How to Elegantly Attract/ Have a Fulfilling Relationship – Part 3 (Human Needs)

Ever feel like your needs aren’t being met by your partner? Well, normally when WE don’t feel our needs are being met, we can pretty much guarantee that our partner or spouse feels the same.

In this week’s final video on how to elegantly attract or have a fulfilling relationship I cover the 6 core human needs and how to commit to meeting them for yourself AND your partner.

When we commit to a partnership or marriage we are committing to using our time and energy to love and nurture our spouse.

Once you understand the 6 human needs you will be empowered to have a fulfilling relationship.

Important Message About Human Needs

I always, always work with my private couture clients to become the best version of themselves first. Thus, the reason I spent video 1 & video 2 of this series on that very topic.

What I know for sure is that our vibration attracts situations, experiences and people of the same vibration. So, if we are insecure, judgemental, full of low vibrational emotions such as guilt, shame, anger, etc.then it will be almost impossible to truly have or attract a partner who is happy, passionate, generous, non-judgemental etc.

So the first place to begin is with ourselves. Become happy, passionate, generous and non-judgmental, clear those low vibrational emotions within you (my Clearing Package and Couture Coaching packages are designed for this), and do things on a daily basis to keep your frequency high and aligned with your Divine Self.

Relationships are a 2-Way Street

Let me state very clearly though that a marriage is a two way street. In order to have a fulfilling relationship your partner must be just as invested and commited to meeting your most valued human needs.

So, if you are feeling unfulfilled in your marriage or relationship right now and you are questioning whether to stay or leave, start with getting YOU vibrationally high first. 

Then commit to meeting your partner’s top 1 or 2 human needs (the ones THEY value the most) and if after this you still feel unfulfilled and like something is just not right, you are in a very empowered and awakened state to make a choice about whether to stay or leave.

Enjoy this final video and please do let me know if you have further questions, okay?

With so much love,


How to Elegantly Attract/ Have A Fulfilling Relationship | PART 2

Welcome to Part 2 of this How to Elegantly Attract /Have a Fulfilling Relationship series!

I have received such wonderful comments from all over the world about Video #1! It really makes me happy to know that the training served so many of you. And thank you for sharing it with women you know as well!

In this video I go into specific ways you can raise your vibration so that you easily become a match to the partner/soulmate that you desire.

As you already know, our reality is totally created by US. We call into our lives that which is a vibrational match to us, so let’s learn ways to elevate our frequency so that having or attracting a fulfilling relationship is truly an elegant experience.

As always, I suggest you create some time to watch this video. Having it on in the background while you do something else is not helpful. Presence and focus on what you desire, a fulfilling relationship, IS helpful, so commit to that, okay?

With so much love,


If you are truly committed to having or attracting a fulfilling relationship then I highly recommend you join us at The Elegant Life Experience in Budapest, Hungary.

Is is going to be  a LIFE CHANGING Experience. You will walk out, after an abundant, luxurious, deeply spiritual and profound four days, feeling, Beautiful, Whole, and Full of Joy, Love & Inner Peace.

Go to: to learn all the gorgeous details and to reserve your spot, now!

Psst…If you desire to attend and would like a reduced price on the ticket, simply find a friend or another woman in our Elegant Society!

You will SAVE $1000!!!

spiritual retreat











The Therapeutic Essential Oils from doTerra that Erin speaks about can be purchased through this link:

Erin’s favourites, which just happen to resonate at the highest frequencies are:

  1. Serenity
  2. Whisper
  3. Balance
  4. Citrus Bliss
  5. Rose
  6. Lavender

How to Elegantly Attract / Have a Fulfilling Relationship | PART 1

I cannot tell you how many of my clients are dealing with relationship issues. In fact just after I finished filming this video series a woman contacted me who was desiring coaching on how to attract the perfect partner!

It has been such a theme within the past 3 years that I thought, since we’re in the month of “LOVE” that I do a thorough video series on How to Elegantly Attract or Have a Fulfilling Relationship. I cover everythign from A-Z so get ready to ENJOY!

You’ve probably noticed that I have been absent for the past couple of weeks. I had a tremendously busy January and eventually got ill. During this time I realised that some things needed to change so that I could FULLY fulfill my Life Calling without burning out.

And, what needed to change was this blog. Many of you may not know that every blog post takes about 2 1/2 days to complete. With the filming, editing, uploading, writing, organising, creating of images etc. it’s a full time job.

With me coaching clients here in Dubai as well as all over the world my schedule is packed. Not to mention the LIVE workshops I do every month as well as being a very present mommy to my two children. Get the picture? It was getting to be too much.

During the past weeks, I have added even more support to my life – a chef that specialises in high vibration food which looks beautiful – he garnishes with flowers!!!! Totally in line with the Elegant Approach to living & eating!

