law of entrainment

The Law of Entrainment – How To Use It to Change Your World

The recent events in the world have either gotten you down or angry…or both.

Spiritual women who live elegantly react to these events differently; they make an even stronger commitment to act in ways that allow The Law of Entrainment to work it’s magic and move this world towards peace and safety.

Are you one of us?

Last week I briefly mentioned The Law of Entrainment in my video on why it is now a requirement for spiritual women to be happy, and this really resonated with you!

Many women wrote to me to say thank you for introducing them to this Law and some asked if I could share more about it.

So, this video is a response to that. (I LOVE when you share your comments and enthusiasm with me. Thank you!)

What is “The Law of Entrainment”?

Basically the Law of Entrainment states that when two different frequencies are in the presence of one another, they will always come into resonance with each other; the lower frequency moving up to meet the higher one.

This Law is at play every single day and we aren’t even conscious of it; it’s so subtle.

I always like to give examples of how this Law works in the physical world first and then bring it into the spiritual realm.

About 10 years ago I began hearing about Facebook, but I really didn’t like it. I actually refused to use it as I thought it exposed people’s privacy too much.

As time went on, I began hearing of more & more people who were using it and enjoying it.

Soon, I decided to set up an account and just use it to keep in touch with friends from back home since I had moved to England from Canada.

More time went on and eventually I found myself having a personal AND a business page!

Today I use Facebook as one of the main ways I market The Elegant Life Blog.

Elegantly, without me even consciously deciding to use Facebook, I somehow went from emphatically refusing to use it to using it on a daily basis for personal as well as business use!

Now, watch this! This is marvellous!

Watch The Law of Entrainment in Action

Below is a video that shows the Law of Entrainment in action!

When you start 64 Metronomes, all at different speeds, they eventually, due to the law of entrainment, end up ticking at the same rhythm. Nature’s innate desire is for HARMONY therefore it will bring all of the metronomes into resonance.

Watch the video below to view this beauty. (If short on time, watch the first 30 seconds, fast forward to the middle and watch for 30 seconds then fast forward closer to the end and watch.)

How The Law of Entrainment Works Every Month With Women!

Have you ever worked in an office with mostly women? Did you notice that eventually all of you, or most of you, had your period a day or two apart from each other every month?

This is entrainment at work again.  Remember, nature’s innate desire is for harmony, so it will want to bring all of the women’s vibrations into alignment by regulating their menstrual cycles to be in resonance with one another!

I’ve always found this so beautiful!

How to Use The Law of Entrainment to Change the World

So, now that you know everything is energy, and all energy vibrates at a certain frequency, and that nature always wants to bring frequencies into harmony, how can you use this to change the world?

Well, change starts with you. You, as a Spiritual Woman, must consistently make a choice to vibrate at the highest frequency you can so that all the lower energies in the world elegantly rise to match you. 

If YOU are peace, love, positivity and JOY, the likelihood that most people around you will shift to that too, is extremely high.

If you’ve ever heard of the Butterfly Effect, you’ve been introduced to the concept of how powerfully you can create change in this world just by a small act or shift in your vibration.

If you’ve not heard of it or wish to learn more click HERE.

I invite you to make an enlightened, awakened choice to raise your frequency.

If you’re not exactly sure how, I have put together 14 simple, elegant & enjoyable ways of how to raise your frequency.

I said it last week and I’ll say it again, it’s never been more clear that the world needs us Spiritual women to step up and elevate the frequency of this planet.

So, will you join me in making the commitment to focus on Love, Peace and Joy instead of anger, judgement and opinions?

Next week will be a very special post – I really cannot wait to reveal something to you!

See you next week!

With so much love,



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The Guide to Prosperity



The Elegant Guide to Prosperity or Weight Loss?

Do you struggle with prosperity or weight? I’ve experienced both issues.

Prosperity used to be my BIG area of concern. I never made enough, I never had enough and I couldn’t see how it was possible for me to manifest the life my heart desired.

My head could just not wrap my mind around the HOW.

How in the world could I live that kind of life? I envisioned it for my sister, because SHE had a doctorate and her own successful business, but moi? I would have to live vicariously through her, or so I thought.

Weight issues began when I moved to Brazil and gained so much weight due to loneliness, but things REALLY became an issue after I had my children.

