how to deal with grief

The MOST Effective Way to Deal With Grief & Loss Over the Holidays

I’m thrilled to be back after a VERY intensive 10 day training! Wow, wow, wow, is all I can say. I was being trained by a coach who only coaches Billionaires. He is a very spiritual person, like myself, and has acquired deeply spiritual and quantum processes to take people through so that any and all negative emotions, limiting beliefs and decisions are cleared forever. 

I am beyond thrilled to have been taught & certified by him personally to use these processes with my own clients. I promise to talk more about this next week, okay?

Grief Request

This week I had a request from a reader. She asked if I could make a video on grief as she lost an ex-spouse and father to her two boys back in June and is really feeling the emotions coming up.

I love it when I receive requests for videos so if you ever have a suggestion or topic you’d like me to cover please send me a note, okay?


Before dismissing this post because you haven’t lost anyone, or anyone recently, please stick around because the advice I offer in this post/video is applicable to any issue you may have.

I believe the first step in dealing with grief is asking yourself this question:

What benefits am I getting out of grieving and feeling sad?”

This may be an awakening question because we don’t do or think anything without receiving some benefit from it.

Get really honest with yourself here. I’m not going to provide any “possible answers”, simply ask your SOUL and it will give you the honest truth.

How am I benefitting by feeling grief this holiday season?”

As a side note here I’d like to mention that in some countries people host “Celebration of Life” parties instead of funerals. Everyone dresses in white and the whole party is about celebrating the person’s life and the joy that the person brought to everyone’s lives.

I mention this only because I don’t want anyone selling themselves the story that they MUST grieve.

Quick Story – Unusual Grief

I have a friend whose husband committed suicide and people made her feel guilty for not feeling grief after he passed.

Of course she was sad, shocked etc. but in a way, she finally was set free.

Free from worrying every day if he was going to commit suicide. Free from his constant emotional ups and downs and free from financial burdens he had put them in.

I share this story with you because I just don’t want you to sell yourself the story that the holidays have to be sad…you have a choice in how this holiday plays out.

What do you choose?

Now, I am not saying that’s is not okay to feel sad or to cry, etc. What I am saying is that you could make a choice to set a time or even a whole day to cry, scream, mourn…whatever your soul feels it needs to do. And then, decide that after that cathartic session, you will choose to move forward, remembering the absolute gifts that you received from this person and use those gifts to create even more joy in your life…as a beautiful way to carry on their legacy.

Remember, as a coach my job is to release any negative emotions or limiting decisions you have running in your energy system one and for all.

Your job is to focus on what you want your life to look and feel like from here on out.

Your Emotions Are Your Guidance System

Remember that your emotions tell you whether you are in alignment with your natural, Divine state or not.

Feelings of continuous sadness or grief are your body’s way of saying, “Ouch! This is not what we are. Please remember who we are. Please return to our natural state of  Love and Joy.”

Take your emotions as a sign and then let your soul guide you towards ANY way you could celebrate this person’s life or the gift they gave you in your life. Or, let your soul guide you towards any way you could begin to experience JOY again.

Elegant Quote:

limiting beliefs

What will you choose?

If you feel you require even further coaching on removing these negative emotions from your life, once and for all, so you can begin to live an exquisite life, please know that there are multiple avenues for you here at The Elegant Life.

  1. The Art Of Living Elegantly –  Click HERE
  2. The Elegant Life EXPERIENCE – Click HERE
  3. VIP Private Coaching – Click HERE

With So Much Love,




2 Ways to Deeply Connect With the Divine Through: LOVE

Have you ever felt LOVE so strongly that it feels like your body is 100% FULL?

You may look at your child sleeping and feel it, have a beautiful evening with your partner and feel it or meet a new, incredible partner and feel it.

How about Divine love?  Have you felt that? Well, that’s what we’re talking about today – from an Elegant Life perspective of course;)

I’m going to show you two ways that you can elegantly connect with the Divine and in turn elevate your life and the collective consciousness of the planet. Ready?

First, let’s review something about energy.

The Frequency of LOVE

The vibration of Divine Energy is called zero point energy. A famous physicist named Richard Feynman describes it as this:

Zero point energy holds an order of magnitude with greater power than nuclear energy.

One teacup of empty space (zero point energy) contains enough energy to boil all the world’s oceans.

