how to love yourself


I was watching a video the other day and one woman asked, How can you love yourself more?”

Want to know the answer that was given?

Believe in yourself.

I literally laughed out loud! What? THIS is the advice given to women struggling with self-doubt, fears, and not feeling good enough?

As you probably know by now, the reason I teach you how to love yourself more and have unshakeable feminine confidence is because at one time I had such low confidence.

My low confidence stopped me from living my life fully. I know the pain of it. I know the feeling in your heart of desperately wanting to manifest or do something and not feel confident enough to do it.

How Low Self Love & Low Confidence Affected My Life

  • I always said yes to things even when I really didn’t want to do something
  • I “over gave” until I burned out because I felt I had to “prove myself”
  • I couldn’t charge what I was worth. In fact, I felt guilty even asking for $47!
  • I felt awkward and out of place in upscale places because I didn’t feel good enough or worthy enough to be there
  • I didn’t go places on my own or do things on my own out of fear people would look at me strange
  • I opted out of doing things my Soul really wanted to do. For example, in high school I was asked to be in the Jazz Club and to be a part of the French Exchange program – I said no to both.

The list could go on and on and on! Doesn’t sound like a life full of joy and freedom, now does it?

I compare my old life to what I have done since gaining self-love and confidence and it literally blows me away. What? Little Erin? How did it happen? How am I able to make dream after dream come true when before I wouldn’t go for anything!?

Over time I did some things to practise self-love and improve my confidence…and they worked!

In today’s video, I want to share with you 5 guaranteed ways to love yourself. Truly, if you do these, you will upgrade and exquisitely elevate your life!

Remember, you can’t just watch it, nod your head and then continue doing what you’ve been doing. You actually have to put these things into practice. That is what I did and still do to this day. It’s what my most successful clients have done and continue to do!

One client said, “When you do what Erin says, it works! Life is…easy!” I couldn’t agree more.


Access the “How to Finally Love Yourself to the Core” Free Guide HERE.


“Self Love Habits Affirmations” is HERE.

With so much love,




So here’s the science on the power of self love habits:

  • Performing a task that is good for you trains your brain to believe that you love yourself
  • This self love belief, if felt enough times via your self love habit, becomes a conviction your brain holds.
  • Once the brain holds a conviction long enough, by you continuing to perform this self love habit, the belief becomes one of the CORE beliefs you hold about yourself.

In simple terms, having self love habits as a regular part of your lifestyle naturally and organically makes you love yourself as well as builds your self confidence. Just think of what would be possible for you, in all areas of your life, if you felt more confident, right?

Now, here’s the issue most women have… sticking to the habits!

I know a lot about the women who follow me and The Elegant Life quite well, so I know what works to shift this issue. Why? Ahem…I used to start a habit and after a while… become bored, so I get it!

What I know about us is that we love to know WHY something is good for us; how will it greatly benefit us, and not just a little, but profoundly, right?

The beginning of this post explained the WHY, so now let’s move on to HOW we can start making these habits naturally become a part of our lifestyle.

One elegant way is to regularly listen to self love habits affirmations so that your brain becomes programmed to want to do the self love habits!

This brings me to today’s video!

Thanks to a viewer suggestion I have created a Self Love Habits Affirmations video that you can listen to every morning or evening!

You’re going to love it! Be sure to bookmark it or save it so you can easily use each and every day. My gift to you!

Enjoy!!! And please let me know which self love habit you were just naturally able to create or stick to, okay?