no added sugar carrot cake

Healthy, No Added Sugar Carrot Cake

This week I am sharing one of my favorite high vibe recipes. No added sugar carrot cake! Healthy, nutritious and tasty.

Here is the full recipe:

For the Cream Cheese Topping

2 large packages (total 500g) of full-fat cream cheese (dairy or coconut)

170 g unsalted butter, softened

1/3 cup (80ml) honey or maple syrup (I actually like doing half honey & half maple syrup)

1 tsp lemon juice

2 tsp pure vanilla extract


Beat the cream cheese and butter until completely smooth.

Add the honey/maple syrup, lemon juice, vanilla extract and beat together. Cover and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour or two.

For the Cake

2 1/4 cups 9260g) white spelt flour (or any white flour)

1 cup (100g) unsweetened flaked coconut

1 tsp baking powder

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp Himalayan salt (or regular salt is fine)

1tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

1/4 tsp ground cloves

1 cup + 2tbsp (270ml) coconut oil, melted (can use vegetable oil instead)

3 large eggs, lightly beaten

3 tbsp honey

2 packed cups (200g) of grated carrots

1 cup (226 g) crushed pineapple (can buy pineapple in the can and quickly blend to a crushed texture)

1 cup (140g) raisins

Optional: 1 cup (110g) walnuts, chopped


Preheat the oven to 180 C | 350 F.

Grease and flour a 9 X 13” pan.

Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, spices and coconut in a large bowl. Mix until well combined.

Mix the oil and eggs in a measuring jug and pour into the flour mixture.

Mix together with a wooden spoon. Add the honey, carrot, pineapple and mix once more until all the ingredients are well combined and no dry pockets are present.

Add the raisins (and walnuts if using) and fold into the batter.

Pour into the greased & floured pan and smooth until it’s all level.

Bake for 30 minutes for a fan (convection oven or 35-40 minutes for a regular oven.

The cake is ready when it’s firm on top and a toothpick comes out clean.

Place the cake pan on a wire rack to let the cake fully cool.

Once the cake is fully cool, smooth the frosting on top.

Bon Appetit!

acai bowl

High Vibration Acai Bowl

Want a super quick breakfast idea? One that is healthy, high vibe and only takes 2 minutes to make?

Well alright then! This week I’m releasing another Elegant Recipe due to high demand from the survey I did a few months back.

You asked I listened!

You also asked for all of the recipes to be written out on the blog, so I’ve taken care of that too. (See underneath the video)

Enjoy this delicious, easy & very high vibe breakfast recipe!

High Vibration Acai Bowl

1 Frozen banana

1 handful of mixed berries

2/3 cup coconut milk (or any plant-based milk)

3 tbsp oats (optional)

1 tsp Maple syrup

1 pack frozen Acai puree (unsweetened)


Place all ingredients in a high powered blender. Blend until fully smooth. You may need to stop and scrape the sides a few times.

Pour the thick mixture into a bowl and garnish with toppings of your choice. (See ideas below)

Garnishing Ideas:

Shredded coconut

Chia seeds

chopped/sliced nuts or seeds



With SO Much Love,



So, I’m prepping dinner, listening to my Parisian Jazz music and then… it comes time to prepare the salad. Oh man!

Have you ever really wanted a salad but even the thought of dragging the lettuce out, washing it, spinning it, chopping it just seemed like too much work?

Ok, maybe you buy the pre-washed lettuce now so it’s not such a big deal, but what about the other vegetables like broccoli, or how about lunch? Is it just me or is lunch your least favorite meal to prepare too?

All this being said, my body ADORES eating healthy, high vibration foods.

Four years ago my body only wanted plant-based foods, and as I evolve spiritually, it just wants more and more of only plants and plant-based foods.

You know how this Universe works, right? When you become more high vibe you attract more of what is on that high frequency. My energy was making me crave the high vibrations foods and rejecting the low vibration ones – naturally!

It’s all good, but what this meant was that I had to get a bit more strategic in having these foods readily accessible so that giving my body what it desired was simple & easy.

In this week’s video, I’m going to share the 3 tricks that I do weekly to ensure that eating healthy, high vibration foods is simple & enjoyable. Ready to learn my ritual? Watch the video below.



In this video, you will learn:

  • My strategy for quickly planning my meals for the week
  • How I’ve made grocery shopping super quick & convenient (and more affordable)
  • My simple tricks for having grab-and-go, high vibration foods on hand.


