The Elegant Life is a life of ease and flow. Whenever your life feels difficult or stuck you know you’re out of flow.

There are Multiple Things That Can Pull You Out of the Elegant Life.


1. People.

2. Your Environment.

3. Lifestyle Choices.

4. Life Circumstances.


Today I want to share with you the area that was pulling me out of flow, more consistently than I liked; my environment.

For months there were areas of my home that bothered me, irritated me and totally frustrated the you-know-what out of me!

Don’t get me wrong, I adore my home, but it was meant to be a summer home, so it was designed with a unique purpose in mind. Being a full-time home was not that purpose:)

We’ve adapted extremely well to this being our full-time home for the past year, however, a few things were triggering me on a daily basis.

One day, after a package fell out of the cupboard onto my head for the hundredth time, I stopped and asked myself,

“Why are you putting up with this, Erin? THIS is not The Elegant Life!”

Have you noticed that you just put up with things? Things trigger you yet you turn your attention to “more important things” after swearing or complaining about how much this or that bothers you?

Yes, this is what I was doing. Therefore, in this week’s video, I take you into my home and show you all the areas that I was putting up with. These areas pulled me out of flow every single day, but no more!!!

Let me show you how I committed to living The Elegant Life. And prioritizing my happiness and well-being. (My family is pretty happy about it too:)


Please share with me in the comments which areas of your life you are putting up with and are committed to transforming.

Furthermore, if you enjoyed this video I think you’d really find THIS VIDEO helpful.

Much love,


Spring Clean Your LIFE! 3 Ways to Magnetically Attract What you DO Want

It’s Spring! And that means one thing… time to do a Spring Clean on your life!

In this week’s video I offer you 3 powerful ways to spring clean your life so that it resonates at a frequency equal to all those gorgeous things and experiences you so desire for you life.


Links Mentioned in the Spring Clean Your Life Video:

1) Danette May 3 Day Cleanse:

2) The Top 5 Things You Need to Remove From Your Life TODAY (**Look to the right side of this page to see the pink image. You may need to scroll down a bit**)

3) Rejuv Detox Package: 

4) Self -Discovery Book: “Style Statement: Live by Your Own Design” by Danielle LaPorte and Carrie McCarthy. Can be found on Amazon.

5) The Elegant Guide to Your Best Body: 

6) “The Power” & “Magic” by Rhonda Byrne. Can be found on Amazon.

I’m away on holidays now, so I won’t be putting out a video next week. However… I invite you to have a look through our archives for some videos that will shift you and elevate your life.

How to Find A Video Meant for You

  1. Simply go up to the BLOG tab.
  2. Click on one of the drop down menu tabs that interests you.
  3. Search the videos in that category and see which one(s) pop out. Those are the ones meant for you.

Happy Spring Cleaning!

Erin xo


How to Use the * Konmari Method * to Become a Woman Who Lives Elegantly

Marie Kondo, creator of The Konmari Method, got it right when she said,

When you surround yourself with possessions that spark joy, you’ll create a life and home you love.

In Marie’s book, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, she teaches an elegant method that will help you get to know yourself better and create a life and home that truly represents you and the life you desire to live.

Want to have a little tour of my home?

Come inside and I’ll show you some things that spark JOY in me and how you can use my tips and Marie’s to fully become a Woman Who Lives Elegantly.

Now, if we relate the Konmari Method to The Elegant Life, which is a life filled with:

  • a knowing of who you really are
  • a knowing of how to move through life with ease & elegance
  • a knowing of inner peace
  • a knowing of your beauty & signature self
  • a knowing of what brings you JOY and continuously adding more of it to your life
  • a knowing of what your gifts and passions are and how to express them in the world
  • a knowing that you are part of Divine energy
  • and a knowing that Life is Beautiful!

We can see that The Konmari Method is a method that women can use to help them live The Elegant Life! Because, when we focus on JOY, as Marie Kondo suggests, we are in direct alignment with the essence of The Elegant Life.

When we ask the possessions in our home, “Do you spark JOY within me?” we are literally creating our Elegant Life by letting go of what isn’t us and isn’t serving us, and only keeping and letting in the things that represent who we are and the life we truly desire to live.

French Homes and the Konmari Method

There is something I have always adored about French homes and french decor.  When you visit someone’s home in France you really get a sense of who the owners are.

French homes are not always typically “beautiful” or put together like you’d see in a magazine, but they ooze individuality and presence.

They have a personality, an essence all unto themselves and you REALLY get to know more about whoever’s home you’re in.

It’s a pleasure to walk around and hear stories about the possessions they have on display.  

It’s so intriguing to witness the colour palettes they use.

And again, it’s not that the decor looks perfect, it’s how the person has used their home as another way to express their signature self.

Have a look at these Parisian Apartments featured on TheArchitectualDigest website.

konmari method
konmari method
konmari method
konmari method
konmari method

I have walked through many beautiful homes and felt no soul whatsoever, and I have walked through very modest homes and felt absolutely enamoured by them.

The difference?

The owner’s sense of self and a knowingness of who they are and what sparks JOY within them.

Take a moment right now and wander around your home, or simply spin around in your chair and look around the room you’re currently in… does it show who you are?  Does everything in it spark JOY within you?

If someone were to walk into your home, would they be able to know something about you without you even speaking?

A Parisian in My Home!

A few months back we had our friends over for dinner; Jean-Louis, the husband, is Parisian.

The moment Jean-Louis walked into my home he began wandering.  He looked at everything I had on my walls and the things I had on little tables and as he did this I could hear him saying, “Oh!” and “Mmmmm…”.

I have to admit that the francophile in me LOVED that he, the Parisian, found my home fascinating and interesting. 

The real feeling in me though, was one of happiness.  Because I could see him enjoying our home and learning more about us as a result.

One object intrigued him enough to ask a question and this opened up a whole beautiful discussion.

So I ask you again, hoping not to sound too redundant, “Does your home spark JOY in you?”

Do the clothes you own, the blankets that cover you, the photos and pictures on the walls, represent YOU?

What do they say about you?

If you don’t feel your home represents you, then I highly recommend you begin using the Konmari Method that Marie Kondo so beautifully teaches.

This month on the blog we have been focusing on knowing yourself, honouring yourself and loving yourself…

Has anything shifted for you in your life this month after reading the blog posts?  I’d be so curious to hear about it!

I’ve already heard from some women who say they have given themselves more permission this month to enjoy things they love.

Ça c’est merveilleux!

Next week we will end this month’s theme with a BIG CELEBRATION as the winner of the Self-Love Challenge will be announced!!!

Stay tuned for that!

With so much love,





  elegant living