At 5’3″, with 50 pounds (23kg) to lose, well, let’s just say…I wasn’t feeling my best. I didn’t feel like ERIN.

What I Tried to Have Prosperity & Lose Weight

  • I  cried tears
  • I journaled in at least 10 thick journals
  • I took courses
  • I wrote and said positive affirmations
  • I did EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
  • I hired trainers
  • I read “The Secret”, “The Science of Getting Rich”, “Think & Grow Rich” and more!
  • I had food delivered to my house
  • I went on countless diet and exercise programs (Power 90 anyone?)

…and nothing made a lasting difference until I understood and started to do what I do now.

Today, I have more prosperity in my life than ever before (and it just keeps increasing) AND I am a healthy and happy size 4-6…without having to diet, deprive, or “work out”.

You know I LOVE to share all the Elegant Processes that can gift you The Elegant Life, right?

Can I Ask Your Opinion?

Well, here’s what I would like to know…

Which topic is currently weighing on you: finally achieving and maintaining your ideal body or manifesting more prosperity into your life?

Both of these topics will be covered here on the Elegant Life Blog, however my priority is always YOU and what you would like to learn first.

In the video above, I go further into describing each topic, so have a quick watch if you have about 9 minutes.

Then, in the comments below, could you please tell me which topic you’d first be interested in learning the Elegant Solution to, along with a brief description as to why?

I am EXCITED to share my Elegant Secrets with you!

See you next week with Post #1 on whatever topic most of you request!

A Bientôt!






How to Use the * Konmari Method * to Become a Woman Who Lives Elegantly

Marie Kondo, creator of The Konmari Method, got it right when she said,

When you surround yourself with possessions that spark joy, you’ll create a life and home you love.

In Marie’s book, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, she teaches an elegant method that will help you get to know yourself better and create a life and home that truly represents you and the life you desire to live.

Want to have a little tour of my home?

Come inside and I’ll show you some things that spark JOY in me and how you can use my tips and Marie’s to fully become a Woman Who Lives Elegantly.

Now, if we relate the Konmari Method to The Elegant Life, which is a life filled with:

  • a knowing of who you really are
  • a knowing of how to move through life with ease & elegance
  • a knowing of inner peace
  • a knowing of your beauty & signature self
  • a knowing of what brings you JOY and continuously adding more of it to your life
  • a knowing of what your gifts and passions are and how to express them in the world
  • a knowing that you are part of Divine energy
  • and a knowing that Life is Beautiful!

We can see that The Konmari Method is a method that women can use to help them live The Elegant Life! Because, when we focus on JOY, as Marie Kondo suggests, we are in direct alignment with the essence of The Elegant Life.

When we ask the possessions in our home, “Do you spark JOY within me?” we are literally creating our Elegant Life by letting go of what isn’t us and isn’t serving us, and only keeping and letting in the things that represent who we are and the life we truly desire to live.

French Homes and the Konmari Method

There is something I have always adored about French homes and french decor.  When you visit someone’s home in France you really get a sense of who the owners are.

French homes are not always typically “beautiful” or put together like you’d see in a magazine, but they ooze individuality and presence.

They have a personality, an essence all unto themselves and you REALLY get to know more about whoever’s home you’re in.

It’s a pleasure to walk around and hear stories about the possessions they have on display.  

It’s so intriguing to witness the colour palettes they use.

And again, it’s not that the decor looks perfect, it’s how the person has used their home as another way to express their signature self.

Have a look at these Parisian Apartments featured on TheArchitectualDigest website.

konmari method
konmari method
konmari method
konmari method
konmari method

I have walked through many beautiful homes and felt no soul whatsoever, and I have walked through very modest homes and felt absolutely enamoured by them.

The difference?

The owner’s sense of self and a knowingness of who they are and what sparks JOY within them.

Take a moment right now and wander around your home, or simply spin around in your chair and look around the room you’re currently in… does it show who you are?  Does everything in it spark JOY within you?

If someone were to walk into your home, would they be able to know something about you without you even speaking?

A Parisian in My Home!

A few months back we had our friends over for dinner; Jean-Louis, the husband, is Parisian.