The Frequency of Love is very, very close to this zero point energy, so that is why we feel blissful and full and like nothing else exists when we are in the state of it.

And because we are in that high energy state, we raise the vibration of everything around us due to The Law of Entrainment.

This law states that anything with a low frequency that is in the presence of high energy must rise to match that high energy.

So, I can hear you asking me this now, “Erin, how do I get into that high frequency state of LOVE more often than just every once in a while?”

Two Ways to Get into the Frequency of Love


One of the biggest gifts I received while being a Buddhist student back in the mid 90’s was to meditate on BEING an attribute of an enlightened being.

Every single day I do a specific meditation that I learned back in 1997.  I’ll be teaching the full version to all the ladies who choose to join me at a retreat I’m hosting in May, but here’s the short version.

Part of it includes me saying,

Bless me with the love and compassion of an enlightened being.

Then I visualise the colour red filling my body…so much so that it overflows from me…through every pore and out into the universe.

Another way I BE Love is:

During the day, when I experience frustration, during Dubai traffic for example, I ask myself,

How would Consciousness BE in this situation?

You can substitute any word for Consciousness here: Jesus, Buddha, God…

The point is to consciously make the choice to BE LOVE. It’s one of the fastest ways of coming out of low energy and putting yourself into a higher frequency.


Do what you love. Every day I wake up totally excited and energised to do my work in the world – my Calling.  Do you feel this way?

Have you chosen to be a stay-at-home mom and really LOVE it?

Do you own a business that feeds your heart & soul?

Do you go to a place of work and really LOVE what you do?

If not, it is going to take a lot of energy for you to  get into and stay in the state of LOVE and connection with the Divine.

(If you desire to know what your Calling is, start by viewing these two videos.)

When you are DOING something that uses every natural talent, ability or personality trait that you were given from the Divine you ooze LOVE Energy!

It’s easy to stay in Elegant Flow and feel fulfilled, peaceful and full of bliss in this state.

This week’s Focus:

Spend time contemplating whether or not you are BEING LOVE & DOING LOVE.

Notice the times, situations and people that bring you out of love energy and then make a CHOICE to get back into alignment.

You may need to rearrange things in your life in order to serve you better. What might those things be? Changing companies? Letting people go from your life? Setting clearer boundaries with people? Starting a business?

If you need any personal support in finding your Calling or dealing with dissatisfaction in your life please reach out to me.

You can have a Mentoring Session with me by clicking HERE. My work is very powerful as I am guided by the Divine during our session, and by now you know that any time you directly connect with the Divine, change and enlightenment occurs quickly and elegantly.

Until next week!



P.S. If you know of any woman who is Spiritual and adores beauty and beautiful things, please forward this post to them or Share on your Social Media channels. I desire to serve and support over 20,000 women this year and with your support that goal can become a reality. Thank you.





life lessons

The Top 5 Life Lessons I Learned in France – The Elegant Life

Life Lessons (From France)

So, now you know why my year in France is a year that I will never forget and will always hold so dear to my heart.

In 1997 I left Canada a broken, insecure, unfulfilled person and in 1998 I returned a peaceful, confident, and spiritual woman.

It is my greatest honour to pass along some of the wisdom I gained. The life lessons I learned that year have served me every day since then.

I’ve had ups and I’ve had downs, but whenever I come back to these lessons, I feel peaceful, aligned, and confident in who I am and why I’m here.

Are you ready to learn them?


Here are 5 of the Top Life Lessons I learned in France:

(Psst…for full explanations of the lessons, watch the video above)

  1. How to live a life filled with Peace, Pleasure, Prosperity, JOY and Beauty.
  2. How to connect with one’s own Divine Nature and how to allow that essence to be so fully YOU that you GLOW and touch other people’s lives with that glow. Shortly after returning from France I was walking in a Health Food Store and a woman stopped abruptly in front of me and said loudly, “WHOAH! YOU ARE GLOWING! You are actually GLOWING!” I just smile when I hear this now because I know it’s not me they’re seeing and feeling, it’s the Divine/Source Energy. This was a wish I had while living in France. I wanted to GLOW like the Buddhist Masters did. And, voila! With time and doing my special daily practise (the one you can find in The 6 Phase Visioning Meditation) I was able to fulfil my wish! And it just keeps getting stronger and stronger as I practise.
  3. How to LIVE your spirituality, not just talk or read about it.
  4. How to know and LOVE yourself intimately, so you never compare yourself with others again.
  5. How to know what your soul desires and how to elegantly manifest it.

