living elegantly

The Art of Living Elegantly For Spiritual Women

Want to know the 6 secrets to living elegantly so you can upgrade your life to the next best level? Amazing!

In today’s video I lay out the path to living (and therefore manifesting) with elegance and confidence, so get your pen and paper ready!

The reason I adore teaching how to manifest with elegance is because I tried for YEARS to manifest and rarely did anything I desire come into my reality.

About 11 years ago, when I took a closer look at what I was doing differently when I actually did manifest a few incredible things, I recognised a few patterns. Then I tried doing those things over and over… and voilá!

I realised that I had found the secret sauce to living with ease & flow and finally manifesting every desire with faith, trust & feminine confidence.

I’ll go through all 6 ingredients, yet one of the most important things you need to be able to do is to surrender and let life guide you as to the actions to take.

I know how difficult it is to know how to “Let Go and Let God” as they say, yet in today’s video I’ll explain exactly how to do it and what to do in the meantime, while you wait for inspiration.

Please Understand This About Living Elegantly

The Art of Living Elegantly is all about intentional living. YOU must practise conscious living because your life is yours to create and no one can do it for you.

I can teach you the path and I can be your BIGGEST cheerleader, yet I can’t do it for you.

The good news is that because it’s all up to you, you can create any kind of life you want and no one can stop you! Cheers to that!

So, if you desire to feel confidence while you learn how to live in flow, how to live with more ease, and elegantly manifest your dreams, then sit back and really take this information in.

I recommend watching this video over and over again, perhaps once a week for the first while, just so you fully receive every nugget of wisdom.

Here’s to you levelling up and upgrading into Your NEW Elegant Life!


1) The Art of Living Elegantly Program HERE.

2) Start Your Day With Elegance & Flow Meditation HERE.

3) Book a Confidence Breakthrough Call With Me HERE.


overcoming challenges

Overcoming Challenges…How to Overcome Obstacles in Life With More Ease

Have you been experiencing more struggles or obstacles in life lately?

If you’ve been feeling out of sorts, confused, bored, more tired than usual you are like so many women right now…around the world.

Often we as Spiritual women have the belief that if we are truly living a Spiritual Life  everything will always  go smoothly for us…and it can…with a certain understanding.

In this week’s video I speak all about overcoming challenges and obstacles in life…the Elegant Way, of course:)

In this week’s video on overcoming challenges you will learn:

  •  3 steps to get into Elegant Flow and allow your desires or challenges to unfold with more ease
  • the #1 mistake most Spiritual women make after setting an intention
  • what you require to do right now to empower yourself

Enjoy the video and please share it! It truly helps spread The Elegant Life’s message so that even more women begin living and manifesting exquisite lives for themselves.

See you next week for a long overdue Favourites video!



daily habits

8 DAILY HABITS FOR WOMEN: How to Look & Feel Your Best

Adding or changing even one of your daily habits can profoundly transform your life.

This is why one of the things we focus on  during my Couture Spiritual Coaching sessions with women is implementing Elegant Rituals & Routines into their life; ones that will most serve them.

How would you like to learn my personal daily routines that keep me looking and feeling amazing every day?

In this video you will learn:

  • 8 daily habits to create a beautiful inner & outer YOU
  • the benefits of each routine or ritual
  • the #1 reason I do these daily habits and why they are SO key for your success & happiness in life.

Let me know if you begin one or all of these daily habits, okay? Notice how you feel before, during and after doing each habit!

Even if you just implement ONE of these daily habits you’ll see and feel the difference in your inner and outer world.

If you desire to learn even more about how to elegantly attain and maintain your best body go HERE to learn how I elegantly & pleasurably lost 52 pounds and you can too!

Do you have any other daily or weekly routines that you love? Please share!

Make it an Elegant Week!




SAY THIS WORD EVERYDAY & Watch Your Life Change

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” No, this isn’t a post about that scene from When Harry Met Sally – Ha Ha!

It is about using the word YES in your everyday vocabulary because of the incredible way it can change your life.

It certainly has mine!

In this week’s video I share a story of when I was offered the most incredible experience and responded with “Aw, that’s really nice of you, but … I can’t”

Make sure there is something soft beside your chair just in case you fall off in disbelief that I said “No”to THAT offer – seriously, what was I thinking???