I have also reflected on which aspects of the blog I adore most – the tasks that give me joy and pleasure and those that leave me dragging my feet each week.

Changes to the Blog From Now Onwards

So, the short of the story is that I will be filming more videos  (something I adore doing) but I will not be writing a full blog post to match. I will write a little introduction/ blurb and point out important points but the full on written portion of the blog will no longer be present.

I know some of you really love to read, but I simply cannot fulfil that need anymore without burning out. I hope you understand and begin to enjoy watching the videos as much as you enjoyed reading the posts. Who knows, perhaps it will aid you in creating a special moment each week to slow down and make watching the video a beautiful ritual for yourself!

Perhaps you could make a lovely tea and serve it in a beautiful tea cup while enjoying the video! Let me know your comments or ideas, okay?

So without further ado, enjoy PART 1 of this Relationship series.

Much Love,

simply luxurious life

Mes Petits Plaisirs (My Little Pleasures) November Favourites

I realised something HUGE recently and I have to apologise to you!

You see here on The Elegant Life blog I am constantly talking about gifting yourself pleasure, receiving pleasure etc. yet I have never actually made any blog posts specifically around pleasure!

One day I was enjoying some of my favourite You Tubers sharing their November Favourites and a message whooshed down into me,

Erin, you have SO many things you love and enjoy and you need to share them with the Spiritual, Elegant Women who follow you!”

How could I not have thought of this myself? J’adore talking about things I love and sharing my favourite things with women who I know would love them too!

So, Voilà! Welcome to a brand NEW monthly series on the blog!

Each month I will share my favourite things so that you may be introduced to things that could potentially bring you tremendous pleasure as well!

My November Favourites

Fragrance – Jasmin Rouge by Tom Ford

This Tom Ford fragrance is my absolute new favourite! Those of you who follow me on social media know that my signature scent has always been My Burberry, and I still adore that and wear it often, but… but! This fragrance blew me away when I tested it while casually shopping with my hubby. I literally could not stop sniffing myself!  The notes in here are some of my favourites:

  • Jasmine
  • Bergamot
  • Cardamom
  • Mexican Vanilla

The mixture of these notes with all the others creates a full bodied scent that makes you feel Signature, unique, and beautiful. You’ve got to have it!

Click HERE to purchase.

jasmin rouge tom ford review









Book – Choosing the Simply Luxurious Life by Shannon Ables

About 5 years ago I was searching for francophile blogs as I felt the urge to bring more of my Frenchie-ness into my life. Well, I stumbled upon a blog I have been reading ever since,

Shannon Ables, the woman behind the blog, wrote a book which encompasses all the topics I love – cooking, organisation, signature style, french way of living etc.

I resonate with her on many levels but perhaps the biggest one is that she often mentions how we must CHOOSE to live simply luxuriously.

Yes, we Spiritual, Elegant Women know that we CHOOSE how to live our lives every – single-moment- of – every – single – day.

This book is one you can reread often or just pick up, turn to a section and get inspired in 5 minutes.

Click HERE to purchase.

TV Show – Outlander

I really don’t watch much TV, but two summers ago my parents introduced me to a show that my husband and I have become obsessed with!

This show is like the best novel ever! (Well, the show is based on the book series by Diana Gabaldon, so that would make sense).

There is love, passion (wowza!), incredible drama, history, a whole season based in Paris, France, shocking twists, and some of the best acting I have ever witnessed, particularly from Sam Heughan, who plays one of the main characters.

The episodes are on regular cable but you must, must, must start back at Season 1, which can be found on Netflix or Apple TV. Trust me on this one!

outlander review








Retreats – The Elegant Life Experience

Okay, I couldn’t do this November Favourites post without mentioning what I believe is THE best gift you will ever give yourself.

If you desire a deep connection with the Divine|God|Source AND you adore luxury, abundance & beauty (even if you don’t fully experience them…yet) then THIS spiritual retreat is for you.

Most spiritual retreats strip back the luxuries of life but at The Elegant Life we ADD them to your life since the Divine epitomises Unlimited Abundance, Beauty, Creativity & Expansiveness. At this Spiritual Retreat you will be basking in an environment full of LOVE , BLISS, & PEACE as well as beauty and abundance.

If you have ever dreamed of staying at The Ritz Carlton Hotel as well as one day attending a Spiritual Retreat, then this opportunity is perfect for you as you’ll be checking two items off your bucket list!

For 5 nights and 4 Full days, you will embark upon a personal pilgrimage back HOME – where truth and bliss and peace reside.

You’ll fall back in love with yourself, have unwavering confidence and reverence for yourself and feel more connected to the Divine/God than ever before.

Get in on the Early Bird Price by going HERE

luxury spiritual retreat for women





And that’s it for this month’s Petits Plaisirs (November Favourites)! I’ll be back next month with more things that truly bring me pleasure and joy.