Again, these are just SOME of the gorgeous life lessons that France gifted me. The beautiful thing is that much of what I learned has deepened even more since then.

For one, my connection and alignment with Source is something that has deepened to such a level that I consistently receive Divine Downloads for myself and the people I mentor.

I giggle every time I receive an email or comment during a session like this,

“Oh my God, are you psychic? It’s like you know me perfectly and we’ve only just met! 


“Oh my God, are you psychic?  I asked to hear these exact words as a sign today!”

This post is the very last post of “The Making of a Spiritual Woman: A Pilgrimage That Began in Paris” series, but it’s just the beginning of what the Divine has guided me to share with you.

Please know that if you have found your way here, it’s not an accident.  It shows you are ready to receive all of the Elegant Processes and wisdom that I have been guided to share.

If you weren’t ready to receive it you wouldn’t have been guided here.  So congratulations for being ready!!!

It is my wish and intention, that today is the beginning of your OWN personal pilgrimage. One that takes you on a beautiful journey back HOME, to your Divine Nature – the place where Inner Peace, JOY, Abundance and Beauty resides.

Living from this space allows you to live in Elegant Flow where everything you desire (or something even better) flows elegantly to you, without hard work or huge effort.

So, let’s get this journey started, shall we?

Each week I will be sharing wisdom with you on how to be a Spiritual Woman who lives The Elegant Life, so make sure you put a note in your calendar to come back here every Wednesday.

Also, I LOVE connecting with you by reading and responding to your comments and questions, so please do write to me in the comments, okay?

Since I will only be posting once a week now, I invite you to follow me on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram for even more inspiration and wisdom.

See you next week!



visioning meditation



This exquisite meditation will enable you to embody the life you desire. Using this meditation daily will create a powerful vortex for your dreams and desires to enter and become your reality. More importantly though, it will prepare you to be fully ready and open to receive your dreams and desires once they appear. No more sabatoging yourself. THIS life will be your new normal.

ONLY $6.99 <- – Click the image to purchase.

the making of an elegant woman

The Making of a Spiritual Woman: Video #27 (The FINALE)

Well, this beautiful story could continue… in fact it could continue on for years since the connection between Guy, Emil and my current husband, Ilker, is very interconnected. This has been a full circle love story that I will hold close to my heart forever. It’s the story of how I became the Spiritual Woman I am today and how I truly live “The Elegant Life”.

Here is the short version of how things ended with all of the key players in this beautiful story…

I did see Emil one last time – in Prague. That story can be for another time because it wasn’t the kind of meeting I expected, in fact I felt heart broken at one point and then strong and resilient near the end.

The interesting part is that after I returned to Canada, an amazing thing happened to reconnect us and I spent months trying to find a way to get him over to Canada. However, in the midst of this, I met my husband. When I finally told Emil about my “boyfriend” we eventually stopped communicating. The last time I heard from Emil was on my wedding day.

I hadn’t heard from Emil for years but on the morning of my wedding day, which was in Turkey, just next door to Bulgaria where he lived, I opened my email to find, you guessed it, an email from Emil saying he missed me. Yeah, I know….

Talk about a year!

1997, a year that began with drama and things I never thought would happen to me in my life…to experiencing things that were amazing, AMAZING!

In one year I went from stressed, insecure and scattered to spiritually aligned, peaceful and confident in who I was as a woman.

During the remaining months in France my relationship with Guy as well as my spiritual evolution flourished.

I left France with a daily practise that I did every morning without fail…and still do to this day.

When my sister came to visit me in France, just before I left, she was in awe at the reaction I was receiving from people on the street.

“Did you SEE that?” she’d say. “Look how people are reacting to you!”

I was oblivious to it – I just thought their stares and double takes were perhaps because they thought I was someone famous.

But no, there was something different about me.

I felt inner peace.

I felt connected to my “Divine Nature”

I felt beautiful.

I intimately knew and LOVED who Erin was. I loved what her style was and I knew what she required and what she desired…. I just loved her.

WATCH the video above, at minute 5:44-6:30, for a little giggle:)

Guy is, to this day, the greatest gift of my life. He GAVE me the life I have now, as it’s because of everything he showed me, did for me and taught me that I am the woman I am and that I have the life I have now.

