self worth


When I sat down to write this intro on self-worth I had a feeling I should go back into my diaries; that I would be led to what needs to be shared with you. Well, voila! I found three entries from the same week that fit perfectly.

Each of these entries ended with an intention as I always set intentions for my day.

Here are 3 of them:

  • My intention is that I elegantly & easily release any beliefs I have about my self worth and ability to have an impact.
  • My intention is that I gracefully & easily release & transmute all programs relating to my worth and my ability to RECEIVE money.
  • My intention is that I easily & quickly release all beliefs and programs around me thinking my value & worth are connected to money.

Coming to know and OWN my self worth has been a life long process. Do you feel the same way?

What I have learned is that self-love precedes self-worth, so last week I showed you how to cultivate self-love and this week I am gifting you 2 exquisite ways to own who you already ARE as well as a Quantum technique that is SO effective in you actually embodying your worth.

When I re-read my diary entries I was filled with such gratitude that I no longer need to set intentions like these. I have new intentions now…always have to evolve!

Today, I have a strong level of self-worth and self-confidence and I’ll tell you something… it’s incredibly empowering.

My wish is that YOU experience this feeling too.

In this video about self worth, you will learn:

  • How to build self-esteem, confidence, and worthiness
  • A Quantum Technique that will allow you to fully EMBODY the highest version of yourself
  • A simple but profound question to ask yourself (this can create a tremendous energetic shift)

With so much love,

self love

HOW TO FINALLY LOVE YOURSELF – The Elegant Solution to Self Love

Ah, self love. I had it when I was a child and then lost it along the way. The first memory I have of becoming self-conscious about  a physical attribute came in junior high.

I can remember the moment vividly. I was 14 years old, walking down the corridor of my school, laughing with some friends when out of no where an ex-boyfriend of mine ran up in front of me and said,

Hey Erin, this is you!”

while walking like a bow-legged cowboy. THAT was the moment I discovered that the shape of my calves were not okay. I even went to a doctor to ask for legs braces I could wear at night to straighten them. (Continued below the video)

There are multiple memories that affected my self love but the moment everything profoundly changed for me was

the year I moved to France .

I witnessed how French Women actually took unique characteristics of themselves and made it into the one thing that made them “unique”.

Gaps in the teeth, small breasts, curly hair…you name it they adored it. And consequently…so did everyone else.

My experience in France started my Pilgrimage inward – not to find out all the things I needed to “fix” about myself…to discover everything I LOVED about myself. And from that place, my self love and self confidence rose steadily.

I began only accepting certain types of friends and partners in my life and I asked for things that I wanted because I knew I deserved them!

The ripple effect of self love is tremendous and that is why I have dedicated the month of May to Self Love and Self Confidence.

I explain the Elegant Solution to Falling in Love with yourself in the video above. Have a watch!

To begin your OWN self love pilgrimage download the beautiful PDF I have created for you.

Click HERE to download this free PDF.




3 Simple Ways to Elegantly Move From Victimhood to EMPOWERMENT!

If you’ve followed me and The Elegant Life for any period of time you know that I have experienced my fair share of abuse: sexual abuse, emotional abuse and “Oui” even some physical abuse. And not just abuse but huge disappointments! Huge losses!

Never in my wildest dreams did I see any of that coming when I was a child. I dreamed big dreams, I loved myself and overall I was a pretty happy child. That all changed when I was 15 years old.

I spent the next 25 years living, thinking and acting like a victim. I was entitled! My abuse, disappointments and losses affected every part of my life!

I made decisions, created barriers, built inner walls, distrusted people….. all because of my experiences.

Did staying in victimhood serve me? Yes! But in ways that weren’t so beneficial to the overall quality of my life.

If you’ve ever experienced abuse, bullying, power trips, relationship or career disappointments this video will serve you SO well.  Ready to elegantly move from victimhood to EMPOWERMENT & JOY?

“See” you in the video!




P.S. If you know of anyone who has experienced abuse, loss or disappointment, please share this page with them. Just click on one of the “Share” buttons at the top or bottom of this post.