With so much love,


How To Be Woman Who Lives Elegantly in 6 Simple Steps

Being a Woman Who Lives Elegantly would have been so foreign to me in my 30’s.  Sure, I had a lot of my stuff together.  I had a consistent spiritual practise that aligned me every day and I finally had my signature style figured out, but I only TRULY felt like a Woman Who Lives Elegantly after I turned 40 and experienced quite a tough year personally.

I had gone through a few rough years of moving countries, renovating a home with a newborn, moving again to another country after finally finishing our nightmare of a renovation, starting an online business, experiencing 2 miscarriages and then bad post natal depression.

During my depression, after I had my daughter, I looked back over the past years and thought, yes, well, it’s understandable that I am depressed! Look at everything I’ve had to go through!

But… when I took a good look at my life I realised that my soul felt empty and THAT was the reason I felt so depressed.  It was time for me to begin cultivating my life instead of just reacting to it.

How can YOU cultivate a BEAUTIFUL LIFE for yourself? Here are 6 Simple Steps!

Step 1

The first step to cultivating yourself as a Woman Who Lives Elegantly is to know what it is you want to cultivate.

Ask yourself,

“What are my values?”

What is MY definition of success in life?”

“What are my priorities?”

Once you know this you can start making conscious decisions around them.

Way back when, I realised that I was working way too many hours.  I lived in England, and because most of my online clients were in North America I was having all of my coaching calls during the evenings.  Once I honoured my value of FAMILY, I adjusted my working hours so that my clients had to be more flexible and meet with me during English daytime hours.

I also set an intention to get more clients in the UK. With more UK clients and with my overseas clients being more flexible, I was able to stop working at night all together. Pure elegant living:)

Step 2

Get to KNOW yourself.  Once you know who you are…intimately,  you can begin to appreciate and admit who you are.

When you admit and accept who you are, and those qualities serve your highest good, then you give yourself permission to be who you are, without hiding or dimming any part of you.

This is SO freeing!  I used to feel bad that I liked staying IN more than going OUT.  I also wondered if I was anti-social since I needed days of solitude in order to feel happy.  Yes, without my kids or hubby around, not to mention friends or clients. Was this NORMAL?

When I accepted this aspect of myself I realised that it greatly served me in connecting deeply with the Divine and doing my job well. I also consistently experienced inner peace and alignment…things most people were searching aimlessly for, AND my clients received DIVINE coaching from me.

So, what aspect (s) of yourself have you not accepted?  Start to LOVE and appreciate them as it was God, the Divine who made you this way!

Step 3

Turn inwards and ask your soul what it requires.

When I began asking my soul what it wanted for breakfast, I always felt satisfied and full of energy. When I asked myself, “How do you want to feel today?”, when getting dressed, I always felt beautiful…even if I was in jeans and a nice T-Shirt.

It’s SO important to begin connecting with your soul so that you don’t have to ask 20 people or an “expert” what you should do, eat or wear.

Begin to ask your soul questions like:

a) “Does this feel right to me?  

b) “Does this person add to my life or take away from it?”

c) “Does this food make me feel good after eating it?”

Lead from THIS place. Gradually, elegantly, you will learn to trust yourself and really ENJOY the relationship you have with your beautiful soul.

Step 4

Cultivate LOVE.  Ask yourself how you can spread love towards yourself and others.  Can you give  yourself or someone a smile, a note, a thought, fresh flowers, an email, a text, a bath with epsom salts, a manicure?

A Woman Who Lives Elegantly GLOWS of love and light.  Why? Because she aligns with it everyday and makes a choice to gift it to herself and other people regularly.

Step 5

Elegantly nourish your Body.  I love food. I get excited by it and even read cookbooks in bed with glee! Eating well (mostly plant-based) gifts you clarity, energy, health, vitality and an elegant body without even “trying”. This is a Woman Who Lives Elegantly’s secret to looking and feeling beautiful.

Some of my favourite cookbooks are: Deliciously Ella Everyday, Livia’s Kitchen, Get the Glow

Step 6

Create pleasurable everyday rituals.  A Woman Who Lives Elegantly knows what she loves and what gives her pleasure, and creates small rituals for herself. Cooking to Jazz music is a favourite ritual of mine, as is applying luxurious creams like Elemis Frangipani Body Cream to my body after a shower.

Do you have a nightly bath?  A twice weekly mask? A monthly manicure? A gorgeous morning and evening daily ritual where you connect with your soul?

A Woman Who Lives Elegantly don’t just exist, she commits to cultivating herself and her life.

elegant woman

If you are too busy to enjoy a bath, a mask, a cup of tea or making love, you haven’t created a life, you are just existing.  Creating daily rituals helps you cultivate a luxurious, rich life now, today, and everyday, and Women Who Live Elegantly know this.

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