I will be taking a 10 Day intensive Training starting tomorrow, so there won’t be a blog post next week.

I suggest reading:

1)The Law of Entrainment – How Spiritual Women Use it to Change Their World

2) 4 Steps to Elegantly Have the Body You Want (FINAL Video #5)

3) How to Elegantly Attract Quality Friends

See you in a couple of weeks! And, if you love any of the November Favourites I mentioned above please tell me about it in the comments below, okay? Thank you!



The #1 Way to Experience Life Fulfillment PLUS a Secret Reveal!

It was a moment I’ll never forget… I felt complete bliss and fulfillment of every kind.

I was lying on the floor, covered in a warm blanket, listening to some peaceful music at a Spiritual Retreat when IT happened.

A Moment of PURE Fulfillment

Indigo and purple lights began swirling rapidly in my mind’s eye, faster and faster they swirled until  I was no longer in my body, I was an energy, in union with Source Energy.

It felt like everythingness and nothingness all at the same time, and it was pure BLISS.

I’ve never really known how to fully express what happened to me but just recently I read in a book by Osho, that the Buddha describes “Nirvana” as meaning:

You have ceased to be; you are just an infinite emptiness like the sky. And the moment you are that infinity, you become full of stars, and a totally new life begins. You are reborn.”

Osho goes on to say,

Bliss is not something that you invent but something that you discover. Bliss is your innermost nature.”

Are You Craving Fulfillment, Bliss & Joy in Your Life?

The most popular question I receive from women is this…

“Erin, how do you find pleasure and personal fulfillment when you’re dealing with everything else going on in your life?”

Some of the “things” women mention are:

  • a parent recently passing
  • children getting ready or already having flew the nest
  • juggling the demands of raising children and work or running a business
  • health issues

Here’s what I always answer:

“Your level of fulfillment, success, health & bliss is directly related to the distance of where you are now to where you are in terms of knowing and embodying the fact that you are Divine Energy. That you are part of the the Source of All Energy – God.”

(Watch me fully explain this at minute 1:35 in the video above)


If the distance is wide between these two then your manifestations will take longer and your experience of life will be one of multiple growth opportunities so that you finally KNOW and EMBODY the truth of what you really are.

How do I know this? My gap used to be HUGE! Yet I felt I was a spiritual woman and a seeker of truth.

How to Close the Gap Between Where You Are Now & True Fulfillment

Six years ago I was in quite a state.

I was the mother of a newborn, after having a horrific birth experience (watch the video at minute 4:05 where I describe what made this such a medieval type birth!) with a 4 year old just starting school and an international online Parenting Business to run.

During the pregnancy of my daughter I was struggling with a few personal issues that made me fall into a depression, but after that birth experience I fell DEEP into depression.

Why? Because I felt completely abandoned by God. I had spent 3 months preparing myself to have a stunning, spiritual hypnobirthing experience and the fact that it went completely and utterly opposite from what I visualised made me…well…I’ll be brutally honest here…I gave God the finger.

I was done.

My world, my marriage, my body started crumbling down and I nearly lost everything after certain things took place.

Then a friend of mine told my husband and I about a Spiritual Retreat that was focusing on clearing our energy system.

It was at this spiritual retreat, after one particularly intense clearing session that I experienced what I described at the beginning of this post – nirvana and self-realization.

I walked out of this Spiritual Retreat reborn – literally. And life has never been the same…it’s been better than I ever dreamed – all of my desires, dreams, wishes have come true or are coming true as we speak…with elegance and ease.

The Elegant Life Experience for YOU!

What if I told you that I have created a Spiritual Retreat just for YOU that has never existed before?

For 3-4 months now I have been putting together the most beautiful, luxurious, elegant and sacred Spiritual Retreat that has never existed.

At this Retreat you will be doing the EXACT clearing sessions that I went through, with the SAME facilitator and oh, so much more!

I won’t go into all the specifics here, you can find them over at The Elegant Life Experience Registration Page HERE.

I talk about it in more detail in the video above at minute 9:30.

luxury spiritual retreat for women

If what you read on the Registration page resonates with you, creates a feeling of excitement or desire, please know that this is a sign from the Divine that you need to be there.

Because you are a follower of The Elegant Life I am giving you “priority registration”. Please don’t spend time “thinking” about whether or not to go as I am only accepting 20 women for this Experience and there are ladies here in Dubai just waiting for the page to be open.

I am also doing many speaking engagements in the next few months and that will most definitely lead ladies to register.

This Experience will be THE BEST GIFT you will ever give to yourself!  Trust me on that one! I cannot WAIT for women of every religion, faith, and belief system to evolve and elevate like they never knew possible!

There is an Early Bird Price as well, so be sure to take advantage of that. And better still, if you decide to come with a friend and share a room, your ticket is even less!

“See” you over on the registration page!

With SO Much Love,