make life easier


Let’s be honest… we’d all like to make life easier in some aspect of our lives, right?

Whether it be earning money, losing weight, having more inner peace or having more fulfilment in our life – we’d LOVE it if it all came a lot easier to us, wouldn’t we?

Ever looked at someone’s life and thought,

“It’s just so EASY for her!”

I used to look at Oprah’s life (when she lost a lot of weight the first time) and think , “Well, of course she lost weight! She has a personal chef and a personal trainer! Who WOULDN’T lose weight?

Then I watched as she gained and lost weight for over 15 years! She had some more personal work to do.

I also looked at some women whose husbands worked with them and thought, “Ha! I would be successful too if I could just do what I loved and my husband took care of all the techie stuff!”

Then I learned that these couples didn’t have the ease & fun in their relationship that I had with my husband. They ended up having to go to counselling.

We often tend to think that something outside of us will solve all our problems and in reality…nothing or no one will ever solve your problems for you, except you.

Now, you can have support WHILE you do the personal work. Support definitely helps make life easier… more quickly. That I know for sure!

Yet, a personal trainer can tell you what to do, but YOU still have to do it!

A husband can support you in your business but YOU still have to be the brand, get out there, connect with people, etc.

You can even hire a life coach but unless you actually DO what you agree on, your life is not going to change.

See a pattern?

The good news is that even though you have some personal work to do, your brain can help support you!

This week I’ve filmed a video teaching you how your brain, if given the right things from YOU, will be your BIGGEST support.

The Divine created the brain in such a beautiful way! Your life can be easier, in a shorter amount of time, if you simply focus on these things.

Watch and please leave a comment on the blog with your answer to my question at the end of the video, okay?

With Love,


VEGAN CURRY “CHICKEN” RECIPE | High Vibration Dinner Idea

Looking for a healthy dinner idea? You HAVE to try this Vegan Curry “Chicken” Recipe! It’s been in my family since I was a child & now my own children ADORE it! Serve it to guests as a very elegant dinner along with a crisp green salad and finish it off with a lemon meringue pie. Mmmm!

It’s so quick to make and is what we call here at The Elegant Life, a high vibration food.

P.S. You can use real chicken if you like, just brown it first. A quick tip is to brown the chicken in butter and just before it starts getting brown, add the onions.

Bon Appetit!

The full recipe is typed below the video.

Let me know in the comments how you like & enjoy it! Trust me, it will become a favorite!

Vegan Curry “Chicken”

1 packet of Quorn Chicken Pieces

1 medium onion

2 Tbsp Avocado Oil

4 cups vegetable, chicken flavoured broth

1/4 tsp black pepper

1 scant Tbsp Curry Powder

1/2 Tbsp. Paprika

1 tsp Salt

2 Tbsp Cornstarch

3 Tbsp Low sugar Ketchup

2 Tbsp Steak Sauce (HP Sauce)

1/3 cup blanched almonds

2 Tbsp dried minced onion

Garnishing Ideas:

Toasted Sesame seeds

Thinly Sliced Green Onion


Preheat oven to 325 degrees F

Slice the onion into rings.

Sauté the onion rings in avocado oil until they become translucent.

Place sautéed onions in the casserole dish.

Measure or make your Broth. Heat the broth in a medium pot.

In a small bowl mix the black pepper, curry powder, paprika, salt, and pepper together. Add a little cold water to mix into a paste consistency. Add it to the warm broth in the pot and stir.

Add the Ketchup & Steak Sauce. Stir and heat well until it thickens.

Add the thickened sauce to the casserole dish.

Add the packet of Quorn Chicken Pieces.

Add the blanched almonds & dried minced onions and stir.

Cover and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Serve over Basmati rice and garnish with toasted sesame seeds and thinly sliced green onions.



WHY YOU AREN’T MANIFESTING? Here’s Your Answer & Solution

*** Let Manifesting Be Elegant & Easy! ***

Hello! I’m back from an incredible summer holiday and am absolutely energized to be back here on the blog talking about manifesting!

Why am I so passionate when I speak about manifesting? Because for SO LONG I didn’t get it.

