
How to Connect With the Divine Through: Creativity

Creativity is often only used when describing someone who is artistically inclined. I used to believe this too…until I had my  awakening experience.

When I speak of creativity from a spiritual perspective I am referring to it as an attribute of the Divine. In this week’s post/video I will explain why it is SO vitally important that we all tap into this attribute.

Ready? (If you usually read these posts I highly recommend you also watch the video)

If we look around our planet the creativity of the Divine is exemplied everywhere.  The variety of flowers, the variety of scents, the fish, the plants, the insects, ovulation, procreation, birth, neurones, hormones…the creativity is even beyond comprehension when you really stop to think of it.

Now, the Divine also used it’s creativity to create Y.O.U. It intended that you be created and so you were! Yes, once you were not here and then…you were!

Out of nothingness you appeared.

And because you were intended from the Source of everything you are part of that Source (just as I mentioned in last week’s video on abundance)

So, in your essence you are Divine Energy. Yet…at the same time, you were created to have certain personality traits, physical characteristics, natural talents and abilities etc. This was the Divine being extremely creative! There is no one on this whole planet exactly like you!  Isn’t that gorgeous???

Since you were specifically created to be you there must be a reason you were created the way you were, right?

As our souls live this human life we have two ways to be creative:

  1. Express all your unique talents, personality traits, interests & natural abilities via your Calling. (To learn more about how to find your Calling you can go back and watch this video)
  2. Use our Free Will (also given to us by the Divine) to co-create whatever life we want.  I’m often heard saying that our lives are our own blank canvas and we have the ability to create an exquisite masterpiece! In the video above  at minute 8:00 I share with you the next experience I am intending to create..mmmm)

Now, by using creativity in these two ways, what are we doing?

YES! We are helping Divine Consciousness expand.  How perfectly set up. How beautifully orchestrated – a true win-win.

When you express yourself creatively you feel in Elegant Flow.  Things manifest elegantly,  you feel totally fulfilled inside and you experience what true inner peace and confidence is.

We as women can often put off expressing ourselves out of the belief that we must satisfy everyone else’s desires and needs first.  Then and only then will we gift ourselves the TIME to create the life WE truly desire.

Well, I’m giving you  permission. I’m tapping you on the shoulder to remind you that you were purposefully created by the Divine and that life WILL go on if you begin focusing on yourself more.

Trust me on this one!

And, as a benefit, all of your relationships will improve because you will be walking around as the Divine, Creative, Happy Energy that you are.

If you enjoyed this post please share it with a woman you love.  We need more women living authentically in this world. Now more than ever. Thank you.

See you next week with the next attribute of the Divine!

With so much love,