The moment Jean-Louis walked into my home he began wandering.  He looked at everything I had on my walls and the things I had on little tables and as he did this I could hear him saying, “Oh!” and “Mmmmm…”.

I have to admit that the francophile in me LOVED that he, the Parisian, found my home fascinating and interesting. 

The real feeling in me though, was one of happiness.  Because I could see him enjoying our home and learning more about us as a result.

One object intrigued him enough to ask a question and this opened up a whole beautiful discussion.

So I ask you again, hoping not to sound too redundant, “Does your home spark JOY in you?”

Do the clothes you own, the blankets that cover you, the photos and pictures on the walls, represent YOU?

What do they say about you?

If you don’t feel your home represents you, then I highly recommend you begin using the Konmari Method that Marie Kondo so beautifully teaches.

This month on the blog we have been focusing on knowing yourself, honouring yourself and loving yourself…

Has anything shifted for you in your life this month after reading the blog posts?  I’d be so curious to hear about it!

I’ve already heard from some women who say they have given themselves more permission this month to enjoy things they love.

Ça c’est merveilleux!

Next week we will end this month’s theme with a BIG CELEBRATION as the winner of the Self-Love Challenge will be announced!!!

Stay tuned for that!

With so much love,





  elegant living

elegant woman

The Making of a Spiritual Woman: A Pilgrimage that Began in Paris Video #1)

The Making of a Spiritual Woman Video #1

As I sat on a park bench in yet another stunning park in France, I stared up at the sky and said to Guy, my friend, “I just want to be happy, Guy.  I just want to be happy.”

He replied very simply, “Well, that’s a very good goal to have.”

His answer seemed too simple. Too unemotional.  I felt dead inside, couldn’t he understand that?

I arrived in France an excited, but broken woman, and after the exhilaration of preparing and settling in to my beloved France, all my issues came rolling in to be healed.

I was so excited to be in France, as it had always been a dream of mine to live there, but real life set in and I wondered how I was going to feel genuinely happy…within my heart.  Or maybe it was inner peace I was seeking?  I didn’t know.

To say I was confused was an understatement.

I had had so much drama in my life.  One thing after another kept happening and I was exhausted, particularly after the recent event that I left behind in Canada.

Yet, a tiny piece of my soul was still shining and it desired more out of life.

It desired more of EVERYTHING…

One year earlier… ( from my actual diary)

“Well, here it comes – life has really gotten to me today.  I have to write in her today because I have a major decision to make – whether David and I stay together or not.

There has been so much going on with us for so long that I’ve not written about, so I don’t even know where to start.

I guess things REALLY started to escalate when we got married.  The constant berrating of how I did or didn’t do things.

How he used to “teach” me how to wipe the counter tops.

How he used to “teach” me how to get out of the shower so that no water went on the floor.

How I had to wrap the remote control in plastic and every day unfold a layer so no finger prints got on the remote.

I was literally backed into a corner so many times during arguments where I screamed at him to stop controlling me.

But this wasn’t all. We constatnly fought about money. In fact about 50% of our arguments are over money.  He gets so stressed about it that he takes it out on me.  He has started to become verbally abusive.

He doesn’t even allow me to have my own credit card!  And, I’m the one teaching all day, coming home, tutoring students, cooking dinner, doing the dishes, then going to teach piano so we can get this f—king house fixed up!

There is so much more I could say, but I was totally going into a depression.  I felt trapped in a horrible marriage.

I finally told David and things got a bit better but after 2 weeks everything returned to normal.  One night I was lighting candles for dinner and he blew them out.  “Why do we have to act?”, he said.

I felt my heart drop into my stomach. 

Was this going to be my life???

Today, my sister and I came home from enjoying a nice moccahino and David asked what price I got for my car insurance.  It turned out to be slightly higher than what he found and he flipped.

My stomach clenched and then I said calmly, “We’re going to work out down stairs.”

He then said, “It’s 4:30 and you haven’t even cooked dinner.  What am I going to eat?”

I got so mad and thought, “I don’t know, what ARE you going to eat???” But I said, “I’ll make you something after I exercise because Jana has to get home soon.

He slammed the door and walked out. 

After Jana went home David and I talked and argued and then decided that he definitely had to see a counselor for his stress and anger issues.

I love his soul but he has so much baggage to work out.

