How to End the Year Right

The BEST Way to End the Year Right – 2017

How would you like me to show you how to make these remaining moments of 2017 truly meaningful so that you move into 2018 with a whole new frequency, a frequency that allows you to step up and into your most elegant, exquisite life?

You may have had a year that didn’t turn out the way you expected it to.

Your dream may not have manifested.

You may have lost someone. Or you may have had to let someone go from your life.

Or, you may have gotten a new job! Received a promotion! Moved cities or countries! Whatever happened (or didn’t happen) in 2017, let’s make 2018 even better!

Step One – To End the Year Right

Reflect on what has transpired over the past year.

Take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the centre.

On the left side write, “What Things Served Me This Year”

On the right side write, “What Things Didn’t Serve Me This Year”


Things that DID work:

Things that DIDN’T work:

  • Working the hours I usually do
  • Not moving everyday in some way
  • Not eating enough LIVE, high vibe foods
  • Smoking
  • Gossiping
  • Complaining about what’s wrong in my life instead of focusing on being thankful for what IS good

These are just some examples that clients have told me. Your Soul will tell YOU what worked and what didn’t.

Step Two – To End the Year Right

Underneath your chart write this question:

“Choices I CHOOSE to make in 2018 are:”

Based on the answers in your chart, decide which items would have the most positive impact on your life in 2018.

I recommend listing 2-5 choices. No more. Just making ONE important choice is powerful enough, but try and go for at least 2.

Step Three – To End the Year Right

Be sure that you are following me on either Instagram or Facebook so you can learn when my New Years Facebook Training will be.

In this training I’ll be sharing my FULL process to end the year right. My hubby and I do this every single year and it is just gorgeous. We look forward to it!

So, be sure to follow on either Facebook or Instagram or…even better… be sure you are on our email list by opting in to any of our free gifts on this site. The most popular is the Ebook “The  5 Things You Need to Remove From Your Life TODAY to Manifest the Life You Want.”


I’ll see you next week with my December Favourites Video! My November Favourites was very popular so I’ve decided to continue with the Favourites Series every month!

With So Much Love,