tap into your feminine energy

How to Tap Into Your Feminine Energy to Manifest Abundance

Want to learn how to tap into your feminine energy to manifest anything you want?

If you have studied spirituality and the law of attraction but haven’t been manifesting what you desire then you’ve been missing the KEY to manifestation.

It doesn’t matter what you are trying to manifest, the KEY is to have deep self worth and feminine confidence. In order to to embody these two traits you will need to increase your feminine energy.  And learn how to activate it in your daily life.

You could literally give me any situation or scenario. I could bring it back to you embodying your feminine energies more.

How to Tap Into Your Feminine Energy

Step One:

Learn what feminine energy is.

Step Two:

Learn ALL of the feminine energies that reside within you.

Step Three:

Activate the feminine energies within you. (It’s not enough to just know the energies, you need to have an energetic and visceral experience of them. Women have been raised to turn off, abandon and hide their innate energies, and as a result have become completely disconnected from them.)

Step Four:

Tap into your feminine energy in EVERY situation, then ask yourself, “What is required in this situation to make it manifest?

If being more visible is required, then tap into your feminine energy that would best align with that and show up in that energy.

If setting a boundary with someone is required, then tap into your feminine energy that would best suit that situation.

In today’s video I go through many aspects of divine feminine energy & how to be more confident using your feminine energy.

If you desire to dive deeply into how to be a confident woman and finally EMBODY & EXPRESS all that you are, I highly recommend investing in The Elegant Art of Feminine Confidence 

With so much love,


why you don't feel good enough

Why You Don’t Feel Good Enough (Plus CONFIDENCE SOLUTIONS)

If you’ve ever had a moment where you didn’t feel good enough, this post is for you!

To start, it’s SO important to realize where this feeling of not being good enough comes from.

You see, we were raised in a society where achievement was applauded. So over time the ego believes:

“I am what I DO.”

“I am what I HAVE.”

“I am what I look like.”

“I am what I’ve accomplished.”

Your Soul on the other hand simply says, “I AM.”

You are enough because you are here. You didn’t exist and then you were consciously created by Divine Consciousness. It was not random. You were intentionally created, exactly as you are.

This means that you don’t have to do, be or have anything to be good enough!

All the books say that the answer to feeling good enough is to love yourself.

I get so frustrated when I see this because they never tell you HOW!

I used to wonder, “HOW do I love and accept myself when I have such short comings?”

I stood in the mirror and saw everything I wasn’t.

Can you relate?

You stand in front of the mirror and feel not good enough because you don’t have the:

  • Body that society deems as good enough
  • Money that society has said is big enough
  • Soul mate 
  • Big house
  • Stunning car
  • Wrinkle-free face

The Solution?

You need to release the need for outside validation and praise.

The problem?

You’ve outsourced your validation of being good enough to your:

  1. Society
  2. Boss
  3. Parents
  4. Partner
  5. Children
  6. Clients
    In order for you to feel good enough and full of feminine confidence, it is imperative that you learn how to validate yourself.

Let me show you how in today’s video.

To learn how to fully Embody Feminine Confidence With Ease watch this FREE CONFIDENCE MASTERCLASS HERE

Book a FREE Confidence Breakthrough Call with me HERE


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Maybe you wouldn’t say you are desiring to flow into your next spiritual ascension, but what you may have been saying  over the past year is:

I feel stuck!

I feel like I don’t know what the future holds

I feel like I have no control over the future.

I feel stagnant!

We, spiritual women, adore growing and when we don’t feel growth in our lives we can get down. Am I right?

This week I wanted to share how to get “unstuck” and start feeling the flow and growth again.

It’s always such a great feeling when we experience spiritual ascension.

We feel:

  • More energised
  • More motivated
  • More inspired
  • More beautiful
  • More connected
  • More happy

So, it’s worth the bit of effort it takes to move up a level, isn’t it?

Which area in your life do you feel you want to experience growth? Is it in your health and wellness? In your relationships? In your prosperity? Leave me a quick comment below!

Enjoying levelling up!

With SO Much Love,



I surveyed close to 50 women from all around the world and you know what they said they struggled with most?


Let’s think about this for a second….

A woman who has incredible confidence and self love would easily:

  • Go for her dreams
  • Try new things without caring about the result
  • Put herself “out there” either on video, social media or on a blog
  • Ask for a raise or increase her prices
  • Attract friends, clients and a partner who respect and adore her
  • Live life without comparing herself with other women

The list could go on and on, right?

I look at my own life and sometimes marvel at how far I’ve come.

I was a shy child with BIG dreams on the inside.

I felt below average in intelligence.

I never felt womanly, feminine or desirable enough.

I had low self confidence, never thought I was good enough or worthy enough…

Again, the list could go on here.

Today, I can hand on heart say I truly LOVE myself. Self love is not even something I think about, it’s something I live and show myself on a daily basis.

I no longer compare myself to any other woman or care if someone tries to copy me. They can’t.

I KNOW my worth and value and I act accordingly.

I know and love who I was created to be and I thoroughly enjoy being me! Ha! Ha!

How did I get here?

That’s what I want to share with you in today’s video; exactly what helped me have more self love and confidence as a woman.

I SO want this experience for every woman and that is why I created The Elegant Art of Feminine Confidence Program. It’s my personal mission to empower women to FULLY embody Feminine Confidence and Self Love so they can elegantly live out their heart’s desires.

Book a call with me to find out if this program is for YOU (link below).


With SO Much Love,

self worth


When I sat down to write this intro on self-worth I had a feeling I should go back into my diaries; that I would be led to what needs to be shared with you. Well, voila! I found three entries from the same week that fit perfectly.

Each of these entries ended with an intention as I always set intentions for my day.

Here are 3 of them:

  • My intention is that I elegantly & easily release any beliefs I have about my self worth and ability to have an impact.
  • My intention is that I gracefully & easily release & transmute all programs relating to my worth and my ability to RECEIVE money.
  • My intention is that I easily & quickly release all beliefs and programs around me thinking my value & worth are connected to money.

Coming to know and OWN my self worth has been a life long process. Do you feel the same way?

What I have learned is that self-love precedes self-worth, so last week I showed you how to cultivate self-love and this week I am gifting you 2 exquisite ways to own who you already ARE as well as a Quantum technique that is SO effective in you actually embodying your worth.

When I re-read my diary entries I was filled with such gratitude that I no longer need to set intentions like these. I have new intentions now…always have to evolve!

Today, I have a strong level of self-worth and self-confidence and I’ll tell you something… it’s incredibly empowering.

My wish is that YOU experience this feeling too.

In this video about self worth, you will learn:

  • How to build self-esteem, confidence, and worthiness
  • A Quantum Technique that will allow you to fully EMBODY the highest version of yourself
  • A simple but profound question to ask yourself (this can create a tremendous energetic shift)

With so much love,