This is why he and I were meant to come together that year.  I served the evolution of his soul and he served the evolution of mine. No, it wasn’t meant to be  a long term relationship, but it was truly a year we will both always remember and be thankful for.

I’ve not seen him since 1998, but we spoke regularly for years.

A period went by when our communication totally stopped.

He got married, I got married. We both had children, etc. but a couple of years ago Sandra, he and I almost reunited in Paris. (Sandra and I did and that story is one I MUST tell you since it miraculously occurred after I used my Elegant Clearing Process™).

Sadly, Guy is divorced now, but he is still teaching yoga and is highly respected in what he does.

If you go back to post #1 of this series, “The Making of a Spiritual Woman: A Pilgrimage That Began in Paris”, you will see that it began with Guy and I sitting on a park bench and me staring up into the sky saying with such sadness and hopelessness, “I just want to be happy, Guy. I just want to be happy.”

Well, here’s where I will end this series…

Picture it being July 26, 2003 and I’m on a boat, with 150 plus guests sailing down the Bosphorus in Istanbul, Turkey.

I’m wearing a simple, elegant wedding dress that is so ME, and I’m with my father. We are dancing to the Father/Daughter song and all I keep repeating is, “Dad, I’m so happy right now. I’m SO happy.”

I felt peace in my heart and full JOY and contentment with my life, who I was marrying and who I was as a woman.

 The Finale of The Making of an Elegant Woman

 The Finale of The Making of an Elegant Woman The Finale of The Making of an Elegant Woman

I want to say a massive thank you to my husband; my dark-haired, spiritual, generous, guitar playing, great cook, music loving, great lover of a husband for loving me unconditionally and gifting me two incredibly beautiful souls…our children.

HERE is a post I wrote culminating all the BIG LIFE lessons I learned in France and what that means for YOU.  

I always felt I needed to share this story, but I never wanted to share it just for ME. There was a purpose and the Divine told me I needed to share it.

The beautiful responses I’ve been receiving privately just solidifies WHY I needed to share it.

The post HERE shares how we’ll be moving forward at The Elegant Life.

I really cannot wait! It’s been 20 years since I began my pilgrimage back HOME to the truth of who I am, both as a soul and as a woman, and I finally feel ready to BE the woman I was meant to BE; to share these exquisite Elegant Processes & Principles it took me years to learn and embody.

Now it’s your turn to begin your OWN beautiful pilgrimage, but the good news is that your pilgrimage will be supported by exquisite Elegant Processes!

It’s going to be a beautiful journey:)

french love affair

The Making of a Spiritual Woman: Video #17 (French Love Affair?)

Chère Diary,

Well, I did it! I survived a Christmas alone, in France! We had a really nice day – lots of eating, laughs and calls from home.

I am feeling so much JOY right now and it’s really helping me speak more fluidly!

I am noticing that whenever I feel joy throughout my body I feel more courageous to speak with people, to ask for the car and to experience life here fully. Interesting.

There was actually a concert of Celine Dion on TV tonight and I loved it!!!

She is a role model to me.

Celine shows that a woman can be wealthy, happy, in love beyonds words and live life with joy…and it’s OK. This is what I want.

christmas in francechristmas in france
It is the afternoon of le 31 decembre and I am feeling very reflective.

I remember the feeling of utter depression and hopelessness at this time last year. David and I had hosted a New Years Eve party and although we had fun with friends, when the clock struck midnight, my heart dropped.

I only ever had 1 New Years Eve romantic kiss from him…when I was 17 years old. He told me he loved me, but since then, nothing.

Every New Years Eve I would hope, but was always left feeling so alone and disappointed.

Where was the passion between a husband and a wife? Where you thanked God for bringing the two of you together and you BOTH felt love and deep, deep feelings for one another? Was I just stupid for thinking this could ever exist?

Well, I have begun to realize NO.

Being here in France I have learned so much about myself and how I want to love and be loved.

Sandra came from no where and I love her.

au pair in france

Guy came from no where and I love him. He has shown me, by example, how to be comfortable in one’s own skin and how to have compassion for others, on a whole new level.

I have been spending every last second with Sandra and Guy and each day we laugh so hard that my stomach hurts and I almost pee my pants!

All three of us are looking for the exact same kind of love and won’t settle again for anything less.

We all LOVE music, laughing, art, spirituality and FOOD!

