3 Tips on HOW TO RAISE A CONFIDENT DAUGHTER | Raising Confident Girls

An Instagram follower messaged me to say how much she loved my message on feminine confidence and wondered if I could do a video on how to raise a confident daughter.

Of course, I exclaimed, “YES!”

If you haven’t guessed by now I am so incredibly passionate about empowering women and girls with the knowledge and embodiment of their personal strengths, uniqueness & power, so I sat down to record today’s video.

In this video, I share my top 3 ways to raise a confident girl, yet this advice could be used for boys too. In fact, it’s great information for you too!

Even if you don’t have children or your children are all grown up this video is for you.

The information I share on raising a confident girl can be used to upgrade your friend, sister, mother, aunt, colleague or employee’s self esteem and feminine confidence, so please do watch.

All right I’ll leave the rest of my chatting for the video.  Enjoy and let me know if you have any other ways you’ve tried to install confidence in your daughter or the women in your life.




So here’s the science on the power of self love habits:

  • Performing a task that is good for you trains your brain to believe that you love yourself
  • This self love belief, if felt enough times via your self love habit, becomes a conviction your brain holds.
  • Once the brain holds a conviction long enough, by you continuing to perform this self love habit, the belief becomes one of the CORE beliefs you hold about yourself.

In simple terms, having self love habits as a regular part of your lifestyle naturally and organically makes you love yourself as well as builds your self confidence. Just think of what would be possible for you, in all areas of your life, if you felt more confident, right?

Now, here’s the issue most women have… sticking to the habits!

I know a lot about the women who follow me and The Elegant Life quite well, so I know what works to shift this issue. Why? Ahem…I used to start a habit and after a while… become bored, so I get it!

What I know about us is that we love to know WHY something is good for us; how will it greatly benefit us, and not just a little, but profoundly, right?

The beginning of this post explained the WHY, so now let’s move on to HOW we can start making these habits naturally become a part of our lifestyle.

One elegant way is to regularly listen to self love habits affirmations so that your brain becomes programmed to want to do the self love habits!

This brings me to today’s video!

Thanks to a viewer suggestion I have created a Self Love Habits Affirmations video that you can listen to every morning or evening!

You’re going to love it! Be sure to bookmark it or save it so you can easily use each and every day. My gift to you!

Enjoy!!! And please let me know which self love habit you were just naturally able to create or stick to, okay?



How to Attract A Soulmate & Live Happily Ever After?

Is your Soul desiring a Soulmate?


Or, if you’re currently in a relationship, do you wish your partner felt more like a Soulmate?


In today’s video I go into detail about:

  • What a Soulmate really is
  • How to attract one
  • What to expect once you’ve manifested a Soulmate


During the past year and a half, many women have had a lot of time to reflect on their lives and one of the areas that were highlighted due to the lockdown experience was that of relationships.


Did you perhaps read a novel or watch a movie and yearn for your soulmate to arrive already?


Or, did you read a romance novel or watch a romantic movie and think, “My partner doesn’t do that. I don’t feel that way in MY relationship. Is it time to leave this relationship?”


If so, please know that this is normal. When we see something that makes us feel so good and compare it to our current reality we can feel down.


Yet, I always want to empower you with an elegant perspective. From that kind of perspective, you can make decisions or take actions in support of your highest good instead of making decisions from a disempowered victim’s perspective.


Even if you’re in a very happy, healthy relationship right now, you’ll gain something from this video, so enjoy and please let me know your biggest takeaway, okay?


HOW TO FORGIVE…in a Feminine, Elegant Way

How to Forgive; is one topic I often have to review with private clients.


As with everything, the community or household in which you grew up impacted how you react to situations and how you forgive (or whether you forgive at all!)


In today’s video I explain the most common way that most people forgive – please note…it’s VERY disempowering!


Not to worry though, I also teach the exact phrase to use if someone apologises to you, as well as the three phrases you can use to forgive a person who hasn’t apologised.


Forgiveness, the Elegant Way, is truly about setting yourself free. It allows you to live a full life; a life without resentment, anger, hurt, or grudges.


Keep them and you hurt yourself every single day, not the other person.


You also have the potential to hurt those you love because you take out unresolved issues on them.


So, as you can see it serves you to learn more about forgiveness and how to do it elegantly.


Enjoy the video and please do let me know if you have any questions.



DAILY AFFIRMATIONS FOR FEMININE CONFIDENCE | Use Your Divine Feminine Energies to Become Confident

I am so excited to gift you something that will assist you in embodying feminine confidence!

I’ve created a video of affirmations for feminine confidence that you can watch daily to reprogram your brain for feminine energy empowerment.


Now, with affirmations consistency is key. You cannot watch or listen to it once and expect miracles. In fact I recommend watching/listening to these affirmations for at least 60 days in a row.

The best times to watch or listen are:

  • At bedtime
  • Immediately upon rising in the morning
  • While putting on your makeup in the morning

These moments are when your mind is in a relaxed, open state.

You want your mind to be able to willingly receive these affirmations so that resistance to them is low.

Just like learning to drive a car felt awkward at first, some of these affirmations may bring up resistance in your mind. However, just like driving, after about 2 months, everything begins to feel natural.

I bet you drive to places now and upon arrival wonder how you got there! It’s simple! Your brain did it so many times before that it drove you there on autopilot!

This is how affirmations work too.

One day, you’ll reach a tipping point where any resistance in your mind will fall away and your way of being, acting and thinking will come from feminine confidence…on autopilot.

Again, consistency is key.

Please let me know if there are any other affirmation videos you’d like me to create

With SO Much Love,