why you don't feel good enough

Why You Don’t Feel Good Enough (Plus CONFIDENCE SOLUTIONS)

If you’ve ever had a moment where you didn’t feel good enough, this post is for you!

To start, it’s SO important to realize where this feeling of not being good enough comes from.

You see, we were raised in a society where achievement was applauded. So over time the ego believes:

“I am what I DO.”

“I am what I HAVE.”

“I am what I look like.”

“I am what I’ve accomplished.”

Your Soul on the other hand simply says, “I AM.”

You are enough because you are here. You didn’t exist and then you were consciously created by Divine Consciousness. It was not random. You were intentionally created, exactly as you are.

This means that you don’t have to do, be or have anything to be good enough!

All the books say that the answer to feeling good enough is to love yourself.

I get so frustrated when I see this because they never tell you HOW!

I used to wonder, “HOW do I love and accept myself when I have such short comings?”

I stood in the mirror and saw everything I wasn’t.

Can you relate?

You stand in front of the mirror and feel not good enough because you don’t have the:

  • Body that society deems as good enough
  • Money that society has said is big enough
  • Soul mate 
  • Big house
  • Stunning car
  • Wrinkle-free face

The Solution?

You need to release the need for outside validation and praise.

The problem?

You’ve outsourced your validation of being good enough to your:

  1. Society
  2. Boss
  3. Parents
  4. Partner
  5. Children
  6. Clients
    In order for you to feel good enough and full of feminine confidence, it is imperative that you learn how to validate yourself.

Let me show you how in today’s video.

To learn how to fully Embody Feminine Confidence With Ease watch this FREE CONFIDENCE MASTERCLASS HERE

Book a FREE Confidence Breakthrough Call with me HERE


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no added sugar carrot cake

Healthy, No Added Sugar Carrot Cake

This week I am sharing one of my favorite high vibe recipes. No added sugar carrot cake! Healthy, nutritious and tasty.

Here is the full recipe:

For the Cream Cheese Topping

2 large packages (total 500g) of full-fat cream cheese (dairy or coconut)

170 g unsalted butter, softened

1/3 cup (80ml) honey or maple syrup (I actually like doing half honey & half maple syrup)

1 tsp lemon juice

2 tsp pure vanilla extract


Beat the cream cheese and butter until completely smooth.

Add the honey/maple syrup, lemon juice, vanilla extract and beat together. Cover and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour or two.

For the Cake

2 1/4 cups 9260g) white spelt flour (or any white flour)

1 cup (100g) unsweetened flaked coconut

1 tsp baking powder

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp Himalayan salt (or regular salt is fine)

1tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

1/4 tsp ground cloves

1 cup + 2tbsp (270ml) coconut oil, melted (can use vegetable oil instead)

3 large eggs, lightly beaten

3 tbsp honey

2 packed cups (200g) of grated carrots

1 cup (226 g) crushed pineapple (can buy pineapple in the can and quickly blend to a crushed texture)

1 cup (140g) raisins

Optional: 1 cup (110g) walnuts, chopped


Preheat the oven to 180 C | 350 F.

Grease and flour a 9 X 13” pan.

Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, spices and coconut in a large bowl. Mix until well combined.

Mix the oil and eggs in a measuring jug and pour into the flour mixture.

Mix together with a wooden spoon. Add the honey, carrot, pineapple and mix once more until all the ingredients are well combined and no dry pockets are present.

Add the raisins (and walnuts if using) and fold into the batter.

Pour into the greased & floured pan and smooth until it’s all level.

Bake for 30 minutes for a fan (convection oven or 35-40 minutes for a regular oven.

The cake is ready when it’s firm on top and a toothpick comes out clean.

Place the cake pan on a wire rack to let the cake fully cool.

Once the cake is fully cool, smooth the frosting on top.

Bon Appetit!



How are you feeling about the Coronavirus? Scared? Anxious? Don’t care? Nervous? Worried? Overwhelmed?

This week I had a loyal follower of The Elegant ask me to share The Elegant Life perspective on the whole Coronavirus pandemic, and I’m SO glad she did!

I am sitting back watching what feels like a Mini-Series on TV!  And the underlying current that is being perpetuated is FEAR.

At the start of 2020, I filmed a video on the NEW powerful energy that is at work now. The momentum for change and elevation in consciousness is almost palpable!

This is the energy at play right now and if we use it wisely, via The Elegant Life Principles, we can floooow through this time period with ease & elegance and at the same time reach new levels of consciousness.

So, ready to hear my take on the whole Coronavirus Saga?

Enjoy! And let me know your thoughts, okay?

With SO Much Love,

life purpose


So, here’s one of the TOP questions I get asked: “How do I find my Life Purpose?”

Women all over the world are feeling the inner urge for fulfillment.  Life as usual just isn’t cutting it anymore.

They want to feel like they are having an impact. Doing something they love. Experiencing a sense of fulfillment that simply doesn’t come from working for someone or being a mother or wife.

Not that those things are bad or boring or don’t bring a certain sense of fulfillment but women are desiring MORE.

I could do a masterclass on this topic actually, which I am sensing will very soon (Let me know if this would interest you by leaving me a comment below, okay?)

But, the video I filmed this week came to me to share first. It’s the first understanding and perspective that is necessary. PLUS I lead you through a guided meditation.

So, if you are one of the many women who is desiring more from life, this video is for you. Please share it with any woman you know who may benefit from hearing the message, okay?

Thank you!

With SO Much Love,

Self Love

How France Taught Me to Love Myself

Ahhhh la France!

How can I count the number of gifts it bestowed upon me? One of the grandest being self-love.

When you do a google search on self-love you will find videos, blogs, quotes, and podcasts speaking about WHY we need self-love, but what I have always found missing was the HOW.

HOW do we love ourselves?

I’ll never forget a memory: me in my early twenties, refusing to spontaneously go dancing with my group of friends.

Now, I LOVE dancing! It wasn’t that I didn’t want to dance, I DID! What stopped me in my tracks was that I didn’t feel confident enough in myself, have enough self-love & self-acceptance, to walk in there and just dance my heart out…while wearing jeans and a T-Shirt.

Instead, I got very upset with my friends who were “pressuring” me to go. I turned it on THEM and was so hurt that they were not being understanding.

(See how we spin things to suit our ego/limiting beliefs?)

The next day I went over to my much older friend’s house and shared my woes, hoping she would agree with my allegations. She didn’t.

We got into a very looooooong discussion and then I asked her, “How do you know what your style is? You always seem so self-confident.”

Her answer? “I don’t know. I just do.”

Not very helpful, right?

This really sent me on a self-love pilgrimage. In 1997-1998 I found myself in France; a country where self-love comes easier. Not for everyone, but there is something ingrained in the women that served me SO well…and I want to share it with you in today’s video.

With SO Much Love,