power of the subconscious mind

How to Use Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to Create Your Desired Life

Ooooh, j’adore having a beautiful relationship with my subconscious mind! We are best friends!

It wasn’t always this way though. At one time, I didn’t even understand the subconscious mind or the power of it for that matter!

Then, after a lot of research and study, I began to understand it, but… I had no idea how to use it to help me create my best life…the one on my vision board, the one my heart yearned for.

Cue the profound spiritual experience I had 7 years ago and voila! All the answers were revealed.  Later, after studying quantum physics, neuroscience, etc. I learned that science actually understood and could prove what I knew. So…

In this week’s video I go into the power of your subconscious mind in great deal and even better… I show you EXACTLY how to use it to create your own exquisite, elegant life!

In this video I cover:

a) 4 beautiful aspects of the subconscious (unconscious) mind & how these are VERY useful to you!

b) how to use the conscious mind to direct the unconscious mind

c) the #1 Rule of how to use the subconscious mind to support your desires – if you don’t follow this rule it will NOT support your desires, in fact if will completely make it it’s mission to STOP them from happening!

d) My “elegant” tweak on positive thinking & affirmations – regular affirmations will take soooooo much longer to work!

What kind of body do you desire? What kind of prosperity do you desire? Partner? Friends? Health?

Use your conscious mind & your subconscious mind the way they were intended by Source. They are there to serve you, but because of your conditioning they have been working in a way that isn’t supporting you.

Enjoy learning my elegant wisdom on this topic and especially enjoying the benefits of it!

With so much love,

overcoming fear

OVERCOMING FEAR: A Huge Lesson Learned This Weekend

Ever felt such anxiety and fear about something that you just wanted to cry and run away? That was me this past weekend.

After I had my profound spiritual experience 7 years ago overcoming fear was not really a problem for me anymore. My perfectionism went away, my self-doubts went away, and overall I really have not experienced any major anxiety since then.

Cue this video – Ha!

In this week’s video I share:

  • My recent experience  of overcoming fear.
  • How to know when you should genuinely feel the fear or when you should pick that fear up and carry it with you as you walk into an unknown, sometimes uncomfortable situation.
  • The exquisite GIFTS I received from overcoming my fear and going with the flow.

Fear can enter at any point in our lives.

We can fear trying a new food, a new travel destination, asking for a raise, saying “No”, being vulnerable with someone, starting a business or applying for a new job.

When we fear something anxiety is usually in there somewhere as well.

Do you know what anxiety really is? It’s your Body & Soul telling you to focus on what you want.

I hear the, “Huh?”s

Yes, your Soul will communicate with you via your body’s emotions.

By being anxious, you are choosing to focus on an outcome that hasn’t happened. You are simply generalising a past experience and associating this new experience with it. But it hasn’t even happened! (This is why women find such transformation when doing Couture Spiritual Coaching with me because we clear your old beliefs and generalisations allowing you to live with more ease and joy)

Overcoming fear is a topic I LOVE speaking about because I lived most of my life in fear…and it kept me from experiencing SO many great things.

What I know for sure is when you say, “YES” and go with the flow, things work out more magically than you could have ever imagined. Trust me, I’ve tried it…it works.

With so much love,


How to Elegantly Attract/ Have a Fulfilling Relationship – Part 3 (Human Needs)

Ever feel like your needs aren’t being met by your partner? Well, normally when WE don’t feel our needs are being met, we can pretty much guarantee that our partner or spouse feels the same.

In this week’s final video on how to elegantly attract or have a fulfilling relationship I cover the 6 core human needs and how to commit to meeting them for yourself AND your partner.

When we commit to a partnership or marriage we are committing to using our time and energy to love and nurture our spouse.

Once you understand the 6 human needs you will be empowered to have a fulfilling relationship.

Important Message About Human Needs

I always, always work with my private couture clients to become the best version of themselves first. Thus, the reason I spent video 1 & video 2 of this series on that very topic.

What I know for sure is that our vibration attracts situations, experiences and people of the same vibration. So, if we are insecure, judgemental, full of low vibrational emotions such as guilt, shame, anger, etc.then it will be almost impossible to truly have or attract a partner who is happy, passionate, generous, non-judgemental etc.

So the first place to begin is with ourselves. Become happy, passionate, generous and non-judgmental, clear those low vibrational emotions within you (my Clearing Package and Couture Coaching packages are designed for this), and do things on a daily basis to keep your frequency high and aligned with your Divine Self.

