foundational, signature program to help women, like you, to finally, finally have self-love and self-confidence. 

The process

It involves assisting you in actually understanding and LIVING The Elegant Life. Along with this, I take you through activations to reawaken the feminine energies you’ve been disassociated with, forgot, or never even knew you had. It’s truly empowering. 

This summer my Soul guided me to showcase exactly what The Elegant Lifestyle really is, both here on the blog and on my YouTube Channel.

So in today’s video, I show you some of the fun things I did on my holiday. I will also give a and break down what you can expect to see and learn in this NEW, elevated season of The Elegant Life. 

May this season inspire you and most importantly serve you in upgrading into the next best version of yourself.

If there are any topics you’d love me to make a video on, please do share them in the comments below.

And, if you would like to learn more about how to fully embody feminine confidence feel free to watch the Masterclass I ran in July!

MASTERCLASS: Click HERE to watch!


With so much love,