We women always talk about wanting more time to do things we would like, but somehow we never get around to DOING them or ALLOWING ourselves to.

Can you relate?

Today’s topic is one I am SO passionate about (as you’ll see in the video!) because I know first hand just how powerful the word “YES” is and how, if you truly want to change your life,  you’ll need to practise what I teach.

I look forward to hearing all your stories of excitement, adventure, JOY, and fun!

I love you all SO much and want you to live an exquisite life, not just one where you feel you are existing.

Here’s to The Elegant Life!




let go and let god

2 Ways to “LET GO & LET GOD” – Surrender Control

Have you every desired something SO much but found it almost impossible to “let go and let God” as everyone suggests?

Then this post is for you!

I am going to share 2 ways to practise the art of letting go and letting God. One is a mindset shift and the other is advice that I bet you’ve not heard before. (Psst…it a theme here on The Elegant Life:)

January is a month where everyone is focused on goals, dreams and DOING.

Plans are made, goal are being set, memberships to gyms are being bought, and the focus is on pursuing, trying and desperately wanting their desire to manifest.

I know this pattern well as it was my “go-to” strategy my whole life! Set a goal, make a plan, push, pursue, obsess…you get the picture!  The energy I was giving off was one of desperation and lack – not very elegant and definitely not a high frequency for manifesting!

This is completely opposite from what I do now and teach my clients to do.

And…this is exactly what Buddha did before he experienced enlightenment and true happiness.

Many people know the story of how Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree and awakened, however not many people know WHY he ended up sitting under that tree. He was in the same trap I was in and perhaps you find yourself too?

Watch the video above, at minute 2:54, to hear the real reason Buddha sat under the bodhi tree.

2 Steps to “Let Go and Let God”

Step 1: Surrender.

As you can see from Buddha’s story, pushing, trying and pursuing does not serve us. We must understand the Elegant Principle of the Universe:

As soon as you state your intention, Divine Consciousness sets to work to orchestrate everything needed to bring you your desire.”

The problem arises, for most women, when they don’t see any change in their reality and thus start doubting, feeling down, and obsessing even more on trying to figure out “the HOW”.

Spiritual Women who live elegantly, instead, focus on just BEING & await Divine Inspiration.

Do not attach. I’ll repeat that, “Do not attach to the outcome”. 

Should we even have desires? Yes! Desires are feelings and feelings come directly from your Soul, which is your connection to the Divine. So yes! You wouldn’t have those desires if you weren’t intended to experience them!

However,  instead of obsessing, spend your time & energy visualising your dream. See it vividly, in the greatest detail. FEEL it. Then…

let go and let god

Step 2: Get on With Living Your Life (filling it with JOY & PLEASURE)

I know I know, I harp on this regularly, but trust me, it’s the secret of experiencing The Elegant Life!

If someone would have told me this years ago, when I was in the obsessing mode, I would have thought, “Yeah, easy for you to say!” It was only when I reached mental and physical exhaustion that I finally said,

Screw this! If success means I have to work this hard and be disappointed countless times then I don’t want it. I’m done. I’ll just do this as a hobby out of enjoyment instead of trying to make it a business.”

After I made that conscious decision I felt the weight of the world drop off me.

I began feeling my creativity come out more. I did things I was too scared to do before, out of fear it would “upset” my followers.

I felt the pleasure in what I was doing again- the same pleasure I felt when I first started that business!

And what began happening? Opportunities just flowed into my life like magic. Calls for interviews in top national and international magazines and newspapers, ideal clients coming to me from referrals...the list went on and on. I learned what Buddha did and I invite you to learn it too…

The more you let go and let god (aka surrender) the more you allow Divine energy to do it’s work and flow through you and your life.

All that obsessive energy will be gone as will the manifestation of things and experiences on that same frequency.

Instead, you’ll be resonating at the levels of PEACE & JOY which are just under that of enlightenment – levels that bring in high vibration, exquisite miracles.

Please share your stories of when and how YOU have “let go and let God” – I know it will help so many women.

Do you know there are certain areas of your life where you need to Surrender? Share those too.


If you would like a perfect way of focusing on your dreams the elegant way and feeling joy and inner peace now, then I highly recommend The 6 Phase Visioning Meditation.

With so much love,