I felt like so many women who write to me or come to me as a client who feel like they are truly doing everything they can to manifest and nothing is working.

They have read The Secret (as I had).

They have read all about the Law of Attraction and Visualising (as I had).

They have even meticulously done every step found in those books and movies and still…nothing. No extra money. Health is unchanged. No soulmate walking through that door…resonating a bit with all this?

I truly wish I could sit down with you and read you my past diary entries just to show how desperate and hopeless I once felt.

Being a former Type A perfectionist, it was really tough to feel like I was doing EVERYTHING and still my everything was not enough.

Today I want to share with you one of the most important things I can teach you when it comes to manifesting. This is a game-changer.

Really take it in. Really HEAR me, okay?

Don’t just listen and say, “Okay, got it.” then move on to another video about how to manifest. Let this deeply sink in. Journal with your subconscious & soul.

Because whatever you desire is just on the other side of you really “getting” this.

Enjoy! And please share with your mother, sister, friend or client!

It’s time women move past the “struggle reality” and step into their full power so they can begin living an abundant life – on every level.

I love you!

your intentions


Your Intentions

I was sitting on my bed, writing all of my current wishes and dreams in my beautiful flower covered journal (yet again).

Everyone I had ever watched or read stated that the best way to make your intentions come true was to write them down.

So write I did! I was always a good student. Tell me to do something and I’d do it.

What I believed deep down was that if I did what people told me to do, I would get results! Why would someone ever tell me to do something that wouldn’t work?

In other words, I had expectations.

What do you think the manifestation rate of my intentions was?

About 30%.

And the 30% that came true was when I didn’t have any expectations! I just kind of “put them out there.”

Real Life Example

After high school graduation, I missed getting into the Education Department by 2%. I was completely blindsided by this. What???

I have been preparing to be a teacher since I was 8 years old! I KNOW I ‘m meant to be a teacher! How is this even possible God? I thought.

I was so dumbfounded that I went to see a psychic. He told me there would be a last minute announcement from the University that they were lowering the percentage to get into Education by 2%, and I would get in.

I SO wanted to believe him, but I kind of thought he was just telling me what I wanted to hear.

I went home and for the rest of the summer, I slowly got used to the fact that I would just have to rewrite a test or two. Hey, maybe I could work and save up some money while preparing for the exams.

It certainly wasn’t what I’d intended. And, the feeling of “not being good enough” was definitely there, but I just KNEW I was meant to be a teacher . For some odd reason it just didn’t work out this year.

In other words, I surrendered. And I got on with my summer..still being a bit confused as to WHY it didn’t work out.

Wouldn’t you know it, one morning an announcement in the newspaper stated that the Education Department was lowering the percentage to get in. Anyone with my percentage would be offered a letter of acceptance.

At that time in my life, I just felt blessed, but since my Spiritual Awakening 7 years ago I have seen a pattern between all the times my intentions came true and didn’t.

There are things I do that pretty much guarantee that my intentions and dreams come true…unless there is a greater plan for me that I’m not currently aware of.

I’d LOVE to share them with you in this week’s video!

Last week’s video on How to Set Intentions:

Video on how to be in a neutral state:

do Terra Essential Oils:

In this video, you will learn:

  • 3 Steps for Ensuring the Universe can easily make your intentions a reality
  • What YOU can do to create the space for your intentions to manifest
  • How to create a strong magnetic field to elegantly bring your desires to you.

With SO much love,



Have you ever wondered if setting an intention REALLY works? Or why setting intentions seem to work for everyone else except you?

Then I’ve got you covered!

I’m in LOVE with the video I filmed for this week’s blog post! I empower you with scientific information that will build your faith in intentions so much that you will KNOW why they will work 100% of the time if you follow my advice.

I’m going to make this message short and sweet because I just want you to watch the video and learn this magical information.

Get ready to KNOW that whatever you intend you can experience in your reality.



In this video, you will learn:

  • The science of how intentions work
  • What intentions really are
  • How to ensure that after you set your intention it has the right conditions to make it a reality


With SO much love,