
How to Connect With the Divine Through: Abundance

Abundance is often spoken about in Spiritual circles however in today’s post I want to talk about it in a completely unique way; how to get into harmony with abundance so that you elegantly tune into God/Divine Consciousness.

Once we are vibrating harmoniously with Divine Consciousness we are able to elegantly manifest anything we desire.

Are you ready to learn about this from an Elegant Life perspective?

Today I felt a bit under the weather, so to honour myself I have recorded a video for you, but not written a matching post. Thank you for understanding. The video is only 11 minutes but it’s a good one. Someone told me they had shivers up their spine while watching it so that’s always a good sign;)

Please let me know in the comments if you’ve ever felt the vibration of abundance.  It doesn’t just have to relate to an abundance of money, it could be of love, nature, anything!

Enjoy the rest of your week and I’ll see you back here next week for another attribute of Divine Consciousness that you can tune into!

P.S. If you missed last week’s video I HIGHLY recommend you read or watch it as it speaks to the POWER of being in harmony with Divine Consciousness. Click here to take you there.

With Love,