DAILY AFFIRMATIONS FOR FEMININE CONFIDENCE | Use Your Divine Feminine Energies to Become Confident

I am so excited to gift you something that will assist you in embodying feminine confidence!

I’ve created a video of affirmations for feminine confidence that you can watch daily to reprogram your brain for feminine energy empowerment.


Now, with affirmations consistency is key. You cannot watch or listen to it once and expect miracles. In fact I recommend watching/listening to these affirmations for at least 60 days in a row.

The best times to watch or listen are:

  • At bedtime
  • Immediately upon rising in the morning
  • While putting on your makeup in the morning

These moments are when your mind is in a relaxed, open state.

You want your mind to be able to willingly receive these affirmations so that resistance to them is low.

Just like learning to drive a car felt awkward at first, some of these affirmations may bring up resistance in your mind. However, just like driving, after about 2 months, everything begins to feel natural.

I bet you drive to places now and upon arrival wonder how you got there! It’s simple! Your brain did it so many times before that it drove you there on autopilot!

This is how affirmations work too.

One day, you’ll reach a tipping point where any resistance in your mind will fall away and your way of being, acting and thinking will come from feminine confidence…on autopilot.

Again, consistency is key.

Please let me know if there are any other affirmation videos you’d like me to create

With SO Much Love,


WHAT REAL FEMININE CONFIDENCE IS : ***It’s NOT what we’ve been taught!***

Last week we spoke about what feminine confidence is NOT and today I’m going to share with you exactly what feminine confidence REALLY is.

What feminine confidence looks like and what it feels like

It is a holistic, harmonious combination of 4 things and I go into each one in-depth in today’s video.

In the past and even today, women are being told to only wear certain clothing to feel confident or elegant.

We’re being taught how to belly dance, pole dance and a host of others sensual movements to gain confidence.

And I’m not even going to go into all that the patriarchal society has taught us about how to feel more confident!

The thing is… none of these are necessarily bad… they just aren’t true feminine confidence. They don’t give you that embodied FEELING of powerful confidence, self-knowledge, self-value and worth that real feminine confidence does.

So, I bet you’re ready to find out what DOES:)

Enjoy today’s video and please do share which area you’d love to learn more about so I know what content to bring you next, okay?


To learn more about the Elegant Art of Feminine Confidence Program please book a call with me HERE.

With SO Much Love,


What Feminine Confidence is NOT (5 Falsehoods Women Have Been Taught About Confidence)

How would you define confidence?

Now let’s take it a bit further. How would you define Feminine Confidence?

Well, before I give you The Elegant Life perspective on Confidence I want to spend some time showing you what feminine confidence is not.

It is so very important for us females to come back HOME to how we were created to be & live. For far too long we’ve tried to fit ourselves into a patriarchal society and what’s come of it is this:

  • More women than ever have adrenal fatigue or Hashimoto syndrome
  • More women are on anti-depressants than ever before
  • Women all over the world feel like they’re not good enough
  • Women are still underpaid and undervalued in the workforce
  • Women constantly compare themselves to other women & think they have to be something other than what they are
  • Women are constantly on a diet, spending their precious, powerful energy on “not enough ness” instead of joie de vivre
  • Women of ALL ages have a deep desire to feel confident yet don’t know HOW

Truthfully, I could go on and on and on.

Women around the world have read all the self-help books and have tried everything related to personal growth & spirituality….and yet, they still feel a lack of confidence in who they are or what they’re capable of.


Because we are trying to become a version of confidence so that we fit into society’s definition of confidence!

It is truly my mission to assist women in FINALLY knowing, owning and embodying true feminine confidence.

And to start, I need you to know what you can stop doing or trying to be.

In fact, in this video, I share five falsehoods that women have been taught about confidence. Next week I’ll continue with what feminine confidence really is.

With SO Much Love,



There isn’t a week that goes by without someone asking me how I achieve such youthful, glowing skin, so today I thought I would share the top five things I do daily to look and feel my best.

In the past, I wondered if it was even an appropriate topic for me, as a Spiritual Teacher, to speak about. As time has passed, beauty is a topic that I have made a conscious choice to speak on.


Well, firstly I am a Spiritual teacher to women, and beauty is always at the top of our minds in some form or another. Am I right?

 And secondly, my constant message of how important it is for us to remember that we are both energy AND human lends itself to the topic of beauty.

So, today’s video focuses on the human side of us. If we weren’t meant to be in human form we simply wouldn’t have been created that way.

And, taking this a bit further, we who were created as females, were given feminine energies which inspire beauty in this world.

Beauty can be created and shared in many different ways, but when we feel our best we are surely feeling like a beautiful representation of our authentic selves. And from this empowered confidence we can have the impact on the world that our Soul truly desires to have.

The five tricks I’ll be sharing with you today on how to have youthful, glowing skin are all things I do each and every day to feel like the most beautiful, authentic version of who I was created to be.

May they do the same for you.

Let’s get into the video! Oh! If you have any other youthful, glowing tricks you can share with our elegant life community please do share in the comments below!

With SO Much Love,



Maybe you wouldn’t say you are desiring to flow into your next spiritual ascension, but what you may have been saying  over the past year is:

I feel stuck!

I feel like I don’t know what the future holds

I feel like I have no control over the future.

I feel stagnant!

We, spiritual women, adore growing and when we don’t feel growth in our lives we can get down. Am I right?

This week I wanted to share how to get “unstuck” and start feeling the flow and growth again.

It’s always such a great feeling when we experience spiritual ascension.

We feel:

  • More energised
  • More motivated
  • More inspired
  • More beautiful
  • More connected
  • More happy

So, it’s worth the bit of effort it takes to move up a level, isn’t it?

Which area in your life do you feel you want to experience growth? Is it in your health and wellness? In your relationships? In your prosperity? Leave me a quick comment below!

Enjoying levelling up!

With SO Much Love,