I feel like the luckiest person. Yet, I have some sadness inside because I miss being in love. I have so much love built up inside of me right now and I just want to to hug and kiss Guy to let it out.

But, I’m so scared of losing my independence or becoming so lost in love that I don’t continue to follow my dreams.

I keep telling myself, “Live for TODAY, Erin!” but my insides resist this.

I tend to always live for the future and I KNOW this is wrong.

It negates the happiness right now. I will definitely work on this.

Here’s to a new year and an even better life.

What will happen in 1998? I won’t even try to guess!

Chère Diary,

Oh man, I have GOT to get my weight under control! I have fallen off the wagon again from emotional eating and gained even MORE weight! I tried on my black dress and could barely do it up!

I started laughing instead of crying, which is interesting for me.

“Could it have shrunk accidentally?” I wondered. So I tried on my black pants and could barely do them up too.

No, it’s definitely me and my butt!

Less fat, more activity. I will walk more and get to sleep at a good hour so I have more energy to work out.

It’s my birthday soon and I really want to feel good on the day.
Chère Diary,

It’s my birthday!!!

Sandra and Guy planned an an incredbile dinner party for me. I am SO LUCKY to have them in my life!

I have two best friends… here…in France…and we only speak French!!! Am I dreaming?????

Is this actually my life???

For my present, they both chipped in and gave me a new bottle of my signature perfume “Beautiful”.

We talked, laughed and drank a lot of champagne, and at one point we got into a tickling fight on the sofa.

Actually, Guy was really focusing on me.

I am sensing that he feels something for me. And, if I’m completely honest, I feel an attraction for him too, but would never, ever want to do something to ruin our friendship. It is far too special to do that.

I think it’s just the fact that we have so much in common and he’s not had friends like us either, so he is loving the feeling of JOY when he’s with us.

The strange thing is that he always seems to know what I need at the time I’m thinking I need it!

How bizarre is this??

For example, yesterday, I thought, “I wonder if Guy will remember that I like flowers and that I really feel like eating a fruit pie.

He brought BOTH to the party!

And two days before that, I was telling Jean-Do and Maelle that I really would like to find a bottle of Maple Syrup so I could make Canadian pancakes for them.

Who shows up later that day with a “little something for me”? Guy!!! With a bottle of maple syrup!!! Does he have me bugged???

We finished my birthday by watching a movie called, “Forget Paris”. We all loved it.

What an incredible and memorable 26th birthday.

Gosh, every weekend we go to different forests and beaches to walk around and explore We always end up doing yoga or meditation in the forest, which is peaceful beyond words. And, just the other day, we had a traditional French picnic with cold quiche and salad, and later played frisbee.

I feel like I am living the real Erin, down to the atomic level.

I know that sounds weird, but it’s the only way I know how to explain what I feel right now. I am 100% me, even on the spiritual level.

Chère Diary,
I woke up today and realized that I had forgotten to take the movie from Guy’s house. It was due back at the video store today, so I called Guy. He told me he’d come pick me up so we could take it back together.

I was a bit nervous to be with him alone. I felt a bit shy without Sandra being there. He and I had never been alone together and…

Whenever we give each other the 4 bisous (4 kisses) on the cheek there is an electricity that goes between us. I don’t know what to make of this.

I love Guy’s spirituality, his views on life, his humour, his kindness, how he cooks, his beautiful eyes, his love of music (especially when he plays that one song on the pan flutes!), but there is something not quite ALL there.

pan flutes

After we dropped off the movie, Guy surprised me by taking me to a health food store! He knew how much I had been craving certain health foods.

As we walked around the store I could feel the energetic tension between us.

Whenever we talk and look into each other’s eyes there’s the weirdest thing that happens! I literally FEEL a buzz of hot energy between us!

Anway, Guy drove me back home and helped me carry my bags into the garage.

I put down my bags,  turned around to say a huge thank you for taking me to the organic store, reached out my arms to do the “Canadian thing” and give him a big hug and…

BOOM! He pulled me towards him, laid the most passionate kiss on me and said,

“Erin, je savais que c’etait toi.”

Join me HERE when I translate this and share what transpired after my unintentional expression of love!!!!

Have YOU ever experienced this kind of electricity with someone?  What did you share in common?  What were the qualities that attracted you to him/her? I’d LOVE to hear all about it in the comments!

With so much love,

Erin Kurt