elegant woman

10 Questions Every Feminine, Elegant Woman Should Ask Herself

Let me gift you 10 of the most important questions that you as a feminine, elegant woman should ask yourself. Doing so will upgrade your life dramatically!

Feminine, Elegant Women are women who consistently tune into themselves; they ask THEMSELVES questions so that they receive the best answers for them.

Even though I am a spiritual teacher I will always empower YOU to go within, connect with YOUR divine feminine energy and be led by it.

I see many spiritual teachers on YouTube & online teaching what “this and that” means, and to me this is why so many spiritual women still feel powerless.

They always believe that someone outside of themselves knows best, or has all the answers.

In reality, if women were empowered with the ability to connect and align with their divine feminine energy they would receive all the answers to their questions… with ease. 

A Feminine, Elegant Woman:

  1. Is connected to her divinity
  2. Lives from this Divine connection
  3. Trusts herself
  4. Flows with the answers she receives
  5. Takes action from the answers she receives
  6. Thrives & Enjoys a life of freedom, fulfilment & joy

So, in today’s video I gift you some of the top questions you can ask yourself.

You may find that a few questions really hit home…in your heart…and need some deeper inquiry. Take this opportunity to journal on them, or chat with someone you trust about them.

If you would like to learn how to go on a feminine energy journey to finally feel empowered & confident then I highly recommend joining The Elegant Art of Feminine Confidence Program HERE

With Love,