We need to re-start our relationship – to remember who we were when we fell in love with each other.  Should we live apart and date again to try and start over?

I’ll see how things go with the counselor but I am serious about having to end things. 

Having it be so close to being a reality is so heart wrenching, unbelievable, sad… and scary!

Oh my God, I feel something inside but I don’t want to admit it….

The Vice Principal at my school is in my head and I can’t stop thinking about him!

*Some names have been changed to protect their privacy*

Click HERE for  Part 2 of “The Making of A Spiritual Woman”. 

forgive heal abuse

How I Forgave the Unforgivable – Healing After Abuse

forgive heal abuse

I am going to finally share something very raw and personal in the hope that it helps you cultivate The Elegant Life for yourself… but I didn’t feel quite ready to film it, so there won’t be a video for this post.

I feel extrememly vulnerable sharing this, however I know that now is the time.

This opportunity is the last step in me finally forgiving two people for something that changed the trajectory of my life some 29 years ago.

Before I get into it, let’s talk quickly about forgiveness…

Forgiveness is an essential process if we truly desire to become the fullest evolution of our soul; to truly allow ourselves to BE who we really are.

You would not still be following the information I share every week, if you did not desire to live a more full, connected, joyful, peaceful, prosperous life of elegance.

It is definitely MY intention, as a Woman Who Lives Elegantly, to become the fullest evolution of my soul.  And so… in order to do this, I must go there…

To the places that have caused me deep pain, so I can release…forgive…so that I let go of that which is blocking the gorgeous loving light that I am.

You see, that person or experience we need to forgive is taking up A LOT of space in our energetic field and is blocking our spacious light inside.

We can never BE, DO or EXPERIENCE life as we wish with this “stuff” clouding our joy, peace and love.

We’ll never be able to fully express the beauty of who we are.  Whether that be to a partner, a co-worker, a friend, a child, a client, it’s just not possible to do it and enjoy it fully.

Because my intention of who I want to be is so clear and so strong, I allowed myself to “go there” this summer.  Actually I was kind of forced by the Universe.  Here’s how…

[Deep Breath]

29 years ago, I was 15 years old.

Like every summer my family travelled to Saskatchewan to visit my grandparents.  We had done this every year since I was a baby, so it was something I looked forward to.

My grandparents, on my mother’s side, were those kind of grandparents that everyone dreams of.  Riding the tractor with Grandpa, baking with Grandma, eating yummy foods that brought me closer to my heritage, picking blueberries, tending to the garden, playing outside for hours, playing cards together and laughing long into the night…

You get the picture.  Well, this summer was different in many respects.

I arrived a proper teenager. I had grown into someone who I really liked and loved.

I felt it deep within my heart and I just constantly smiled.

I also felt like I had truly found my style.

I felt beautiful AND I loved my body.

In fact, I suntanned on the sidewalk in my bathing suit…and felt so in tune with ERIN.

Wow, Grandpa noticed too!

He kept staring at me from across the table and complimenting my beautiful skin, etc.  “Wow, Thanks!”

I must be radiating this awesome feeling I have inside!

One evening, I went downstairs after hearing my Grandpa and young cousin playing. I decided to join in the action.  So we played “Chase my cousin” by crawling.

Grandpa made sure he was always behind me.  Then he suggested my cousin go jump on the bed in the bedroom.

I followed of course and ended up sitting on the end of the bed with my Grandpa.

While my cousin jumped up and down, my Grandpa came very close beside me and shared how much he missed me, how great it was to have me there etc. and I just couldn’t believe how open he was being.  I felt so loved…yet inside my gut felt something was awkward about this..this wasn’t quite normal for a Grandfather to speak this way, was it?

From here, I have no memory about how the next thing happened, but somehow I was led into the cellar by my Grandpa and was sexually abused by him.

After, he told me not to tell anyone and I quickly said, “No” and went upstairs.

I immediately went to the bathroom, stared at myself in the mirror and said something I will never forget…

“YOU will NEVER dress like this again. NEVER! You will NEVER allow yourself to feel beautiful like that again!”  As I spoke these words I shook my finger at myself and broke down sobbing.

There is so much more to how this whole thing played out later…but needless to say,

The one person I thought I could trust betrayed me in the deepest way possible and I was forever changed.

