raise your vibration

2 High Vibe Drinks That will Raise Your Vibration

I can remember the day I was lying in my bed, writing in my journal, after having re-watched “The Secret” for the 3rd time, and thinking. This law of attraction stuff doesn’t work, at least not for everybody.

I have done EVERYTHING I can to manifest more money, more clients and nothing, NOTHING!

I then had a thought wash through me…”I think what they don’t tell you is that SOME people are pre-destined to be lucky and wealthy and others just aren’t. And… (heart dropping) I guess I’m just not one of the lucky ones.” (wow, I can feel the pain in my heart remembering this)

I went on a LONG pilgrimage to get where I am now and on that journey I learned THE most important lesson – that MY vibrational state needed to be HIGH if I desired to receive that which was a high vibration.

Money? It’s just energy! Yet, if we believe that it is a high frequency (which most of us have, if we’re honest), then we MUST vibrate at a level to match it.

Now, there are many, many ways to vibrate higher. And The Art of Living Elegantly gifts you the definitive HOW. Yet, vibrating high has to do with our whole environment, our whole being.

What I noticed as I lived the principles taught in The Art of Living Elegantly is that my body naturally turned away from certain foods – it simply did not want them! Why? Because I had raised my vibration and the foods that were lower than my vibration were no longer a match to me.

I could go on and on here, but watch this week’s video where I explain this more fully as well as provide you with 2 of my favourite, high vibe drinks that will aid you effortlessly in raising your vibration. Enjoy!

In this video you will learn:
  • Why your #1 goal needs to be raising your vibrational frequency
  • 2 simple, delicious & VERY high vibe drink recipes
  • How ingesting high vibration foods scientifically helps you manifest your dreams
  • 3 handfuls of Organic Spinach
  • 1 inch of chopped, peeled fresh organic ginger
  • 1/2 organic green apple, peeled and chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups (approx.) purified water, coconut water or a combo of coconut water & Aloe Vera juice
  • 1/2 squeezed organic lemon

Mix in a blender or NutriBullet. (If not drinking the whole amount immediately, be sure to seal the container tightly in order to preserve the vitamins)

Pour into a beautiful goblet & enjoy!

  • 2 teabags or 4 tsp of loose Darjeeling tea
  • 4 slices of peeled ginger
  • 6 cardamon pods, crushed
  • 1/8 tsp cinnamon
  • 4 tsp. unrefined cane sugar or 2 tsp. cane sugar and 3 drops liquid Stevia
  • plant based milk of your choice (coconut, macadamia…)

Fill a medium small saucepan with water up to 2 cm high.

Put the tea and spices into the water and bring to a boil.

Boil for 2-3 minutes.

Turn the heat down to a simmer and add the sugar/stevia . Stir until the sugar has fully dissolved.

Pour in the milk until the tea looks really creamy (approx 1 1/2 cups)

Keep on low heat for a minute or two until the milk has reached a comfortable heat.

Serve in a small bowl and enjoy!

P.S. Here is the link for the Video Series I spoke of in regards to the Chai Tea recipe: CLICK HERE

With so much love,

change your life

2 Simple Words that will Change Your Life

Ever wanted to change your life in some way? Ha! Ha! Haven’t we all?

Change is good, it means you’re progressing, elevating, growing! Yet there is something very important I want to share with you today that will either hinder or incredibly help you in changing your life…for the better.

I always used to say , “I don’t want to struggle anymore!” I said this in my head, to my husband, to close friends and to my diary. (There were a lot of capitalisations and exclamation marks used!)

I just felt so DONE with struggle. Why were some people manifesting money, clients, wealth and I wasn’t?

Let me tell you, I went on a loooooooooong journey to get where I am now. Today I am living a life FULL of abundance; in money, love, self love, Divine love, adventure, joy….I truly feel more WHOLE than ever before.

And what I know for sure is that when you think you’ve got it really good, the Divine makes it even better, and then even better.

Let me teach you 2 simple words that if you genuinely commit to using, in the way I teach in this week’s video, you will have a totally different life at this time next year. By understanding these 2 simple words you will literally change your life.

In this video you will learn:

  • How the brain actually works & EXACTLY how to use this to change your life starting TODAY!
  • 2 simple words that have been misused and misunderstood
  • How to use these 2 simple words to elegantly manifest your dream life!

If you desire to amplify your results then I highly recommend investing in my 6 Phase Visioning Meditation. There is absolutely nothing like this on the market. It takes you through 6 exquisite phases that will create the ideal vortex for your dream reality to manifest.

With so much love,