Relationships are a 2-Way Street

Let me state very clearly though that a marriage is a two way street. In order to have a fulfilling relationship your partner must be just as invested and commited to meeting your most valued human needs.

So, if you are feeling unfulfilled in your marriage or relationship right now and you are questioning whether to stay or leave, start with getting YOU vibrationally high first. 

Then commit to meeting your partner’s top 1 or 2 human needs (the ones THEY value the most) and if after this you still feel unfulfilled and like something is just not right, you are in a very empowered and awakened state to make a choice about whether to stay or leave.

Enjoy this final video and please do let me know if you have further questions, okay?

With so much love,


How to Elegantly Attract/ Have A Fulfilling Relationship | PART 2

Welcome to Part 2 of this How to Elegantly Attract /Have a Fulfilling Relationship series!

I have received such wonderful comments from all over the world about Video #1! It really makes me happy to know that the training served so many of you. And thank you for sharing it with women you know as well!

In this video I go into specific ways you can raise your vibration so that you easily become a match to the partner/soulmate that you desire.

As you already know, our reality is totally created by US. We call into our lives that which is a vibrational match to us, so let’s learn ways to elevate our frequency so that having or attracting a fulfilling relationship is truly an elegant experience.

As always, I suggest you create some time to watch this video. Having it on in the background while you do something else is not helpful. Presence and focus on what you desire, a fulfilling relationship, IS helpful, so commit to that, okay?

With so much love,


If you are truly committed to having or attracting a fulfilling relationship then I highly recommend you join us at The Elegant Life Experience in Budapest, Hungary.

Is is going to be  a LIFE CHANGING Experience. You will walk out, after an abundant, luxurious, deeply spiritual and profound four days, feeling, Beautiful, Whole, and Full of Joy, Love & Inner Peace.

Go to: www.TheElegantLifeExperience.com to learn all the gorgeous details and to reserve your spot, now!

Psst…If you desire to attend and would like a reduced price on the ticket, simply find a friend or another woman in our Elegant Society!

You will SAVE $1000!!!

spiritual retreat











The Therapeutic Essential Oils from doTerra that Erin speaks about can be purchased through this link: http://mydoterra.com/erinkurt

Erin’s favourites, which just happen to resonate at the highest frequencies are:

  1. Serenity
  2. Whisper
  3. Balance
  4. Citrus Bliss
  5. Rose
  6. Lavender

How to Elegantly Attract / Have a Fulfilling Relationship | PART 1

I cannot tell you how many of my clients are dealing with relationship issues. In fact just after I finished filming this video series a woman contacted me who was desiring coaching on how to attract the perfect partner!

It has been such a theme within the past 3 years that I thought, since we’re in the month of “LOVE” that I do a thorough video series on How to Elegantly Attract or Have a Fulfilling Relationship. I cover everythign from A-Z so get ready to ENJOY!

You’ve probably noticed that I have been absent for the past couple of weeks. I had a tremendously busy January and eventually got ill. During this time I realised that some things needed to change so that I could FULLY fulfill my Life Calling without burning out.

And, what needed to change was this blog. Many of you may not know that every blog post takes about 2 1/2 days to complete. With the filming, editing, uploading, writing, organising, creating of images etc. it’s a full time job.

With me coaching clients here in Dubai as well as all over the world my schedule is packed. Not to mention the LIVE workshops I do every month as well as being a very present mommy to my two children. Get the picture? It was getting to be too much.

During the past weeks, I have added even more support to my life – a chef that specialises in high vibration food which looks beautiful – he garnishes with flowers!!!! Totally in line with the Elegant Approach to living & eating!

I have also reflected on which aspects of the blog I adore most – the tasks that give me joy and pleasure and those that leave me dragging my feet each week.

Changes to the Blog From Now Onwards

So, the short of the story is that I will be filming more videos  (something I adore doing) but I will not be writing a full blog post to match. I will write a little introduction/ blurb and point out important points but the full on written portion of the blog will no longer be present.

I know some of you really love to read, but I simply cannot fulfil that need anymore without burning out. I hope you understand and begin to enjoy watching the videos as much as you enjoyed reading the posts. Who knows, perhaps it will aid you in creating a special moment each week to slow down and make watching the video a beautiful ritual for yourself!

Perhaps you could make a lovely tea and serve it in a beautiful tea cup while enjoying the video! Let me know your comments or ideas, okay?

So without further ado, enjoy PART 1 of this Relationship series.

Much Love,