In future blog posts I’m sure the ramifications of this experience will emerge, showing how this experience had a negative ripple effect into every area of my life, but for now, let’s talk about forgiveness.

I have done so much “work” to rid myself of the impact my grandfather’s actions had on my life.

forgive heal abuse

I tried all sorts of therapies and clearing techniques and the two that had the biggest impact on me were Inspirational Breathwork and The Elegant Clearing Process™.

You will have the opportunity to learn this clearing process if you choose to go through The Art of Living Elegantly Course. (It’s a pre-requisite)

My soul’s evolution has sped up dramatically over the past year, so the next BIG clearing was required for further evolution of my soul.

I require to BE Light, Love, Peace & Beauty for this next phase in my life and this story of mine… this horrible experience…needed to be released and let go for that to fully be possible.

So, what did the Universe do to help me?

It sent my mother to help me during the gap of us moving to Dubai.

To protect the privacy of my mother I won’t go into details here, but I had a lot to clear on.

Seeing her day after day, looking like the female version of my Grandfather, loving ice cream the same way he did, and talking about him in regular conversation, sent me into a tailspin.

I was angry with her and I relived the whole ordeal and the after ordeal all over again.

I went DEEP into anger, resentment and depression.

When it felt like the world was caving in on me, I knew I needed out – the pain of reliving the whole experience and the aftermath was too great.

So, I did what I often do.  I asked myself two questions:

1) “Who do I desire to BE in my life?”  
2) “Who am I?”

The answer to both questions?  DIVINE, LOVING ENERGY.

I knew right then and there what I needed to do…forgive.  Not condone. NO WAY!

But forgive, yes.  You see, my grandfather played his role in the evolution of my soul.

Without that experience I would not have had to search so deeply for what real love is.

Without that experience I never would have had the empathy and compassion I have in my heart for people.

Without that experience I would never have fully understood that you can NEVER judge someone because you have no idea what has gone on in their life to make them be that way.

Without that experience I would have never desired to profoundly make sense of who I am and what I am meant to do on this earth.

So, there WERE gifts from the experience.

He played his role.

He did what he did for reasons I will not ever fully understand, but I needed to forgive the “human” part of him and realize that behind his despicable human actions there was the same light in him that I have in me… and that you have in you too by the way;)

The realignment to my intention, my understanding of Divine energy, honest communication with my mother and the Elegant Clearing Process™ finalized this phase of my required evolution.

I don’t know if it will be brought up again at some point, with a new angle that I’m not aware exists within me, but for now I feel a spaciousness inside that I haven’t felt since 29 years ago, before it all happened.

I feel beautiful once again.

I love my body again.

I have a wonderful husband who I fully trust and with whom I am finally allowing myself to be more vulnerable with.

Was this hard?  YES! Unbelievably hard!  As I said to a friend, “I’m ok with myself. I don’t want to evolve anymore. I’m good.”

However, now that I’m on the other side, I can say without a doubt that it was worth it.

How to Forgive

So, I invite you right now to think of someone you need to forgive.

Someone who holds a lot of energy within you right now.

And commit to forgiving them.  Not condoning…. no way!

But forgiving and seeing past their humaness and the reasons they did what they did.

And instead, see them for who they are beneath those reasons.

What is your intention for yourself and your life?

Who do you want to BE in your life?

You require to forgive this person in order to BE what you desire. Trust me on this.

As I’m not able to share the Elegant Clearing Process™ with you here, I suggest, as a starting point, to write the person’s soul a letter from your soul.

Get as angry as you need to.  Say it ALL!

At the end, see them in front of you.  Look through their physical body and SEE that spaciousness inside. And when you see their light, write, “I forgive you” 3 times.

Then, burn the letter and say “I love you” 3 times. 

Much, much LOVE & LIGHT to you, Beautiful.

The process of forgiving someone and releasing them is not easy, trust me, I get it.  However, I invite you to gift yourself the opportunity to clear away what blocks your light and dims your spirit.

The spaciousness you will feel inside will be exquisite.

And with this space opened up, you will automatically and very elegantly allow for more loving and high vibrational things, people and experiences to come into your life.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for bearing witness to my story and thank you for choosing to be a part of The Elegant Life.

Erin Kurt